Mungojerrie had tried everything he could think of to escape. He'd tried picking the lock, but he didn't have the right tools. He'd tried breaking the window, but it was barred on the outside. He'd tried breaking down the door, but it only resulted in bruises. He'd broken the window glass with his bare fist and tried to wiggle the bars loose, but none of them gave way. Finally, bleeding, exhausted, and cold from the chill coming in through the broken window, Jerrie curled up in the corner and pondered his situation.

He'd been in the cell now for an hour total, and things had begun to look bleak, he heard footsteps approach and stop in front of his cell. The door opened just enough to allow someone to slip a piece of bread and a glass of water inside. As quick and silent as a shadow, Jerrie had his paw between the door and the doorjamb. Whoever had brought the food didn't notice and shut the door hard. Jerrie struggled to maintain his silence as his paw throbbed. But the little injury didn't matter. He was free!

He waited a few minutes for the hallway to be cleared. Then he opened the door, checked to make sure he was alone, and stole down the hallway. Just as he rounded the corner, he a familiar voice coming from the hallway he'd just left. It was Zeus, and it sounded as though he was right around the corner!

Jerrie stopped a few feet from the corner and listened. The next voice he heard gave him an even bigger surprise.

"Where's Jerrie? Wot've you done with 'im?"


Jerrie restrained himself from running to her side, knowing he'd have to wait for a good opportunity if he was to get her away from Zeus. He'd have to be clever, because fighting with Zeus would get him nowhere while they were inside Macavity's Lair. Anyone who came to join the fight would be against him!

"Don't fret," Zeus told Teazer. "You'll get to see your brother…or at least what's left of him. Macavity said he'd be in here."

Teazer made no reply, and then Jerrie heard a lock click. Zeus was opening the door to his cell! What would happen when he saw that Jerrie wasn't there?

"What's this?" Zeus growled. "No Mungojerrie?"

"Jerrie, come out, please!" Teazer pleaded. "Oi 'ave ta see you! Oi need ta know you's okay."

A small struggle ensued, and then Jerrie heard Zeus muttering to himself as he searched the cell. He decided it was his chance to show himself to Teazer. He peeked around the corner ever so cautiously and saw her tied up just outside the doorway to his cell. He tried to attract her attention by small gestures. It didn't seem to be working.

"Psst! Teazah!" he hissed. She immediately perked up, looked about, and spotted him. Jerrie disappeared back around the corner for a moment in case Zeus had heard him. Apparently he hadn't, so Jerrie looked around the corner again. Teazer looked in his direction, but she did not dare betray the fact that she saw anything unusual.

Jerrie had no idea of what to do next, so they simply sat there and looked at each other for a few moments. Finally, through mouthing words, Teazer was able to beckon him over. Jerrie quickly began to untie her. He'd just finished with her feet and had started on her paws when Zeus spotted them.

"You!" Zeus thundered, brandishing a large stick he he'd brought with him. Jerrie yanked Teazer to her feet and the pair took off running towards the stairs, with Teazer's paws still tied behind her back and Jerrie attempting to untie them as they were running.

"Leave it!" Teazer said breathlessly. "We'll move fasta."

Jerrie picked up his pace and ran a little in front of Teazer so that he could get to any doors first and open them for her.

They reached the stairway to the next highest floor with Zeus right behind them, but behind them nonetheless. They somehow managed to gain distance on the stairs. Once they reached the top, Jerrie shoved Teazer inside the nearest room and closed and locked the door.

"Tha'll give us some toime," Jerrie whispered. He looked around for a good hiding place and spotted a decent-sized closet. He and Teazer shut themselves inside it and Jerrie began to work at Teazer's ropes again.

In no time at all, Teazer was free, but they hadn't heard a sound from Zeus. For all they knew, he could be right outside the closet door, so they stayed put and listened intently. Before long, they heard Zeus walking about the room at a slow pace. Then he stopped in front of the closet and looked at it for some moments.

Jerrie's mind raced. Zeus undoubtedly knew they were there. He and Teazer had the disadvantage. How could he turn the tables?

Quick as a flash, he'd figured it out. He looked over at Teazer to let her know he was about to do something, and, as always, she seemed to know what her brother was thinking. Jerrie heard Zeus' paw on the door handle.

All at once, Jerrie had flung the door open, knocking Zeus to the floor, and he and Teazer bolted out of the room. Zeus, furious, jumped up and followed.

"The roof! We 'ave to get to the roof!" Jerrie told Teazer.

"But, Jerrie, 'e'll 'ave the advantage again!" Teazer warned. " 'E could knock us down the stairs!"

"We'll 'ave ta chance it," said Jerrie. "We 'ave ta put as much distance as we kin b'tween us an' 'im."

They reached the next flight of stairs and began their ascent. This time, Zeus gained the ground he'd lost and was almost upon them. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed Teazer by the tail, jerking her backwards down the stairs. Teazer cried out and Jerrie stopped short.

"Let 'er go!" he demanded, charging at Zeus.

Zeus didn't move. When Jerrie got near enough, he hit him so hard that it sent Jerrie twirling in a circle. But Jerrie used the momentum to swing his paw around and swipe Zeus right back.

"You bast -…" Zeus growled. Jerrie quickly snuck in a second punch, leaving Zeus with a bloody nose, but twice as angry. Zeus swiped at Jerrie with his club, but Jerrie ducked and kicked Zeus' legs out from under him. Zeus gave a loud yell and kicked Jerrie in the stomach. Jerrie stumbled and fell. Zeus quickly jumped up and, seizing Jerrie, threw him down the stairs. Rumpleteazer screamed in fright as she watched her brother take an awful fall.

At the bottom of the stairs, Jerrie forced himself to get up. He started back up the steps, but Zeus had reached the bottom by then. He gave Jerrie a hard shove and had him back on the floor again.

"Leave 'im alone!" Teazer screamed at Zeus, flying down the stairs and launching herself at him. Zeus shoved her away and gave Jerrie another hard kick. Jerrie caught his breath as he curled up, gripping his middle tightly. Tears ran down Teazer's cheeks.

"Feeling sick?" Zeus taunted, smiling wickedly at the tom on the floor. Jerrie didn't even look at Zeus.

Zeus stood over Jerrie for a moment, savoring the young tom's suffering, and then gave him another kick, this time in the face. Jerrie let out a pitiful cry.

"Well, it would appear that you've lost your fight for your sister. But don't worry; she and I will have lots of fun with you out of the way," Zeus told him with a wicked smile. Jerrie struggled to his feet to avoid being kicked again.

"You were a fool to challenge me," Zeus continued, landing a hard blow to Jerrie's head with the club and knocking Jerrie unconscious. "Now, I can give Macavity the pleasure of knowing you are dead."

Zeus dug his sharp claws into Jerrie's body as he spoke, and Teazer couldn't tell whether Jerrie was even breathing. She could almost feel Zeus' claws going ever deeper, tearing into his fur and skin.

"Stop! In the name o' the Everlastin' Cat, stop!" Teazer cried, grabbing Zeus around the legs. "Oi'll do anythin' you ask! Please! Please don' 'urt 'im!"

"It's a bit late for that," Zeus laughed as he withdrew and looked at her without a trace of mercy in his expression. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up to a standing position.

"What would poor Jerrie think if he woke up and was greeted by his sister getting it on with one of Macavity's agents?" he asked.

"Neva!" Teazer cried in disgust. " 'Ow kin you even think such dirty things?"

"Quite easily," said Zeus, lifting her paw to his lips and kissing it.

"Leave me alone," Teazer said warningly.

"Do you see your brother on the floor?" Zeus asked. "Do you see anyone else around to help you? You are in my control now, and I will have my way with you, or so help me…"

He cut himself short by grabbing Teazer and forcing a kiss onto her lips. Teazer clawed him across the face.

"Is that the way you want it, you little slut?" Zeus asked, his eyes flashing with anger. "Well, it's just fine with me!"

He raised his club over Jerrie's head for a killing strike.

Suddenly, Teazer stood protectively over her twin brother.

"Don' you touch 'im!" she shrieked wildly. "You'll 'ave ta kill me b'fore Oi let you touch 'im!"

Zeus brought his club down, but, much to his obvious shock, Teazer grabbed it and wrenched it away from him. Her anger and will to keep him away from Jerrie gave her strength, and she hit Zeus as hard as she possibly could with the club.

"What the…" Zeus stumbled back towards the door, thunderstruck. Teazer jumped forward and swung the club again. And again. And again.

"Get out of 'ere or Oi'll kill you!" she screamed at him.

"You're mad!" Zeus shouted at her angrily. Teazer brought the club down again, but she's lost the element of surprise. He grabbed the club.

"Give in to me, or watch your brother die!" he whispered menacingly. "No one can help you now, Rumpleteazer!"

"The Everlastin' Cat'll 'elp me!" Teazer shot back.

"Everlasting Cat," Zeus scoffed. "Always the last resort of desperate cats."

"Would you like to bet on that?" asked a voice, so familiar to Teazer that she could've shouted for joy.


And with him was the entire Jellicle Tribe, looking quite angry and poised to strike. Zeus was dumbfounded.

"You agents always have to do things the hard way," said Alonzo.

While the Jellicles were busy with Zeus, Teazer rushed to her twin brother's side.

"Jerrie?" she whispered. "Jerrie, are you all roight?"

With tears in her eyes, she put an ear to his chest. She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard his heart still beating. But she had to get him out of the Lair. More agents would arrive soon.

"What on earth happened?" Munkustrap asked incredulously. He and the other Jellicles had left Zeus unconscious in the hallway at Macavity's Lair, carrying Jerrie out by way of the roof, and they were on their way back to the Junkyard.

"Zeus kidnapped me, an' Jerrie was troyin' ta rescue me," said Teazer, too distracted to give a very thorough explanation. "Zeus chased us with this big club, an' 'e 'n Jerrie fought…aouw, it wos dreadful!"

When they reached the yard, Jerrie was immediately brought to Skimbleshanks and Jennyanydots' lair so that Jenny could look after him. Teazer insisted that she go with him, despite the fact that Jellylorum had ordered her to bed, and Pouncival accompanied her. Jerrie had no sooner been laid down in bed than he began to toss and turn quite violently.

"Don' you touch me!" he shouted at the top of his voice. Jenny tried to calm him.

"Jerrie, hush," she said soothingly. "It's me, Jenny."

"Don' you touch me!" Jerrie repeated. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked about wildly, as though he were frightened. Teazer was visibly horrified.

"Wot's wrong with 'im?" she asked Jenny fearfully.

"He's hallucinating," said Jenny, looking worried. The four toms that had carried him in began to try and restrain Jerrie, but Jenny stopped them.

"Don't do that. You might hurt him," she advised. "We'll have to do the best we can until he calms down."

Pouncival fetched Teazer a chair and put it close to Jerrie's bed. Teazer thanked him for his kindness and then turned to her brother.

"Jerrie." She said his name calmly and comfortingly. "Jerrie, it's Teazah. Zeus is gone, Jerrie. You's safe. Oi'm safe. The's nothin' ta be froightened of."

"Don' you touch me!" Jerrie said again.

"But, Jerrie, it's me…it's Teazah. You know me." Teazer's eyes filled with tears as Jerrie looked at her in frightened confusion. "Jerrie, please wake up. Oi'm Teazah, yer sistah, an' Oi loves you."

Jerrie's rapid breathing began to slow. He flinched as Jenny pressed a cold cloth to his forehead, but he didn't resist it.

"Teazah?" he said shakily. "Wot…wot 'appened?"

"You's at the yard," Teazer told him, placing a gentle paw on his arm. "Lay back an' relax. You's been badly 'urt."

Jerrie breathed easier, but still raggedly. As Jenny tended to him, Teazer stayed by his side, refusing to eat or sleep until he did.


When Jenny came out of her lair, she was instantly surrounded and bombarded by questions from the other Jellicles. She looked a bit too worn and worried for anyone's comfort.

"We've done what we can for him," she told them all. "All we can do now is watch and pray."

"How likely is it that he'll survive?" Pouncival asked nervously.

"I couldn't say," said his mother. "He was hit very hard. Whoever did it obviously intended to kill him."

"What have you done so far?" Plato asked.

"I gave him a sedation drug, so at least he's asleep now," said Jenny. "I couldn't get him walking or talking normally. We'll see what happens when he wakes up."

"He shouldn't be left alone," said Victoria with concern. "Is Teazer still in there?"

"Yes," said Jenny. "And so is Skimble, in case Teazer should fall asleep. The poor dear is exhausted. I can't believe what she's been through."

"That much strength of mind is rare," Coricopat commented. "She is to be commended."

"I hope she'll be able to rest," said Victoria.

"It's not likely," said Jenny. "She's too worried about Jerrie. I don't think she'll sleep a wink until he wakes up."

"If he wakes up," said Pouncival apprehensively.

The next morning…

When Teazer awoke in Jenny and Skimble's lair, she saw both Jenny and Jelly bending anxiously over Jerrie. She was surprised, since the sun was just barely up. She got up and crossed the room.

"Wot's goin' on?" she asked. "Is everythin' all roight?"

"There's been no change," said Jenny. "I was hoping he'd be awake by now."

Teazer shuddered. "Aouw, Jenny," she whispered. "Wot if…wot if 'e…"

She could not bring herself to finish the thought. She loved Mungojerrie too much. There had never been a time in her life when Jerrie hadn't been there. They'd always been together, for as long as they'd lived. How could that possibly change now?

"Oi can't lose you, Jerrie. Oi can't!" she said, kneeling beside the bed and taking Jerrie's paw in her own.

Jerrie mumbled something incoherently.

"Wot?" Teazer asked anxiously. Jerrie opened his eyes a bit and reached up to touch her face.

"Teazah," he said softly.

"You know me?" Teazer asked, hardly daring to believe it. "A' you awake?"

"Yeh," said Jerrie. Then he said something else, but his voice trailed off and Teazer couldn't understand him.

"Wot?" she asked him again.

"Don't worry," Jerrie told her.

A couple weeks later…

Mungojerrie had improved rapidly, thanks to Jenny and Teazer's constant nursing. The Jellicles, once they discovered that Zeus had really been the jewel thief, were more than ready to accept Jerrie back into the Tribe. When he was well enough, they held a small get-together to celebrate. Usually, a Jellicle get-together consisted mostly of dancing, for there is almost nothing a Jellicle Cat loves to do quite so much as dance. The moon and the lights strung around the yard provided enough light for the celebration to last well into the evening.

"This is wonderful," Alonzo commented to the queen on his arm, the graceful Cassandra, as he surveyed the Junkyard.

"Yes," Cassandra agreed. "Especially for Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer. They seem to be happy simply being together."

The two looked over to where Jerrie and Teazer were sitting contentedly together. Jerrie had one arm affectionately around Teazer's shoulders.

"Oi 'ope ya neva 'ave ta git banished 'gain," Teazer said.

"Me too," Jerrie agreed, touching a paw to his bandaged head and wincing. "It wosn't fun."

Just then, Pouncival came up and claimed Teazer for a dance. Teazer cheerfully accepted, and Jerrie watched absent-mindedly as the music started up. He thought it might be fun to join in, perhaps ask Jemima or Victoria to dance. But his paw hurt too much to allow him, so instead, he simply enjoyed watching how every single cat there danced in perfect rhythm. In the silvery moonlight, they all looked like one dancer rather than many. Then he began to single out the couples, and it got him wondering…

He wondered if there was anyone out there who would love him.