The Uncanny R-Man: Yep but knowing Wanda she'll want to think about how to get her back for waking her up a bit. Yeah the FOH are like roaches that's for sure, and I thought it would have been nice for her to use her SHIELD credentials, better PR then using her powers in public.

Slickboy444: Yep poor Wanda got woken up early, and Wanda has come a long way she still has a bit of trouble but she's learning. Yeah this is mainly a character growth fic I wanted to do before the new main fic.

Jenskott: Oh well I never got into the X-Men until the 90s that's why I never heard of her. So no she won't be related to Lorna. I just made their names up for her three friends. Glad you liked the mall scene.

Multifan: Yeah it was a dream and maybe it was a little hint of things to come. It's X-Force not X-Factor. That bit about Kitty's parents I got from the Ulimate books. I just came up with a jerk character for Tim I didn't base it on anyone. The thing about Clarice and Logan…No that won't happen, and Back to School will be after this.

Xmenfan: I'm glad you like how the they were interacting I was really trying to get that right. I'll deal with Alex and Lorna over time. Well there are just so many characters so I can only do so many but you'll see how she feels about them in other fics.

Doza: After this comes the new main fic, Back to School.

Kaliann: Yeah I know what you mean but I think it's time she had a more 'normal' afternoon. Glad you liked how Lorna took care of that.

Sean Malloy-1: I have no plans for her to go to Xavier's and there's really no reason for her at this point. As for working together maybe along the line sometime. Rogue's Life is pushed back until I feel like writing it.

Howlerdrode: Yeah I wanted to try a different way of dealing with that type of situation. True but I consider that a possible future not the future that will happen.

Episodic: Links and e-mail addresses don't show up in the reviews but I have no plans to use that character. Yep after this the new 'Back to School' fic begins.

Thanks to: X00001, trecebo, DemonRogue, GothikStrawberry, Silver Warrior

Wanda and Lorna


Wanda listened as Denise told her of her first meeting with Magneto or back then he had just been known as Eric Magnus Lensherr.

- 16 years ago -

Denise's heart was racing in her chest she couldn't believe that had just happened. She had nearly been killed and yet a part of her wasn't sure how to feel about that, since her husband had passed on her life had been so empty and meaningless it took her a minute to get over the shock to see that the man that had pulled her from the potentially lethal accident was trying to talk to her.

"Miss I said are you alright?" She looked at him, he was in a trench coat, was a tall man with handsome features and pure white short hair. He had these intense eyes and saw that he was slightly worried look.

"Y-yes thank you, I don't know what I was thinking…" The man looked at the young woman and led her to a but stop bench to sit her down.

"I think you need to take a moment miss."

She nodded her head as she sat there for the shock to wear off. She had just nearly been killed and Denise just couldn't get over that fact. It took her a moment to collect herself and looked at the man that had saved her, "I'm sorry about this, I just…"

He gently cupped her chin, "Are you alright?"

"Yes…No…I…I'm just having a hard time…" She didn't look into his eyes but he read her expression. He could see it clearing on her face because he had been seeing that look in his own face for over a year now. The same dead eyes filled with pain.

"Who did you lose?"

She looked up in surprise at him and in his eyes she saw the same look in her own the same pain of loss and something else in them, understanding. She could just see it in them all of that. It took a moment for her to speak, "My…my husband."

He gave a pained look, "How long?"

"Six months…"

He nodded his head, "I lost my wife a year ago…I know it's hard…Did you have any children?"

Denise shook her head that was one of the great regrets she had, she never got the chance to have a family with him. They had talked about it but he had been taken from her before they started, "You?"

He nodded again slowly, "Twins, a girl and a boy…They're with friends now while I came here for business but…It's hard…They look a lot like her especially the girl. It's so hard that they'll never know their mother. She died in child birth you see…"

Denise felt so sorry for this man, it must be very difficult. "I'm sorry to hear that Mr…Oh god I don't even know your name."

He smiled at her, "My name is Eric Magnus Lensherr, miss…"

"Denise…Denise Dane." They shook hands then. "I know this is strange but…Do you want to get a drink of coffee and talk? It's just that…No one understands what I'm going through, all my friends and family have been supportive but I'm just sick of all the…"

"The sympathy, yes I believe I do understand and to tell the truth I have never talked about this for so long…It's…lifting to do so with someone who can just understand this kind of pain," Erik told her honestly. He had been alone for so long after his wife Magda had passed on. It was strange how he had never thought of voicing his emotions about this to anyone but this woman changed that in him. He felt a kinship with her the he had with no one else.

They both had gone to a nice outdoor restaurant and had their coffee and just talked. They talked about their pain, how they dealt with it day by day, she asked about his wife and children and although he didn't say much she knew that he loved them and especially his wife dearly. She talked of her late husband and the two found a rapport with each other. He had some business to conclude but asked if it would be alright to see her again.

Talking about it helped especially with someone who knew about it and soon Denise found herself meeting him as he came to town one a week. They talked with each other and for a few months they saw much of each others always meeting in the same spot each week. Denise wasn't sure at first but she had been glad for this because it truly helped her deal with her grief.

She had started to even look forward to their weekly meetings. Although he seemed to be a man of mystery she had learned more about the man himself then his past.

-Present –

"After that we started to get more serious and one night when I invited him to my home we…well I don't have to tell you. It wasn't love but I think it was just that we both felt so hurt we wanted to feel something other then pain in our lives. Something to take solace in, it happened a few times."

Denise sighed looking back on it all she just didn't know how he had changed, "Then he said he was going back to his children and that if I would like to he would bring them to see me. I think he was very honest about that and wanted to…But…He never came back and I think it was then that something happened to change him."

She honestly wished she knew because she had thought she had known the man. Either she had been completely wrong about him or something so powerful changed him in ways that she couldn't understand. The man she had known would never had done the things he had done now, it was like he had become another person. And perhaps in the end he had, the man known as Erik was gone and replaced by Magneto.

"Then a few weeks later I found out I was pregnant with Lorna," Miss Dane had finished her tale. Wanda had never known that side of her father and she wondered just how he had changed so much into the man he was today. A man who was twisted on the inside by all his anger and hatred towards the world.

She didn't know what to learn from when she came here from Lorna's mother but it seemed she still had answers left unanswered.

"I can't help but wonder why he chose to be the man he is today, it seems such a waste that a man like him could change so much," Denise sighed to herself.

Wanda just nodded her head, "I wish I knew…I really did. I just seems that as far back as I can remember he was always slightly cold man, I never knew that side of him I'm not sure he has that in him anymore. I just wanted to understand why. Why he did all the things he did…And why he threw me away…"

Denise gently placed an arm around the young woman and held her close. Wanda was a bit tensed but soon relaxed in her hug. "Wanda I don't know why, I honestly can't understand how the man I knew could have done that but whatever the reason he was wrong do to so."

Wanda gave a slight smile at the older woman trying to give her some comfort, "Thanks…You know I'm glad that Lorna at least has had a good life."

Denise smiled at her, "Well it hasn't always been easy but I love my daughter." Denise couldn't help but also feel sorry for Wanda, her life had been so hard and she had been alone for so long of her life it was just criminal how she was treated. She wished that her daughter's sister could have had a much better life, after all of this she couldn't help but like the girl.

"Wanda I just want you to know that no matter what…You have family here if you ever need it."

The goth teen looked at the older woman, "You mean with Lorna?"

"Yes her too but you are my little girl's sister so just consider yourself part of this family as well. I don't mind at all and truth is I like you and I hope to get to know more of you. So just know that you'll always have those you can talk to or go to."

Wanda felt a few tears welling up in her eyes, even when she had got out of the asylum and been with Pietro she still didn't have that sense of family like how it used to be. But now Denise was saying that if she wanted to she could count them as family. Sure Lorna was her little sister but to be part of something else just made her feel emotions she hadn't felt in years.

"I…I don't know what to say…" Was all she could get out.

Denise smiled and kissed her head, "You don't have to say a thing, I haven't seen Lorna this happy in a long time and you deserve it," She got up to leave her for the night, "Good night Wanda."

"Goodnight," Wanda said back. That night when she went to bed Wanda had mixed emotions sure Denise was a very great woman full of compassion and love it seemed. She laid awake wondering if her own mother had been like her. When she finally went to sleep she felt that maybe it wasn't so bad after all to have more family in her life.

In the morning they had breakfast together and Wanda spent the morning with Lorna, they talked, joked even and for a time Wanda felt like part of a family again. But all good things come to an end and she had to leave for her flight back to Bayville. Lorna helped her to pack, she had gone for a couple of hours before then and then stood with Wanda and fished something out from her back pocket.

"Hey Wanda…remember how at the mall Kim had a camera and taking pictures?" Wanda nodded she wasn't one for pictures but she had been nice about it, "Well I went over to her place and well I got you something to remember your trip by."

She handed Wanda a photo of all of them at the mall, Wanda next to Lorna with the other girls and she had to smile a bit. They had asked someone to take the picture. "Thanks…I mean it, this has…Well it's been great."

Lorna smiled and then hugged her. Wanda hesitated only a moment before hugging her little sister back, "So how about this, if you can…Do you want to spend the holidays with us? That is…If you want to…"

"I…" Wanda was caught off guard but her face softened a bit, "Yeah I'd like that."

"Really?" Lorna asked all excited, "Cool! It's going to be great trust me!"

They finished packing up as Denise and Lorna went with her to the airport, Wanda actually hugged them both goodbye, when this trip had started she hadn't been sure if it was a good idea. Now she knew it was this had been really great for her personally. She got to connect a bit with her little sister and her family, even her friends. Wanda was actually a bit sad to leave it but never showed any tears that wasn't her but it did pull at her heart a bit to say goodbye.

The flight had gone by quickly, she had just stayed awake thinking about her trip and all the memories. She even allowed herself to smile remembering some of them.

When Wanda landed back in New York she picked up her luggage and saw that Storm was there waiting for her. Wanda had to admit she was partially glad to be back, sure it was nice there but this was where she felt she belonged. Ororo smiled warmly at Wanda as she came up to her, "Welcome back, how was your trip to Lorna's?"

Wanda gave a rare smiled, "It was…Very nice actually."

Ororo was pleased to hear that from her. Wanda was one of the more troubled kids and it was so nice to see that she was starting to enjoy things. "Well I'm happy for you then."

"Thanks and I plan to stay in touch as much as I can, they're good people and they really made me feel at home there."

Ororo smiled at her words, "I'm glad that you feel that way about Lorna and her family."

"Yeah…It's good to have family," Wanda nodded while Ororo missed her full meaning of her words but she didn't care. It was just nice to have other people in the world that cared for her, it just felt nice to have that for once. True she had people at the mansion but this was just different. Everyone there was there for each other this was more personal to her and she just liked the idea of that.