Title: Manipulation of the Mind

Author: Trustno1

Rating: K I think, possibly K+

Pairing: 9thDoctor/Rose

Disclaimer: Unless I receive one hell of a Christmas pressie, Doctor Who, Rose and related... things... don't belong to me. However, I do own the planet Newtonia, and all related persons, plants, animals and ideas. So there.

Spoilers: Minor ones up to about Fathers Day, and an itsy one for the Doctor Who book 'Winner Takes All'.

Summary: With a bit of carefully executed manipulation, even the strongest can fall. (Not the greatest summary in the world, but oh well.)


The wizened man with steel blue eyes that seemed to have escaped the aging process stared through the one-way mirror at a sparse, sterile room. The sole occupant of said room was lying on a metal cot with soft restraints around his wrists and ankles. He was sobbing relentlessly, a pitifully thin and exhausted sound for such a large man, and begging for someone to let him die.

The older man in the observation room wore a crisp, tailored white lab coat, with black stitching just above the left breast pocket informing people he was Dr. Stephen Duquesne, Area Director. He now turned to a man in his mid thirties, in an equally crisp lab coat with his name reading Dr. Carl Montgomery, Sector Manager.

"I want that… monstrosity, terminated immediately." Dr. Duquesne spoke softly, reverting his gaze once again to the writhing man in the sterile room. The younger Doctor, however, preferred to keep his eyes fixed on the older man and focus his thoughts on the instructions given which, despite the soft, almost conversational tone, he took very seriously indeed. He had spoken with the Area Director personally on many occasions, and been present at even more lectures and meetings during his 12 years in Newtonia's Darwin Area as Manager of Darwin-Romeo, but only twice had he heard the Director speak with such a calm purpose that it was bordering on dangerous. Neither time left the parties involved doubting the seriousness of his order.

The Area Director himself was as nervous at this change in character as much as the younger, but incredibly experienced Doctor, was. He prided himself on being an approachable, easy-going Director to Darwin, trusted by his superiors in the Empire to make to correct decisions regarding their research that would benefit mankind. He was respected by all who worked with him, particularly because of his attentiveness to detail in his worker's lives, whether it be remembering a birthday, or spouse's and children's names and inquiring after them. He spoke to all personnel at his sites wit the same consideration, regardless of whether they were conducting life-changing research, or worked as a janitor. He respected all members of the sites, and felt that any job, small or large, had a part in aiding mankind's advancement. It was for this reason that he interviewed all applicants for jobs personally, and prided himself on employing the best scientists the Empire had to offer, and he stood by that fact now, as he stood in the dark room staring through the two-way mirror. This was no malicious attempt on human life, nor an over-confident, power-crazed individual playing God. It was an accident, pure and simple. In some cases, accidents in science led to momentous discoveries, such as the example that every modern day scientist knew: the complete cure for cancer, discovered completely by accident in the 22nd Century.

This was no miraculous mistake. It was horrifying. The only astounding result was that only two scientists had been affected. Sad, yes, thought the Director ruefully, but it could have been much worse.

"The ecosystem immediately surrounding the hybrid was cordoned off, as per Code Yellow instructions as soon as the matter was brought to our attention, Sir. I'll contact the security officers and inform them to raise levels to Code Mauve, with termination effective immediately." After Duquesne gave a curt nod, Montgomery cast a tentative glance through the mirror, before leaving the dark room.

The Director remained motionless, with his thoughts for company, for a long while after he had left.

AN: There we have it, one introduction. Sorry about the lack of Doctor and Rose - I had to get a bit of cryptic background knowledge in first :-pFeel like reading more? I have at least 15 more chapters...