Woot. W00t. W007. \/\/007.



The tall man smirked. "Hmph. You remember me this time, Key of Destiny."

Roxas cringed. He seemed to be taking this rather well, considering the circumstances. Quickly summoning Oathkeeper and Oblivion, he set himself into a battle position. "How did you get here?" he asked shakily.

"I am dead. Dead, because of the Keyblade Weilder. Because of you!" Without warning, Marluxia swung his scyth in a wide arc, nearly cleaving both me and Roxas. Just in time, he shoved me out of the way, and ducked to avoid the blow himself.

"Oh, and what's this?" Marluxia had turned his attention to me. "The Memory Witch. Namine. How nice to see you here." His scythe sliced at me again. Luckily I had seen it coming, and had managed to duck out of the way.

"Leave her alone, Marluxia!" Roxas yelled. Jumping up, he quickly swung his keyblades in twin crescents before plunging them both at the black-robed man. He easily sidestepped, then hit Roxas in the small of his back with the handle of his weapon. Oathkeeper and Oblivion spiraling from his hands, Roxas hit the ground hard.

"Roxas!" I screamed, moving to help him. Suddenly Marluxia's scythe whistled right at me. Before I had a chance to react, I was pinned up against the wall by the blade of his weapon, my neck millimeters away from the deadly curve. "Don't move," Marluxia commanded, "Or I'll finish you." Breathing in shallow gasps, I obeyed, eyeing the sharp blade pressed against my skin.

Roxas himself was sprawled across the floor (AN: damn, I made him weak). Grunting in pain, he stood.

"You've crossed the line, Marluxia. You can hurt me; I don't care. But go after Namine, and I'll kill you!" In an instant, the white and black keyblades were back in Roxas's hands. He was trembling. From fear or rage, I couldn't tell which. "Take the scythe away from Namine. I'll fight you." Roxas was slowly coming closer to the brown-haired assassin. "Let... her... go."

Marluxia stared at Roxas for what seemed like eternity. His gaze flickered to me once, but then back to him. Finally he did something.

He began to laugh.

It was cruel, how he was laughing. You could tell that it was full of scorn and malice. His laughter seemed to ring on forever in my ears, even when it had finally stopped.

"Roxas... you have feelings for this girl, don't you?" Marluxia chuckled again, then pushed the blade of his scythe into my neck. Not enough to kill me, but enough to slice through my skin and send a small river of blood oozing down my throat. I stiffened and gasped in pain. "Well, fancy that. The Key of Destiny has fallen in love with the Memory Witch."

"Namine!" Roxas yelled. "Let her go!"

Marluxia grinned. "Not until you admit it. You have feelings for her. And they run deep."

Roxas gritted his teeth. "...I love... Namine." he growled. "Now stop hurting her."

"I'm sorry. What was that? I couldn't hear you." The assassin was having fun with this. Fun. I could hardly believe it.

"...I love Namine." Roxas said again, louder.

"I still can't hear you, Key of Destiny..."

"I LOVE NAMINE! NOW LET HER GO!" Without warning, Roxas leaped up and brought both of his keyblades down on Marluxia. I felt two things happen in the same moment.

1. The blade of Marluxia's scythe pulled away from my neck.

2. I collapsed on the floor, blood still gushing from the wound in my neck.

Everything around me was turning hazy. My head felt light. The whole room seemed to spin in front of my eyes.

The last thing I saw before I passed out was Roxas and Marluxia locked in close combat...


I see so many people.

Each of them is someone who knows me.

Do I know them?

They call out to me.

I hear them, but their words are jumbled.

Why don't they speak in a normal way?

So that I can understand them?

One of them yells in pain.

I can't see who it is.

Another reaches towards me.

I can't see his face, either.

He grabs my wrist, and pulls me away.

I don't want to go away.

I want to stay.

I am happy here.

These people make me feel happy.

Everything around me is dark... so dark...


"...Who are you?" asks a voice. I can't see her face, so I'm assuming it's Kairi.

The figure in the Organization XIII robe is silent. It simply stares at Kairi from beneath the dark hood.

""Well? Who are you?" Kairi asks again, louder.

The figure pulls off their hood to reveal a head of silver hair.

I know him.


He grins at Kairi menacingly.

Kairi looks around anxiously, as if expecting to see someone else there. There is no one. She is alone on the beach.

Just like when she was captured by Axel.

Without warning, Kairi in engulfed by darkness.



I sit up with a start. I've broken out in a cold sweat while unconscious.

Wait a minute. This isn't Roxas's apartment. And it isn't the beach either. It's a place I know all too well.

The cell. In the Castle that Never Was.


Sorry about that, I've never been too good at fight scenes.

Up next: What is the Organization's plan this time?

-Natsyourlord has no idea; she will most likely make it up in school tomorrow.