SEQUEL TIME! YAY! I'm happy.

Chapter 1: Late!


Nakamura mumbled in her sleep. She rolled on her side and beat the damn clock to a pulp.

bam. Bam. BAM. BAM!

Nakamura rolled onto her right side, to lay on Kurama's chest, but she couldn't. She just couldn't...because she didn't feel him there. He wasn't there. Nakamura shot up from her bed, taking her black covers off. She looked at the now half broken clock. It read. 9:14.

'SHIT SHIT SHIT! I'M GOING TO BE LATE! FOR MY OWN WEDDING!' Nakamura thought as she hopped out of bed and ran to her closet.

She pulled off her sleeping gown and took a black shirt and a pair of blue jeans and quickly changed. She slid on some converse and grabbed her purse.

Destination: Beauty Parlor

Nakamura rushed in. A young lady with purple hair and pink eyes saw her and waved her over to an empty chair.

"Hello. You must be Nakamura." She said and she sat Nakamura down and put a cover/apron on her.

"Yea, how did you know?" Nakamura asked relaxing.

"Your eyes." She replied, and began wetting her hair.

Nakamura smiled. She had never again covered her eyes. She just let them be. She loved them...everyone did. She wasn't scared of people noticing them or looking at her anymore. She was open more. She was happy. Very happy.

"Do you know if a miss yugasi came here yet?" Nakamura asked.

Yugasi was to be Nakamura's bridesmaid, and Hiei was to be Kurama's best man. Yugasi and Hiei moved in together, because Yugasi forced him to. Nakamura found out Yugasi was half ice maiden. Just like Yukina. Yugasi's mother left the Koorime Island. Yukina had found out about Hiei and wasn;t sad at all. On the contrary...she was happy.

"Oh yes. She came in about an hour ago with 4 other young ladies." She replied, and she began cutting Nakamura's hair. "Now hold still."

In about 20 minutes Nakamura had long layered hair, in a v-shape, and long bangs, that wisped to the side of her face. She smiled at her look.

"It looks great on you." the purple haired young lady said. "Now for the updo."

She began to curl Nakamura's hair and then she but it up in a bun, but witht he curls sticking out in an elegant way. She wisped nakamura's bangs to the side, and added a bit of pearl glitter to her hair. She put some eyeshadow and clear lipgloss on her. She added mascara and finished it off.

"All done." She said, as she took the cover/apron off of Nakamura.

Nakamura smiled and payed. She looked at the clock. 10:12.

' DAMN IT"S SOO LATE!" I still have to get my dress on. Get my toes and nails done. Get my heels...and um...other things...'

Nakamura ran out and drove off.

Destination: SPA!

Nakamura walked in to the humdiy place. Right away a lady that looked an awful lot like Botan came up to her. She had blue hair, but hazel eyes. She was perky just like Botan.

"HI HI! You are Miss Nakamura, right?" She asked.

Nakamura nodded, she didn't even bother to ask how she knew...she already knew the answer to that question. The lay grabbed Nakamura by her hand and led her to a comfy looking lounge chair, with a machine filled with water in the end. She stripped Nakamura's shoes off and sat her down.

30 Minutes later

Nakamura ran out of the spa with massaged feat and hands. She had black nails and toes with doves and roses on them. BUT SHE WAS LATE!

Nakamura ran up to her car, and dug in her pocket for the keys.

'OMK! WHERE ARE THEY!' She asked herself.

She looked inside the locked car and noticed her keys on the seat.

"SHIT!" Nakamura yelled out.

How the hell was she suppose to get to the church. She slammed her head against the car. She whined, and sighed.

'OKay. No time to panic. Got to get there no matter what.' Nakamura said, as she began to walk across the busy tokyo streets.

She spotted a taxi. She ran up to it waving her hand frantically. It didn't even stop. Nakamura pouted.

"BITCH!" She yelled out.

'Damn. There is no other way. I'm going to be late.' Witht that Nakamura began to run.

38 minutes later

Yugasi paced around the room. Nakamura wasn't here yet, and the wedding starts in about 30 minutes.

Nakamura rushed into the reserved church room, for her to change and stuff.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Yugasi screamed in terror at the sight of Nakamura.

Her hair was no longer lovely and elegant. The bun was crooked and her curls were beginning to lose it;s ...bounce. Her face was red, and her makeup was ruin. She was soaken to the bone and shivering. One of her shoes had...what looked like mud..but didn't smelled like it. Her pants and shirt were ripped in several places. Nakamura burst out crying.

"THIS IS NOT MY DAY!" Nakamura yelled in rage. "First, I wake up late, then i lock my keys in my car, then I run, and a truck passes threw a puddle of water and splashes me. Then I began to run, and step in DOG SHIT! Then I fall into some bushes, and a squirrel jumps on me. Then I run here...running into and over some ...objects..."

Yugasi smiles."It's okay. Nothing we can't fix."

With that Yugasi walks up to Nakamura and takes her purse and sweater. Nakamura takes off her shoes and throws them to the side. Yugasi hands her the white corset dress. Nakamura takes it and walks into the room to change.

A couple of minutes later Nakamura shows up wearing a white dress, with a corset top criss cross strapped in the back. She had little diamonds all over the dress, and it just looked...perfect.

"Now about your hair." Yugasi replied.

She squinted her eyes, and a couple minutes later snaps her fingers. She takes out the pins and everything out of Nakamura's hair. In the end Nakamura ends up with her hair down and the not so curly curls became wavy, and she had glitter in her hair, and her wispy bangs were to the side. Perfect.

"Nice. But look at my face." Nakamura says, as she looked in the mirror.

Yugasi grabs a napkin from her purse, and a water bottle. She moistens the napkin and cleans Nakamura's face with it. She adds a little bit of glitter to her eyes, redoes her eyelashes, and lipglosses her lips. Yugasi smiles.

"YAY! NOW YOUR READY!" with that both of them began to jump around. Nakamura's dress swishing form side to side, and Yugasi's sky blue bridesmaids dress jumping up and down.

"WAIT! My heels." Nakamura says as she looks to the floor, glaring at her clear heels.

Yugasi sighs. "Come on. Just get it over with. It's as easy as one two three."

Nakamura looks up at Yugasi. "Easy for you to say."

Yugasi grabs the heels and begins attacking a screaming Nakamura with them.

18 minutes later

Nakamura sat in a chair pouting and Yugasi in another one, beat from the war they just had.

Nakamura looked down at her heeled feet and frowned. "I can't walk in these."

"Who cares, they'll be looking at you, not your feet." Yugasi said, and witht that rushed out the door. "TIME FOR THE SHOW TO BEGIN!"

Nakamura stood up and checked herself in the mirror. She pouted, something was missing. She went over to her purse and took out to small diamond earrings. She clipped them on, and dug again in her purse. She pulled her hand out, inside revealing the blue diamond. She smiled and slipped it in her dress, in between her breasts.

'Please bring me luck.' She thought as she heard a knock on the door.

Nakamura smiled. "Come in."

With that the door opened to reveal, Katsu. He was wearing a nice navy blue suit, matching with his hair. She had made him promise he wouldn't wear a regular tux. It just didn't suit him. Nakamura laughed and ran up to him, hugging him.

"KATSU! You made it." She yelled out.

Katsu hugged her back and kissed her cheek. "Yea, how could I miss your wedding. Plus, I need to walk you down the aisle."

Nakamura smiled. "So is Changashi here?"

"Yea, mom made it." Katsu said, as he looked at Nakamura. "By the way, you look gorgeous."

"Thanks. So did Yariatsi make it? How is it between you two? I mean it's been months." Nakamura said, as she hooked her arm to his.

"Yes, she made it. She's in the front row, we're expecting a little one soon." Katsu replied, as he leaned to open the door.

"AAAHH! REALLY! I"M SOO HAPPY! YAY!" Nakamura screamed, as she hugged Katsu again.

Katsu chuckled. "Yea, but she's had some crazy mood swings, and she's ALWAYS hungry. I swear a couple days back I woke up to find her chewing on my arm, in he sleep." Katsu replied, as he shivered.

Nakamura laughed. "Yes, but your going to be a daddy."

"Yea." Katsu replied, as he opened the door. "Are you ready?"

Nakamura hooked her arm on his. "Yes."

With that they both began.

Alright my first chapter of the sequel...IS COMPLETE! YAY! So please review...and tell me what ya'll think. THANKS! LOL.