A little over a year had passed since Danny and Ember had started dating. Not only were they still together, but they had entered into a physical relationship a few months ago.

Tucker and Jazz had started dating around the same time as the ghostly couple, and they were still together as well. Jazz was heading off to college in a few months, but they were both prepared to do whatever was necessary to keep their relationship going.

Sam had not been as lucky her friends when it came to her relationship with Paulina. They openly dated for a time, but it just didn't work out. They broke up two months ago.

Ember was nervously pacing around her modest home. Danny would be coming to see her soon, and she had a something important to tell him. He arrived, and was greeted with a hug by the musical spirit.

"Danny," Ember said, looking depressed. "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" Danny asked.

"Before I tell you, promise me that you will not leave me."

"I promise."

Ember walked away from Danny and took a breath before moving on with her confession. "I'm pregnant."

"What?" Danny said, his eyes widening in shock. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I can sense the new life growing within me." Silence fell over the two for the next few moments. "What are we going to do, Danny?"

"I don't know. But we will get through this together," Danny said and embraced Ember.


The next day, Danny and Ember debriefed Sam, Jazz and Tucker about their unexpected development. After being scolded by Sam and Jazz for letting his libido get the better of him, they were ready to discuss possible solutions.

"Some of you might not like this idea," Tucker said, "but what about an abortion?"

"Abortions can't be performed on ghosts," Ember said. "Or at least no one's tried."

"So it could be possible to perform one," Tucker said while holding his chin with his hand as a sign of contemplation.

"I don't think we should do an abortion if it could be dangerous to Ember," Danny said and everyone nodded in agreement. "There is something else I want to say."

"What's that Danny?" Ember asked and Danny keeled on one knee and reached for something in his pocket.

"Ember, will you marry me?" Danny asked as he held out a gold ring with a green jewel in front of his hopefully bride to be. A few moments of silence passed. "Its my understanding that in a situation like this, the customary thing to do is for us to get married. At the very least, for the child's sake."

"Oh, Danny," Ember said, and put him in tight hug. "Yes, I will marry you." She then put on the ring he gave her and looked it over. "Why are there scratch marks on it?"

"There was an inscription I needed to get rid of. And I'm sorry it's not a proper engagement ring, but its the best I could do on such very, very, VERY short notice."

"That's all right, Danny."

Sam cleared her throat and got the attention of the now engaged couple. "Danny, how exactly are you planning to have a wedding? I mean, you have the whole secret identity thing to consider, and I doubt that you can legally marry a ghost."

"I was thinking of having a small, private ceremony," Danny said. "I'm hoping to get Clockwork to serve as a makeshift priest and we can have the wedding at his citadel."

"Are you sure he has the authority to join you two in marriage?" Jazz asked.

"Well, as Sam pointed out, we can't legally marry each other so this is more for show than anything else. In terms of authority, Clockwork is the ghost of time: I think that gives him enough authority. Now there is one last thing I need to bring up."

"I'm not sure how much more news I can take today," Tucker said.

"Ignore him Danny," Jazz said, "What else do you want to say."

"I think its finally time I tell my parents my secret," Danny said and was met with shocked faces from everyone. "Hear me out. My enemies are sure to come after this child. Not just because its mine, but probably because the kid will be 3/4 ghost and 1/4 human."

"And you think our parents can help protect the child, and Ember during her pregnancy," Jazz said.

"That, and the kid will need as much love as it can get. Besides, I'm not completely prepared to be a teen parent."

"Are you sure they won't blast you, or take Ember away for experimentation?" Tucker asked.

"I'm sure. All I'll have to do is make it look like telling them up till now was just a risk not worth taking, and everything should be cool. Like what happened during the incident with Freadshow and the reality gauntlet."

"When are you planning to tell them?" Sam asked.

"Tomorrow," Danny answered. "And as for the wedding, we'll have it as soon as possible."