Brt: You know… I been thinking that maybe I should stop writing and just read stories, what do you think? Besides, I do take long to update my stories… not only that, but I have been reading my stories, and come to realize that my writing sucks. My grammar is terrible! But thanks to all who like my stories, and read/review them, I appreciate it, a lot. I truly do. -Sigh- oh well, I'll think about it. I'm sorry if the chapter is short.

Thanks to: Devil Subaru Chan, TechnoRanma, NKingy, Serenity Cathedral a.k.a. s..., Experimental Angel#234, Mimicking Karma, Sakusha Saelbu, genbo, closecall, Ryuneko, LuvR, SlippingSanity, ph0enixD, Angel Born of Darkness, and shikarimon. Thank-you all, hugs them all ;D

Kai glared at the teen on the ground, patients growing thin, while Nick was muttering a bunch of nonsense. Just when he was about to ask Nick once again the question, he felt Tyson tapping him on he shoulder, and he turned. "What?" in turn, the smaller teen pointed a couple of feet away from there, where Kai saw Ian, followed by their other friends, running away leaving a trail of dust behind them.

The two teens sweat-dropped, never in their entire lives, have they seen so many bladers running away in different directions! Tyson turned to stare at Kai, and noticed that something was missing, or rather someone, "Where's Nick?" he asked him. Kai turned only to discover that Nick had disappeared. He shrugged his shoulder, and then something dawn on him, and he turned to glared at Tyson.

"Why do you know his name?" Tyson deadpanned, now was not the time!

"Well, he did told me his name… and if I remember correctly it was right about the time you showed up and knocked the poor guy out!" he explain to Kai, crossing his arms over his chest, totally ignoring Kai's glare. Kai sighed; after all it was his fault for misunderstanding the whole Nick situation earlier.

"…Sorry." The dual-haired teen mutter and Tyson smile at his taller companion.

"No problem. So, now what?" he asked, "Should we go after them?" Kai cover his eyes with his hand and turned his head towards the sun.

"Nah, it's too hot to walk." He said, and Tyson laughed.

"…But you know, I do wonder what they were doing." Tyson ponder, "Nick said that they asked him to ask me out, and then see how you reacted. Wonder why?" he said, totally missing the glared from Kai, at the mere mention of Nick. "You know something… I bet it has something to do with what happen early today!" he exclaimed, and Kai nodded, not doubting that was the case.

"Yes, you're right, but how do we find out what exactly they were talking about today?" Kai asked him, but before Tyson could answer him, the door to the dojo open and Tyson's grandpa showed up.

"Hey, little dudes!" he said scaring both teens, "Did you bought what I wanted?" he asked them.

"Gramps don't scare us like that!" Tyson yelled at him, and Kai cover his ears. Tyson could be so loud sometimes.

He looks cuter with his mouth shut. He thought, as he saw Tyson's grandfather trying to hit his grandson with a wooden sword. Barely missing by an inch or two, and then Tyson moved behind Kai, while Gramps stopped a few inches before hitting Kai. "That was close." The taller teen sighed.

"Gramps don't be mean, Kai is my guest!" Tyson said.

"Sorry K-man, so did you bring what I asked for?" the old man said once again, and Kai handed him the bag (Tyson had giving it to him, before the chase). "Ah, yes vodka good for the soul." The old man said, ignoring Kai's questioning gaze. Tyson tilted his head a little, as he glared at his guardian.

"I thought you said the same with chocolate." Gramps coughed and clear his throat. "Besides, you need to go out more."

"Nah, I like staying at the house!" the older man laughed, and the information sink in both teens' head.

"…Gramps!" They both yelled, scaring the poor gray haired man, "You wouldn't have happen to hear our dear friends talking about something, did you?" Tyson asked him, and Gramps had a look of deer-caught-in-highlights.

"Well, about that (cough) yes, I did hear, but…"

"Please tell us!" Tyson told him, and Kai just nodded.

How do I get out of this one! The old man thought panicked, how can I explain to them what I heard, when mostly everything was about them! Not to mention K-man! He'll skin me alive! What do I do! Needless to say, but Gramps was afraid of Kai Hiwatari too. How sad? Suddenly, an idea struck. I got it!

"Alright, I'll tell you, but on one condition!" he said, an odd sparkle in his eyes. Hesitating, the two teens agreed. "Good." Was the only thing the old man said.

Tyson didn't know if he should feel angry or embarrass, and or both. He watched as his grandpa pulled at the last knot he made and as he brought a small table in front of him and Kai. Meanwhile, Kai's right eye twitched slightly for unknown reasons, "Your Grandfather is weird." He said bluntly.

"I'm so sorry!" Tyson cry, and you may be wondering what was going on right? Well, it turns out that the condition that Tyson's grandpa wanted, was to be able to tie them together, for safety reasons, as he put it. Ironically, it was the same pole that Tyson had tied Daichi to. Was this 'divine punishment' as they call it? "Gramps, untie us right now! Please!"

"Don't worry, after I'm done telling you all about your friends' conversation, and when I'm in a save distance. All I have to do is pulled this rope," he showed them both a rope that was link to a pulley, which he could pull, and the two embarrass boys would be free. Kai closed his eyes and took a calming breath.

"Fine, just tell us already." The gray haired man smiled and sat across from them.

"All right, it all started with this…" He begun, and put on the table a magazine. Kai and Tyson blinked, in confusion.

"A sport magazine?" they asked, but the magazine wasn't all about sports, it also talked about bladers' love lives, and this month's edition was about Kai Hiwatari. Tyson side glance at him, and saw him blush, and he was able to hear a soft respond from his friend.



Tyson's grandfather was up and doing his morning exercise just like any other day, when suddenly Hilary and Kenny arrived. "Hey little dudes what's happening?" he asked them.

"Hey gramps, we just came to see if Tyson was home." Kenny answered between yawns; he was not a morning person.

"I'm sorry, but the little dude is not here." Hilary and Kenny gape at him.

"Gramps are you serious?" Hilary asked amazed, "We all know that Tyson sleeps like the dead, and nothing could wake him up!" Kenny nodded his agreement with her.

"I'm just as amaze as you are, but it's true. The only one still sleeping like a log is Daichi!" he said, shaking his head and the others sighed.

"Well, let's go wake him up!" Hilary declared marching towards the front door, as Kenny tried to stop her.

"…Kids today." Gramps said, just then six more people arrived.

"Hey Gramps!" two greeted him, and he smiled seeing them.

"Hey yourselves, um why are they here?" he asked mentioning to Tala, and the rest of his team, Max and Ray shrugged.

After a very long pause, Tala finally answered, "…We're here to find Tyson and Kai." He said, but before Gramps had a chance to tell them that neither was there, a scream was hear coming from inside.

"…What the hell do you think you're doing old woman!" The seven people outside could've sworn that Daichi's screams could be heard to the next neighborhood.

"Who are you calling old, monkey boy!" Hilary shot back eve louder than Daichi.

"You look more like a monkey than me! Old woman!"

"Why you little…!" There were also heard some crashes, and the six teens entered, while the older Kinomiya just shook his head.

"…This is going to last, I can tell… oh well, I need to go buy my magazines!" he happily declared.

"Oh look, a sports magazine…" Gramps said out loud when spotting the thing, he picked it up and read some of it, "I guess I can buy it." He said to himself as he paid for his fishing magazines and the sports one. As he got home, he could still hear the colorful language of the others in there, but was his imagination, or were they more voices in there? I must be imagining. He thought. "Shoot! I forgot to buy my vodka!" he said, as he run out the door and into the street. After returning, he discovered that the sports magazine was missing from the rest of his magazines.

"Why those little brats, taking something that doesn't belong to them!" he said, and then he noticed that everything was quiet. Too, quiet. "Now, what are they doing?" he said, as he left to find them, but when he was about turn a corner, he stopped. Seeing, Hiro leaning against the door of the dojo, Brooklyn was besides him, with a bored and slightly annoyed look on his face.

He was about to call to them, when he heard someone talking, "I see him as a big brother. Brooklyn?" the person said, and Hiro stood.

"Oh hell no!" the older teen said, and opened the door, Brooklyn tried to stopped him, "Over my dead body." He heard his grandson said, as Brooklyn closed the door. "Why are you talking about Kai's love life?"

"Now this is interesting." Gramps said to himself, leaning in the same way as Hiro had done.

"We are bored… then maybe you?" he heard Daichi said.

"I'm dating Hiro." Brooklyn's slightly annoyed voice was next. To that, the old man blinked, in confusion.

They are! He thought, man, I need to pay more attention to both my grandsons! What have I been doing this whole time! He cried in his mind. After they had mention Tyson's name, the old timer stood quiet and still, hearing all the hints and quotes. He couldn't help it! Besides, the topic was rather interesting…

"You're right! When I first met Kai, Kenny said that he didn't have a place to stay, and Tyson hooked his arm with Kai's and dragged him to the dojo, saying something about distracting Gramps. But may I add that Kai didn't struggle!" he heard Hilary said, rather excited, "I do wonder what happen there." She said. Wait, he knew that! He stood and opened the door.

"I can tell you that, little dudes!" he shouted, and was please to see that all had jumped looking slightly scare, ha! That was fun! The man thought, as he explained the events of that day. He couldn't help but noticed that they all had something to eat, and not only that, but Mariah and Emily were seated on the couch. So, that's where the couch went. "…Oh, look at the time, gotta run, see-you later!" he said and closed the door behind him.

"Your gramps is weird." He heard the tall red-head said.

"Tell me about it, I live with him." Hiro spoke up, and the old man's eyebrow twitched.

Ungrateful brat. He thought, walking away. He decided to start reading his fishing magazines. After a few minutes of drinking vodka –and finishing it- he heard the front door opening and saw Tyson and Kai passing by. "Hey little dudes!" he called, and noticed that Tyson looked angry and Kai guilty. Is the world ending! Where have I been!

"...Hey Gramps." Tyson greeted, totally ignoring him and glaring at Kai.

"T-man, all your friends are over there!" he said, pointing at the direction of where he taught his students.

"…Really? Well, thanks Gramps." He waved goodbye, and a few moments, the old man heard and saw all the bladers, excluding Tyson and Kai, exiting the dojo and laughing. He shook his head.

"Boredom, hot weather and teens don't mix well." He said to himself.

---------------------------------------End Flashback-------------------------------------------------

"…And that's all!" Gramps said, finishing his glass of vodka, "Well, I'm sorry that I can't tell you more!" he said, and walked towards the door. "I got to go, and have a good night!" he said and pulled the rope that set Tyson and Kai free, but the two teens just didn't move. Both grateful that it was already night time, and the moon's light didn't illuminate the room, making it hard to see their flushed faces, and who knew that telling a story would take so long? And even though the old man hadn't told them the whole story, it didn't take a genius to figure it out of what else was said in that room.

"...Kai?" Tyson whispered, and he heard a small 'yes' as an answer. "I don't know what's more embarrassing, the whole bladers talking about that topic, or Gramps hearing it." The midnight haired teen finished by covering his face with his hands, and Kai could only nod.

Ray opened the door to the ice-cream parlor and spotted the bladers seated at the far end of the store. "Hey guys." He greeted them as he cover his mouth as he yawn. He sat besides Max and saw that half the bladers' heads were on the table. "You guys couldn't sleep either?" he asked them. There were a few mumbles of 'hell no.' as his answer, "thought so, I had a dream of Kai swinging a saw, while chasing us." He said, and his head made a 'thud' sound as it hit the table.

"Dude," Tala begun from his seat at the end of the table, "that wasn't a dream, that was a fucking nightmare!"

"Well, I slept great!" Mariah said, and she was the only one to look refreshed.

"Tch, hell, that's only because you made us stay awake to 'protect' you." Kevin said crossly, and all stared at Mariah who only shrugged.

"I wonder if Tyson will hate me for this." Hiro said, while Brooklyn's head was resting on his shoulder.

"Hey, why are we scared? They are only two people and we're more!" Tala suddenly was full of energy. The other bladers glared at him.

"Shut. Up. Want. To. Sleep." Bryan said.

"You're too noisy!" Max complained. He was one of the people trying to sleep.

"You're the noisy one, Max!" Ray glared at him. The sleep deprived 'mood' finally kicking in.

"What did you say cat boy?" Max was already standing up, and was staring down at Ray.

"Should we be offended by that?" Mariah asked her teammates, but Kevin was too cross to care, while Lee didn't care, and Gary was fast asleep. Poor Mariah sweat-dropped.

"Please guys, calmed down." Kenny spoke, "I'm just surprise that Tyson and Kai haven't been looking for us."

"I knew it was a bad idea." Ian muttered to himself, as he sat besides Tala, "I should've stayed in Russia." The red-head stared at him.

"You're so right Ian!" he exclaimed, "Since there's nothing for us to be here in Japan, I'm going back to Russia!" he said as he walked towards the door, but Max and Ray grabbed him and held him in place.

"You're going nowhere, besides this was your plan!" they said in union, totally forgetting that they had been fighting a moment ago.

"There's hell no way that you're putting all the blame on me!" he freed himself from their grip. "It was all her fault!" Tala said, pointing at Mariah.

"What?" She rose from her seat, "How is it my fault?" she asked, glaring at Tala.

"Well, if you hadn't bought that stupid magazine, we would have never spoken about that topic!" he counter.

"Hold it!" Mariah raised a hand, "I didn't buy the magazine, and it was already there when I got there!" she defended herself.

"…Then who bought it?" all stayed quiet, then Hiro slapped his forehead with his hand.

"Damn, I bet it was Gramps. Well, there's nothing we can do now." He said.

"Actually, there is." Tala said, and all stared at him –except Gary who was asleep- "If they don't know what we were talking about, I'm sure that they won't ask us. All we have to do is keep our mouth shuts and get that magazine!" He stated.

"…That could work… maybe." Hiro said, a bit doubtful with the idea.

"It'll work! Now, you," Tala pointed at Mariah, "where's the magazine?" he asked her.

"Um, I left it at the dojo… it wasn't mine!" she quickly added seeing the red-head's glared.

"It's OK it just means that someone has to get it, that's all…" He said, and immediately they all stared at him. "Wait a minute! There's hell no way I'm going!"

"It's your idea!" they all counter.

"…Fine… but we are ALL going." Tala announced, and to get his point across, he grabbed Ray and Max. "Now, shall we go?" he asked, and they all nodded. Kevin and Lee woke Gary, and they all headed towards the dojo.

"I wonder if it's too late to go back to Russia now." Ian muttered to himself, totally regretting ever coming to Bey City.

"Now, don't make a sound." Tala whispered as he and the others walked as quietly as they could towards the dojo's door. "Wow, this is easy!" Tala exclaimed, as he reached for the door.

"Hey, little dudes!" Mr. Kinomiya shouted, scaring them all.

"Gramps!" Hiro yelled at him, "Don't you ever do that again!" he grabbed the old man and shook him.

"S-sorry!" the man shot back, after he freed himself. "…you boys have better be more thankful than that, of all the things I have done for you! Tch, ungrateful brats." He left muttering to himself.

"Come on, let's go." Hilary said, opening the door, inside the couch was still there, but they couldn't help noticing that a table stood near a supporting pole, and that a rope was around it.


"So, where is the magazine?" Zoe asked Mariah.

"I left it on the couch." They all entered and went towards it.

"Well, it isn't here." Michael pointed the obvious, and they all turned towards the confuse girl.

"Looking for this." A new voice was heard, and they all turned towards the door to discover Tyson holding the sports magazine, while Kai was leaning against the door. "Hey guys, nice weather we're having today isn't?" Tyson greeted.

"Um, yeah?" they all said.

"…What are you going to do to us?" Daichi said, giving up.

"What ever do you mean?" Tyson asked, acting all confuse and lost.

"Don't play dumb," Tala said, "I know that you all ready know what we talked about." He said, glaring at them.

"I knew that you were smart, Tala." Kai smirk.

"So, what are you going to do to us?" Max asked once again the question, and Tyson and Kai looked at each other, and after a long pause they both said…


"What?" the group of friends yelled, and the two teens covered their ears, they were just too loud!

"Yes, we're not doing anything to you, and all you have to do is to never, and I mean ever talk about this topic again. Understood?" Kai said, and for good measures glared at each of them.

"That's all?" Ray and Max asked them, wide eye. And the two nodded. "Wow, um OK…" they all agreed. Tala glared at Tyson.

"OK, what did you say to Kai?" he asked him, and this time all blinked in confusion.

"What? I didn't say anything to him." The midnight haired teen said, looking at Kai for help, but the dual-haired teen was lost as well.

"I know that Kai wouldn't have just agreed to not do anything, well it doesn't surprise one bit. I bet Kai would do anything for Tyson." He finished by crossing his arms. All of them just stared at him, as if he had lost it. Bryan and Hiro quickly grabbed him and told him to shut up.

"Don't make this worse!" they all shouted at the struggling red-head.

"We'll pretend that it never happen, but just one question," Tyson said, "why did you talk about us, and not something or someone else?" he asked them.

"We needed a interesting topic, andactually we first started pairing Kai with others." Daichi blurt it out before anyone could stop him. All glared at him, while Kai stared wide eye at them, he didn't need to know that!

"That's right," Hilary was oblivious of what was happening, "I even said that you and Talacould make a cute couple!" she exclaimed, while the red-head glared at her.

"I thought that we had already talked about this, and that I don't love Kai." Tala had turn to glare at the girl, while Kai looked sick.

"Yeah, besides Kai couldn't trust Tala! Just like the magazine said," Daichi once again joined the conversation, "and besides, I don't think that Tala could make Kai smile, let alone laugh!" Kai and Tyson merely stared at them, while the others thought about what Daichi had said.

"…But they look cute standing besides each other." The brunette girl said.

"Oh, come on!" Max spoke up next, "I and as well as others would look 'cute' standing besides him! I mean, he is Kai Hiwatari!" the blond was now smiling widely.

"Is that why Tyson and Kai are perfect for each other?" Brooklyn asked, while pointing at the now frozen teens. Max glared at him.

"NO! It's because Tyson can understand Kai more than us, and Kai can teach a lot to Tyson!" the blond crossed his arms. "It's like they complete each other!" and as to prove his point, Max put his hands together. Mention teens looked at each other, and everyone missed them blushing. Sad, ne?

"Then they are perfect for each other, right?" Oliver asked, he and as well as others were getting confuse. "I mean, right now they aren't acting like they love each other." With that, all turned to stared at the two teens. Poor boys wanted to disappear from there, and fast.

"Tyson," the midnight-haired teen glanced at his brother, who had a serious look on his face.

"What is it?" he asked, the blush was starting to disappear.

"…I forbid you to forgive Kai again." He said too serious, and the bladers felled anime style. Tyson glance at Kai, looking confuse.

"Why, has he done something wrong?" he asked, blinking in a cute way, while tilting his head to the right. Kai blushed, and Hiro glared at Tyson.

"I'm serious! How can you forgive him faster than me!" he walked towards Tyson, and put his hands on Tyson's shoulders and shook him.

"Don't be mean Hiro," Tyson said, glaring at his brother, "and you know what they say, that you have to give everyone a second chance." Hiro deadpanned, while the others bladders sweat-dropped.

"Tyson, Kai has betrayed you, and his teammates, three times!" Hiro screamed, and pointed at Kai, who was to say at least surprise by what Tyson said.

"…Really?" The midnight-haired teen said.

"Yes, when he joined the Boris team back in Russia, when he joined Tala's team, and BEGA! That's three times!" All, except Kai, shouted at the dense teen.

"Well, I know that, but I don't see the whole joining Tala, and BEGA as a betrayal thing." He said, scratching the back of his head, and the only thing that the others could do was stare.

"Say what!" all, except Kai, shouted again.

"Well, I understand that Kai wanted to fight with me, and that switching teams was the only way to do it. Besides Max and Ray did the same." Mention teens gaped at him, unable to say anything.

"…You really do love Kai…" Hiro said, and Tyson blushed like a tomato, while Kai was the same. How they wished they had a camera! "…But why do you like someonelike him! He's such a JERK!"

"Wow, brother complex?" Tala commented, rolling his eyes.

"Don't be so surprise, Hiro." Robert talked for the first time. Lee and Michael also agreed.

"Awe, man! Now he's getting all corny on me. I liked you better when you were a jerk!" Michael said, trying to mimic Tyson's voice. Both Kai and Tyson stared at them.

"You heard us!" they both asked, and Lee smirked.

"Yeah, and we haven't forgotten Kai's speech, and we agree with you Tyson, it was corny not to mention so un-Kai-ish." He said.

"Now that I remember," Ray begun, "what exactly did you do when you left us to help Mr. Dickenson with the kids?" he asked him, and all stared at the two silent boys.

"…That's none of your business." Both said, but their voices held a bit of warning to it, all missed it, except Ian, who noticed that they were getting into a dangerous topic. Not that the previous one wasn't as dangerous as that one, and even though he knew that it was another interesting topic, he doubted that they would get away with it.

"I just knew it!" Ian said, as he made his way towards the door, all stared at him, "I just knew that you two were together!" he said as he open the door, praying that the others would understand what he was doing. "I wouldn't be surprise if you two dream about each other!"

"I don't." Kai was quick to deny it, while Tyson found the floor rather interesting for some reason.

"…No way…" they, except Kai, said. Tala, finally getting Ian's message gestured to the others to follow him, which they did. "Well, we knew from the beginning that you two were together, you were rather obvious with all your 'secret' glances and with your conversations having double meanings, and such." Tala said, and one by one the bladers exited the dojo. "BYE!" they all called as Miguel closed the door, leaving Tyson and Kai in an awkward silence. The dual-haired teen ran his hand through his head, and he turned to stared at a blushing Tyson, and with a smirk in place he asked…

"So… you dream about me?" Tyson's blush deepened.


As the group of friends exited the dojo, they were able to hear Tyson's cry of embarrassment. "Phew, that was close." Tala sighed in relief.

"A little too close for comfort," Ray begun, "this whole 'interesting topic' was almost our death wish." All of them nodded.

"Let's get out of here before they change their minds about letting us go." Max suggested, and they didn't needed to tell Ian twice, as they saw him rounding the corner of the dojo. Everyone was soon to follow.

The End…?

I'm done! Sorry it took so long, but I was watching Beyblade in Japanese, and I couldn't help but noticed that Kai talked about him and Tyson as; 'us' but maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm getting some words wrong o.0?… I need to learn Japanese -.-' I'm sorry if Gramps is ooc, but this is the first time giving him a 'bigger' role in my stories.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and I hoped you had fun reading it! As you can see I couldn't think of a way to 'punished' them, oh well. I liked how I ended… XD.