Alright. This is for real. Not a joke. I got so bored that I just decided to post the first chapter 3 months early, all for your own amusement! HURRAY! (PS: The test thing got too hard to keep track of.)

Okay, people. I know how eager you all are to read... DO-DOOOOOO! Campfire Geeks II: Ski Lodge Geeks! YAAAAY! Alrighty. So, let's get it on! WOOT! Bam! BOOSH!

Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto, there would be little diabolical hamsters of doom running all over the place. But I don't and there's not. So too bad for me. XD


...So the winner for a free pass for themselves and a random number of guests to Sir Auron's Ski Resort of Doom will be chosen now! The one hundreth caller will win! And the phone lines are open now! Start calling!

"Sakura, call the station! CALL THE STATION!" screamed Ino in Sakura's ear. Sakura winced.

"Ino, I thought you didn't want to go out into the mountains ever since Kakashi-sensei plagued us with those hamsters!" Sakura exclaimed, recalling the horrible memory. "Why would you want to now?"

Ino sighed, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Because, this is skiing, Sakura. And everyone knows that hamsters can't ski! So we're safe! Now, GIVE ME THAT PHONE!" Ino grabbed the telephone from Sakura and dialed the radio station's number at light speed. After a few seconds, the radio said, Well, it looks like we have our winner! We'll be putting them on the line now. Hello, can you hear me, prize winner?

Ino squealed incredibly loudly, and then said into the phone, "Yeah, I can hear you! WEE!"

And what is your name?

"Yamanaka Ino."

Well, Ino, how do you feel about winning these passes?

"I feel like I'm not going to get attacked by hamsters!"

uhm... Okay... And who are you going to invite with you to the ski resort?

"Well, I guess my friend Sakura, even though she doesn't DESERVE it, and some other people... Probably Hyuuga Neji and Hyuuga Hinata, and Uzumaki Naruto because I've heard he snowboards really well. And Uchiha Sasuke, because he's, well, hot, and my teammates Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Chouji. Oh, and Kiba Inuzuka because he has such a cute puppy dog, Akamaru, And maybe his friend Shino so that Kiba wont be so annoying, and Hyuuga Neji's teammates Rock Lee and Tenten. Tenten, because she's cool, and I don't know why I'm inviting Lee, I just... dont know. Oh, and the Sand Siblings, because we owe them one for destroying everything, which is, I don't know, cool, and-"

Are you done yet?

"Um... yes?"

Good! You and your friends will be picked up in a large black bus of Doom - I mean, Fun - this Friday. So get packing!

Ino squealed, and threw the reciever into the cradle. "Sakura! Sakura! We're going skiing! HOORAY!" She began doing a little dance. On top of something on the floor.

The something was Sakura.

Sakura had fallen asleep out of pure boredom.


"ALRIGHT, PEOPLE! LINE YOUR SORRY BUTTS UP!" screamed Tsunade into a megaphone. "JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE GOING SKIING AT A SKI RESORT OF DOOM - I MEAN, FUN - DON'T EXPECT ME TO BE NICE ON THE BUS TRIP!" She pointed at the door to a Greyhound bus and began shoving all the shinobi in. Once they were inside, Tsunade jumped into the driver's seat, Anko climbed in right after her, and then Tsunade floored it with an evil cackle. All the poor, helpless shinobi clutched their seats for dear life while the bus sped off at an alarming pace.

Unfortunately, it wasn't fast enough to keep away from Gai.

"WAIT!" Gai yelled, running alongside the bus. "LET ME ON! IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS YOUTHFUL, LET ME ON!" He made an almighty leap and clung to the bus, inching his way into the door.

The kids screamed.

Lee cried.

Anko barked orders.

Tsunade cackled again.

And then the bus came to a sudden, jolting stop.

Gai was flung off the side of the bus into a line of trees, screeching like a little girl. Tsunade was still laughing while slamming her fist on the horn repeatedly. The kids in the back had all been clinging onto each other for dear life, and were now sprawled across the seats, still screaming.

"Would you shut up!" yelled Anko from the front of the bus. "I'm trying to enjoy the sight of Gai dangling from a tree by his underwear, but it's nearly impossible with your bellowing in the background!" She took a huge handful of popcorn from a bucket in her lap, stuffed it in her mouth, and chewed on it, turning back to Gai.

"She's crazy," muttered Chouji.

"I am not, fatty!" Anko yelled, spitting out little flecks of popcorn and saliva. Chouji stared at her for a moment, then roared, "I AM NOT A FATTY! I'M PLEASANTLY PLUMP! RAAAAGH!" He began chasing after Anko, who ran off, stuffing enormous fistfuls of popcorn into her mouth as she ran.

Tsunade sighed, finally done cackling. "Yes, well... let's go." She glared at everyone as they cautiously slid into their crash positions.

Then the bus went speeding off again.


In the back of the bus...

"When will it end?" wailed Naruto. "This is... oh, I don't know what it is! But it's not fun, that's for sure!" He clung to his luggage tightly, as though strangling it might save him from Tsunade's insane driving.

"Shut up, Naruto." glared Neji, who somehow managed to sit perfectly still in his seat as the bus screamed across the highway continuing its rampage of insanity, arms folded over his chest. "You're not cool enough to be worried."

Then why aren't you worried, if you're so cool?" asked Naruto.

"Because I'm too cool to be worried."

"But I - wait... what?"

Neji stared at Naruto for a long moment. "Destiny is everything." Naruto shrank back, horrified. "NOOOOO! DESTINY WILL NOT OVERTHROW MEEEEEEEE!"

Suddenly the bus screeched to a halt. Everyone was flung up to the front of the bus, where they splatted on the windshield. Tsunade grinned.

"Okay, everybody OUT!" she yelled, throwing the whole lot of them, luggage and all, out of the bus. She quickly locked the door. Then she sped away in a cloud of dust. The kids were all left just waving at the retreating bus.

"Hi, I'm Rikku. Who're you?"

The whole group spun around. They saw a tall, blonde girl with a blue headband around her forehead, long hair that was mostly loose, with four thin braid thigys dangling down. She had a red scarf around her neck, something that looked like a yellow bikini top on her - you know. She also wore brown short-shorts with a yellow belt around her waist, white sleeves that went from her wrists to her shoulders, and blue, cloth-bound boots. Her most astonishing feature was that her green eyes had pupils like little spirals. They were fascinating to look at. (How many of you know what game she's from? And how many of you know why she hasn't frozen to death yet?)

A deep flush spread across Gaara's face. His eyelids drooped, and his usual scowl transformed into a sickly smile. Lee began poking Gaara's head. "Gaara? Are you alright?" Gaara just continued looking lovestruck - yes, lovestruck - at Rikku.

Poor, poor Rikku.

"Oh, I'm Ino, and we're the people that won the contest for this ski lodge! We'll be here for two weeks. By the way, don't you get cold in that?" Ino said, eyeing Rikku's outfit.

But Rikku didn't reply. She was staring at Ino in horror. "You're... You're the prizewinners? Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no. YUNIE! PAINE! TIDUS! SAVE MEEEEEEE!" Rikku spun around and began sprinting towards the large building that read Sir Auron's Ski Resort of Fun! The "of Fun!" part was scratched on with a ballpoint pen.

"W-well... let's just g-go inside. I'm c-c-cold." murmured Hinata. Everyone nodded, and grabbed their bags and headed inside.

And they gaped.

The inside of the ski lodge was completely covered with pictures of video games entitled: Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X 2. All the kids stared at the walls until a voice came from behind them: "Were you frightning my cousin?"

They turned to see a girl with mostly short hair, but with a looong ponytail that stuck out of the back and grazed the floor. She was wearing a white, sleeveless shirt with a vertical slice in the front, held together by a black piece of metal. On her arms she had two yellow bands, and a black cloth around one wrist. She had on black short-shorts, the same sort of belt as Rikku, and a weird blue-and-white cloth that was hanging from her waist to her ankles on one side. Black combat boots covered her feet and lower legs, and an exceptionally long earring hung from her right ear. She said again, "Well? Did you?"

The group of them shrank back in fear, except for Sasuke and Neji, who insisted on being too cool to be afraid. The girl glared at them for a minute, then she noticed something.

"You guys... you guys are the prizewinners, arent you?" She stared at each of their faces. "You... you're the prizewinners, aren't you?"

"Uh, yeah... are you gonna scream and run away?" asked Naruto reproachfully. The girl shook her head.

"Uhm, no. But... what video game are you guys from?" She stared at them curiously.

"We're not from a video game." said Tenten.

The girl screamed, and ran off, waving her arms wildly while screeching, "NOT A VIDEO GAME? OH, THE HORROR!"

The ninja group just stared.


Hi, peeps! Well, that's it! The beginning to a long and senseless story (again)!

Please leave reviews on your way out!