Chapter 1: Memories and Determination

this goes for all chapters: I do not own!!!!!!! Im the unfortunate soul in the US who cant go get a sonic screwdriver!!!!! got it!!!

Doctor woke up to the TARDIS humming. He rolled over, reaching for his glasses eyes still shut. He grabbed hold of something.

He sat up yawning. Looking down, he saw what he had. If he thought right, it was a picture of him and Susan from when they were on Earth. He crawled out of bed and headed toward the control room where he could see if he was right or not. He placed it in the projector. It was; he felt tears spring to his eyes. Susan was sitting on the floor by his feet. His hand was on her head; actually, it was on her hat.

"What are you trying to tell me old girl?" he asked stroking the TARDIS "Are you telling me to go after her?" he said. Rose, who was hovering at the door, finally spoke.

"After who Doctor?" she asked coming in. He jumped.

"My...granddaughter." he said, grinning. "That's her in the picture." he said, nodding toward it. Rose smiled and picked it up.

"Shes pretty. Which regeneration was this?" she asked.

"First." he said quietly. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "There's no way she would've made it through the Time War." he sighed again "I'd waste my -this- life to see her again." he started to cry.

(lil quick AN here: this is ten...I can picture him crying before I can nine. And I hated nine!!!!!)

Rose looked at him. He had a look in his eyes that she wasn't used to seeing: longing. She gently kissed him. "That's what your head says," she whispered "What do these say?" she asked placing her hand on his hearts.

"They say...find her." he replied. "That's what your trying to tell me isn't it old girl?" he asked looking at the TARDIS. He was answered with a silence that was took for an 'of course' "That's what I thought." he murmured. He adjusted a few knobs, set the date and they were off.

Realizing something, Doctor looked up in horror. "What if she doesn't recognise me?" he said "I mean, its been...9 maybe 8 regenerations since I saw her last." he finished. He remembered something his mother told him when he was a kid after his dad regenerated for the first time. "The eyes never change."

Rose looked at him. "Yours did, remember? I didn't believe it was you until you told me..."

"That's not what I mean. What I mean is...yes, the color will change with each regeneration but the person behind them stays the same." he replied.

Thinking, Rose fell quiet. "I never thought about that before. Where did you learn that?" she asked. Doctor looked up from the, whatever he was reading.

"My mum. She told me that right after my dad regenerated for the first time. Or," he added, grinning sheepishly "the first time I was around to witness" A thud told them they had landed. "Well," he said standing up and taking Rose's hand "you ready to go meet Susan? he asked bouncing up and down from excitement.

"Ok" she laughed "lets go find her."

Ok lame chapter 1, Susan shows up next chapter I think. I haven't got that far yet.

oh and if anyone can tell me what regeneration Susan last saw it would help a bunch!!!!!!