I know this story is really long and it has been a really long time since I updated and this chapter is short but life has been a bit complicated lately and I will conclude this soon I promise!

Chapter 65

Maud,Enid and Millie were all in Maud's room sitting on Maud's bed and talking. "You know I'm really glad I didn't have the chance to eat any of my dinner. How do you two feel?" Maud asked with concern.

"Not so great." Enid replied, "in fact I think I need to run to the..." Enid put her hand up to her mouth and bolted from the room,Millie soon followed.

"Wow I'm really glad I didn't eat that dinner! But I'm really hungry." Maud got up and left her room. She saw Miss Hardbroom standing outside CC's door, CC and Esther were standing with her. "Um Miss Hardbroom?"

"What is it Maud? Don't tell me you are ill as well."

"No Miss,but Millie and Enid are as well as the rest of year two. I didn't have a chance to eat any of my dinner and well I'm really hungry."

"Well yes I would imagine you would be, go on down to the kitchen and see if Mrs Tapioca has anything left that is safe to eat."

"Thank you Miss Hardbroom." Maud gave CC and Esther an encouraging smile and then started down the corridor.

"Oh Maud could you please stop on your way down and inform Miss Cackle about what has happened?"

"Yes Miss Hardbroom." Maud continued down the corridor.

"CC open the door please." Miss Hardbroom had figured out the CC had set protections on her room.

"Yes Miss Hardbroom," CC gave the password. "You could have opened it though,the password is only for students."

"I see and why do you feel it is still necessary to have this protection?"

"Because I still don't trust Ethel and Drusilla." CC stated flatly. CC turned to Esther. "Es did you remember to pack a toothbrush?"

"No CC I forgot."

"That's alright I have a spare new one you can have. May we brush our teeth first Aunt Constance? My mouth tastes worse than a mouthwash."

"Mine too!" piped Esther.

Miss Hardbroom was standing and watching this entire exchange with her arms crossed across her chest. She sighed and answered CC "yes you may. CC we need to speak with Miss Cackle about your room protections,but not tonight I fear that I will have to dispense more ginger, I may even have to resort to one of Miss Bat's remedies! Could you two get yourselves to bed?"

"Of course we can Aunt Constance, I often help Mummy and Amy with bedtime."

"Good. Esther your mouthwash is now cancelled,but do not even think about testing me anymore. Do you understand?"

"Yes Aunt Constance I'll try to be more good."

"Try very hard Esther. Now I will be back later tonight you two hurry up and get to bed!"

"Later tonight?" asked CC.

"Yes later tonight, I do believe Esther will need at least one potty break this evening. Esther you are not to go to the lav by yourself. CC if it is an emergency you may take Esther,but I would rather do it myself."

"Yes Aunt Constance anything else?" CC answered carefully.

"When you two get back from the lav I want you to get to bed immediately. Absolutely NO talking."

"Yes Aunt Constance we understand, we will go to sleep and no talking. Good night Aunt Constance."

"Good night girls." Miss Hardbroom opened CC's door and left. CC and Esther heard her shouting, "Drusilla no running in the corridor!"

CC grinned at Esther, "I think we will be hearing that quite a lot tonight Es. Come on let's go brush our teeth."

After brushing their teeth and avoiding all of the ill pupils CC and Esther left the lav, "listen to me very carefully Es. The same rules for home apply here,there is to be no magic once we are back in my room and absolutely no talking remember?"

"No song tonight?"

"No. Now stay still I'll get you ready for bed out here. Oh wait hand me your toothbrush first. Thank you alright now." CC pointed at Esther and magically changed her into her nightclothes and also arranged her hair into two bunches she did the same to herself. "Right now we are ready for bed goodnight Es." CC reached down and gave Esther a quick hug and a peck on the cheek.

Esther giggled, "seems funny to say goodnight out here CC."

"Yeah I know but it's safer come on." CC grabbed Esther's hand gave the password and pulling Esther after her entered the room the door closed softly behind them.

Esther pulled away from CC gave her a hug around the middle and walked around CC's bed to the mattress on the floor. She pulled the covers back and crawled in. Cuddles settled herself at the foot of the mattress,Esther was squirming about as if she were looking for something. CC had settled onto her bed carefully she was still a bit sore,she looked down at Esther with a bit of a 'stop that' look. Esther ignored her. "Where's Teddy!?"

CC hissed "Esther be quiet we aren't supposed to be talking!"

"I can't sleep without TEDDY!" Esther screeched.

"Quiet Esther!" CC heard her door crash open, "too late." CC put her pillow over her head to help quiet what she knew was coming.

"WHAT IS ALL THIS NOISE!?" Miss Hardbroom roared.

CC's pillow flew off of her head and fell with a soft thump onto her bum. "Ow! It's not my fault..., CC looked up and saw that the door was not closed yet, ...Miss Hardbroom."

Miss Hardbroom turned and slammed the door shut. Then in a very tightly controlled voice she spat out, "I told you two that there was to be absolutely no talking. I have enough on my plate right now with the majority of the school being ill. Only a few of the girls seem to have escaped this illness. Now I want an explanation and I want it NOW!"

"Esther?" CC leaned over and looked at Esther she also grabbed her pillow and put it back under her head. "Go on Esther tell Aunt Constance why you are yelling." CC quickly put her fingers in her ears,she knew just how loud her little sister was about to be.

"I WANT MY TEDDY!" Esther shouted at the top of her lungs,and she kept screaming loud and long. CC winced,even with her ears plugged the sound coming from Esther was loud and painful.

Miss Hardbroom's voice cut through the sound though. "ESTHER EMILY HALLOW-HARDBROOM STOP THAT NOISE THIS INSTANT!" Esther stopped mid-scream and started to sob and make those awful choking noises one makes when out of control. "I will not tolerate these temper tantrums. Did you bring your teddy with you?" Esther nodded and snuffled. Miss Hardbroom handed her a tissue,she did not want what was all over Esther's face on her handkerchief. In fact she just handed Esther the entire box,which she had plucked off of CC's desk. "Well where is it?"

CC spoke, "Teddy is probably in the wardrobe Aunt Constance."

Miss Hardbroom gave CC a look and walked over to the wardrobe, "Esther why didn't you get your teddy before going to bed?" Miss Hardbroom found the bear and handed him to Esther.

Esther finished wiping her face and handed the used tissues to Miss Hardbroom,placing the tissue box next to the mattress just in case she needed them again. Miss Hardbroom took them and threw them away with a total look of disgust. "Well?"

"He lives on my bed at home,I'm not used to him being in a wardrobe." Esther sighed and then yawned she cuddled Teddy under her chin and laid down.

"Cover your mouth when you yawn Es..." Miss Hardbroom looked down but Esther had already fallen asleep. "Right I want no more noise coming from this room do you understand me CC?"

"Yes Aunt Constance."

"Good,I will see you in the morning. I will be very quiet when I collect Esther later for a..." Miss Hardbroom turned and looked at CC. CC had also fallen asleep and was snoring slightly. Miss Hardbroom tucked the covers gently around each of her nieces and left the room quietly. Once out in the corridor however..."I don't care how ill you girls are there is to be no running in the corridor somebody is going to get...oof." Mildred had run smack into Miss Hardbroom's middle. "MILDRED!"

"Sorry Miss Hardbroom." Mildred covered her mouth and got past Miss Hardbroom and into the lav just in time.

Miss Hardbroom raised her eyebrow's and looked up at the ceiling, "this is going to be a very long night."


Several hours later CC was awakened by her shaking bed. "CC!" an agitated Esther hissed.

CC opened her eyes and was immediately awake,she looked down at Esther and saw just how pale she was and it was not the full moon shining through the window that caused this look. CC carefully pushed herself into a sitting postion. "Oh Esther now what?"

"I think I'm going to be sick."

"Not in here you're not!" CC quickly got out of bed and grabbed Esther by the hand pulling her toward the door.

"CC!" Esther was panicking.

"Hold on Es." CC opened the door and pulled Esther after her,the door closed behind them. "Come on." CC pulled Esther toward the lav,they almost made it. "Oh Es it's alright don't cry it was an accident. You aren't in trouble come on let's get you clean and then I need to clean the floor."

"No need." Miss Hardbroom came out of the lav. "I'll take care of Esther,you go back to bed CC." Miss Hardbroom took Esther's hand and zapped the sick away from the floor. "Unless of course you need the lav as well."

CC put her hand on her stomach, "no I seem to be alright now."

"Back to bed then I will bring Esther back soon." Miss Hardbroom turned and pulled Esther into the lav.

CC went back to her door gave the password and quickly went back to bed. "This is going to be a very interesting night Pumpkin."

A few minutes later Miss Hardbroom opened CC's door. She was carrying Esther,Esther had her head on Miss Hardbroom's shoulder. "Aunt Constance?" she asked sleepily.

"Shh Esther I told you no talking."

"But Aunt Constance I have a question."

Miss Hardbroom gave up she knew how relentless this child could be. "Alright Esther what is your question?"

"Are you still going to come back later just in case?"

"Yes Esther, I will be back. Now please go to sleep no more questions!" Miss Hardbroom gently laid Esther down on her mattress and kissed her forehead. Esther quickly kissed Miss Hardbroom's cheek.

"Goodnight Aunt Constance." Esther tucked her teddy under her chin and closed her eyes.

"Goodnight Esther. Goodnight CC!"

CC had been faking sleep but she had not fooled Miss Hardbroom. She sighed, "goodnight Aunt Constance."

Miss Hardbroom smiled and left the room.

"CC?" Esther hissed.

CC opened her eyes and leaned down and looked at Esther. "What?"

Esther grinned, "goodnight CC."

CC grinned back, "night Es."

"No talking in there!" Miss Hardbroom's voice came through the door. Both girls dropped their heads to their pillows and quickly shut their eyes. It was only a very short time until they were both fast asleep.


The entire school was finally quiet. Miss Bat had actually made a remedy that worked,all of the teachers were in the staff-room, "can we hurry this up Miss Cackle? I really should be back in the corridors." Miss Hardbroom took a sip of her tea.

"Yes alright Constance,but I don't think we will have much trouble with any of the girls this evening." She gave all of the teachers a meaningful look. "Now any suggestions on how we can avoid this situation again? And no Imogen we are not putting in electricity." Miss Cackle anticipated Miss Drill's suggestion. Miss Drill threw up her hands and sat back into her chair. "No? Well I suppose I will have to speak to Mr Hallow and the board of Governors then. Alright Constance that is all." Miss Cackle sat down and Miss Hardbroom disappeared.

Miss Hardbroom reappeared in CC's room with the remedy and two spoons. She shook CC's shoulder, "CC wake up please."

CC rubbed her eyes, "what? Oh Aunt Constance. Um what's that?" CC eyed the spoons and the bottle in her aunt's hands.

"It is a remedy for your upset stomachs."

"But my stomach is just fine now." CC complained.

"Nevertheless I want you to take it,just in case. No arguments open your mouth!" Miss Hardbroom poured a teaspoonful of the remedy and thrust it into CC's open mouth.

CC waved her hand in front of her face, "eww that is really gross,you're going to have trouble getting that down Esther." CC scrunched her nose and kept making eww faces.

"I think I can handle Esther."

"May I get a glass of water to get rid of this taste in my mouth?"

"Yes go ahead to the lav, Esther and I will be there soon."

"Thank you." CC quickly 'popped' out.

Miss Hardbroom soon arrived with Esther in tow. It was very clear to CC that Miss Hardbroom had not succeeded in getting the medicine into Esther yet. "Esther if you do not open your mouth this instant..." Miss Hardbroom leaned down poured out the medicine into the spoon and said, "I will make you sleep in Ethel's room with Ethel!"

"That's not fa..." Esther started to say, Miss Hardbroom however was ready,she quickly thrust the spoon into Esther's open mouth.

"Swallow." Miss Hardbroom said in her most commanding voice. "Don't you dare spit that out!"

CC quickly handed Esther a tumbler of water. "Here Esther drink this it really helps."

Esther grabbed the tumbler from CC and quickly drank the water down. She handed the now empty tumbler back to CC,glared at Miss Hardbroom and went into a lav stall.

"Well really!" Miss Hardbroom exclaimed.

"You're lucky you got it into her and she didn't spit it out Aunt Constance. Last time Mummy had to hold Esther's nose to get her to open her mouth and then hold her jaw to make sure she swallowed. Good threat by the way." CC whispered.

Miss Hardbroom gave CC a knowing smile. Esther crashed out of the stall,went to the sink washed and then dried her hands. She would not look at either Miss Hardbroom or CC. "I think it is time I got you two back to bed."

"That's alright Aunt Constance I can handle it." CC raised her eyebrows at Miss Hardbroom,she then leaned down and whispered to Esther, "if you know what is good for you you will apologize to Aunt Constance and say a civil goodnight."

Esther looked up at CC and then at Miss Hardbroom sighed and said, "I'm sorry for being a brat Aunt Constance."

"You are not a brat Esther,you are tired and cranky and your behaviour has been quite bratty,but you are not a brat."

"Thank you. I am sorry I acted in a bratty way." Esther yawned and quickly covered her mouth. "Goodnight Aunt Constance see you in the morning." Esther did not wait for CC she just 'popped' herself to the door gave her password and went back to bed.

"What did you say to Esther CC?" Miss Hardbroom asked walking CC back to her bedroom door.

"That if she knew what was good for her to apologize to you and to say a civil goodnight."

"Well it seems that you do have some authority over Esther."

"Yes we understand each other quite well. Goodnight Aunt Constance see you in the morning." CC gave Miss Hardbroom a quick hug around the middle,gave her password and went into her room. She peeked down on Esther, she was already fast asleep with Teddy tucked under her chin and Cuddles on her feet. "Night Pumpkin." CC yawned not bothering to cover her mouth. She got into bed and dropped off to sleep.