Reviews for Help me from hell
C. S. Stars chapter 11 . 5/30/2011
White Rose Fox chapter 11 . 12/6/2010
I LOVE YOUR STORY! Please update.
PurpleLemonadex3 chapter 11 . 3/24/2010
but why! poor kurama and naka! :(

update soon please!
chinchilla donut chapter 11 . 8/28/2007
c'mon update!
Kuramas Luver chapter 11 . 11/17/2006
i love this story so much and it would be so kool if you get another chapter done soon

Kuramas Luver chapter 1 . 11/15/2006

Thought Spinner chapter 11 . 11/15/2006
Yay, I read the sequel! Aw, c'mon Naka, forgive the kitsune already, how can you hate somebody as kawaii as him? Kurama- *eyetwitch* What did you call me?

Thought Spinner- Kawaii! Well, you are cute! Always with the wide-eyed innocent expression, ne?

Kurama- Baka...

Thought Spinner- I know you are, but what am I? *ties Kurama up and gags him* There, no more interruptions from a ticked-off fox boy during my review!

Hiei- Hn. Baka onna.

Thought Spinner- Hiei, WTH are you doing? You were supposed to go train the army of squirrel minions to take over the world! Uh... I mean... here's some sweet snow bye! *shoves Hiei out the door* *shifty eyes* Moving on... w00t, twins! What're the kids' names gonna be? And when did Yugasi show up where Nakamura is? Or is that a typo...? Gah, I confuse myself sometimes! Not that that's too hard to do, considering how many extremely confuzzling voices are in my head. All right, I shall stop babbling annoyingly now! *hits self* Watashi wa baka! Write more, pretty please with sweet snow on top that I stole from Hiei and he can't get back or kill me because I put up a force field and stole his katana and poked his Jagan eye! Ha!
unknown player chapter 11 . 9/26/2006
argh...cliffhanger! but i still love it!
The Four Tailed Fox chapter 11 . 9/18/2006
YAY~! Updates are fanTasTEic~! ! !~ _
Psyco Anime Luver chapter 11 . 9/18/2006
TheSoulsDemise chapter 11 . 9/18/2006
;-; Poor Kurama! Update please
ShadeSpirit chapter 11 . 9/18/2006
Its wonderful that you updated, small as it is. Lets us know you aren't dead or anything. Its nice that your rewriting your chapters and I will happily read them when you're done.
Rose of Death chapter 10 . 9/17/2006
DUDE WHERE'S THE REST! i was so into the story and it just stops! please update really soon, i can't wait!
fallentears666 chapter 10 . 8/29/2006
ack! wonderful story and sequel, took me awhile to read but it was sure worth the time. update! yay!
KiaraXoXlilgirlzangelluv chapter 10 . 8/23/2006
O M G OMG, it's getting so good and that is when u decide 2 STOP. u have 2 update it soon please i really want 2 know wut happens. i hope that Kuruma gets there in time nd maybe she could have twins nd then when they start 2 have a nice family and all u could probabaly have another sequel where someone like those ppl that killed Nakamura's family come after all the kids (including Hiei's) b/c remember they had left but had not killed them while in u could make it seem that Nakamura was a better nd stroger person when the kids were born nd taht she was not suicidal cause that just freaked me out. (i was so scared 4 her nd her kid(s))anyways remeber u don't have 2 listen 2 me, i'm just givin u some ideas. i could tell u more nd continue on but i gotta rap this up so if u need 2 e-mail me at but if not then keep on writing cause i luv it nd can't wait until u make more ..ok bye _
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