Hehehe, guess who's back. I've come my dear readers to return hope to you. Yes, during winter break Naza has been helping me through my winter blues and actually kicked my ass (Seriously she did) and after months of putting this off I've finally update and I already have the next chapter half finished.

I will be around( seeing that there aren't a lot of good fics out there)

Hopefully this chapter is good, and yes I am the rare guy that likes romance,




Chapter Six: Over the Frozen Wall


"Neji I love you" Tenten smiled as she took her boyfriends hand. A wisp of wind came between the two and he gave a small smile.

I love you as well



"They've been gone for a while now"

"They should be arriving soon, they were sighted near town"

"All the more reason for h-them to be back"

"You seem worried"

"Not in the least"

A small knock was heard at the door "Speaking of which, go answer the door boy"

"Troublesome…just when I thought the day was going great"

The afternoon has passed by dully. Tenten and Temari had left early to pursue a suspect who had a habit of blowing buildings up, which left the remaining three at base. Shikamaru fully enjoyed his day off taking in the opportunity to sprawl himself on the floor besides the dining table. Neji had cooped himself in the back room for the better part of the day, only coming out occasionally to retrieve something from his room. Gia herself did a bit of tidying around the house, spending most of her time insulting Shikamaru and his lack of movement.

Gia began to glare at Shikamaru, he had now only begun to rise from the floor. She tossed a wooden ladle at him "Move your ass damnit!"

"What the hell was that for?!"

"It doesn't take 10 minutes to answer a door!"

"Why didn't you go then you hag?" Shikamaru ducked, a plate shattered behind him "Hehe you miss-" a pan landed square on his face. He cursed silently rubbing the bridge of his nose. Another knock sounded at the door,

"Coming geez"

Neji was descending the stairs reading the file in his hands; he looked up momentarily taking in the scene before turning the corner towards the back room. Shikamaru opened the door,

"Damn you Nara! What the hell took you so long! Here take her" Tenten's arm was slung over Temari's shoulder. Temari tried to hand her off to the man in front of her,

"Just take her to the backroom Neji is already in there" Shikamaru scratched his head and yawned,

"If you don't grab this girl I swear, I'll strangle you!" Shikamaru let out a breath and held out his arms. Temari practically shoved Tenten into his arms and walked into the household, plopping herself on the floor. Shikamaru closed the door with his foot,

"What the hell happened to her?" He motioned towards Tenten who lay limply in his arms,

"She thought it would be funny to chase this guy for a few miles with a gushing laceration on her calf" Temari took the cup of tea Gia offered "Lunatic. She collapsed of exhaustion on our way back; I dressed the wound as best I could"

"It looks like crap" he replied bluntly "Were the hell is your woman's' touch?"

Shikamaru walked past Temari who's arm was being held back b Gia preventing the hot headed woman from throwing the clay cup. He kicked the door "Neji open up" the sound of ruffling was heard,

"What do you-" Neji's attention was quickly drawn to Tenten's limp body. Neji could feel his breath hitch, he suddenly felt cold,

"Special delivery, seems like your wife has landed in a bit a trouble" Shikamaru looked down at her,

"Stop hanging me off like a rag doll, I'm perfectly fine Shikamaru" Tenten had stirred and was attempting to leave Shikamaru's hold. She placed a foot tentatively on the ground and then the other, "Shit"


"I'm fine Neji" she was irritated with all the attention she was receiving for such a simple wound. She tried to limp over the medical cabinet and stopped, she swallowed her pride momentarily and looked back and Neji "Uh, on the other hand I could use some help"

"Troublesome woman" Shikamaru sighed. Neji scooped her up and placed her in the edge of the medical bed "Will you be needing anything else Neji?"

"No. Thank you" Shikamaru nodded and walked out the room. Neji rummaged through the drawers for supplies, pulling out wraps and disinfectant,

"Let me see the wound" Tenten bit her lip, and looked up at him. His eyes seemed entirely focused on her injury. She leaned backward slightly and presented the injured leg. Under the mess of white wrap lay a gash caked with dried blood. She noted the shifting of his shoulders when he saw the wound.

Crap, he's pissed.

"How did you receive this wound?" a quiet, still voice escaped his lips. She was taken back by his tone,

"I-I was clipped by shrapnel during an explosion" he was washing the gash softly dabbing it with a cloth. She watched him, she felt her cheeks heat up. His hands held her softly, as he treated her with patience and care. How she wished for his hands to trail slowly up her leg, to feel his breath upon her neck, her lips.

Woah, what the hell?!

Tenten took a deep breath and scorned herself for the sudden thoughts. He rubbed ointment on the wound and began dressing it,

"It's too tight" she winced as he wrapped her leg,

"You'll get used to it" he finished tying it off and stood straight. She glanced down at his handiwork,

"Thank you" suddenly she was the soft spoken girl she once was, falling in love with the cold boy who spoke to no one. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Neji's eyes drifted to his hand in hers and pulled away,

"Is there anything else you need?" She narrowed her eyes at him,

"No, I'm fine" he watched her intently. She was agitated "Stop staring at me like that"

"You were careless"


"You wouldn't have fainted if you weren't so careless"

"I can take care of myself Neji" She pointed an accusing finger at his chest "Or did you forget I'm a high ranking Jou-" He grabbed her hand. Frustration getting the better part of him,

"I can't stand the sight of you being injured or have you forgotten?" she stared at him, her body swayed "You're supposed to think logically before you act"

"Neji" her eyes were half lidded, and she swayed "Neji you're" she fell forward,

"Tenten!" he caught her and pressed a warm hand on her check, patting it lightly "Tenten wake up"

"You…spend too much time thinking…idiot" she muttered burying her head in his chest. His shoulders fell in relief from the tension. He picked her up bridal style,

"Tenten…" he responded softly, she was completely out. Neji carried her out of the room; the three seated at the table stared at him. A chuckle came out of Shikamaru's mouth. Neji ignored him for the moment and continued upstairs. He sighed thankful that her bedroom door was open. He pushed it and walked inside.

The moonlight bathed the room in a tranquil blue, he laid her down on what he believed was her bed. He pulled a chair up to the bed and watched her. She shifted uncomfortably, and he reached out to her. He stopped himself before touching her. His hand hovered above her, he narrowed his eyes, gritted his teeth and finally annoyed with himself, stood up,

"Ne…ji" he didn't notice his sharp intake of breath. She remain asleep, breathing out her words "I will never…stop…loving you…" he lowered himself to her level and placed his forehead on hers. She felt cool "You yawn damn…Hyuuga"

He kissed her cheek with tenderness unbeknownst to him, pulling the sheets over her assuring that she was warm. He exited the room but stopped at the doorway peering back at her sleeping form, he hands tightened on the door "I won't let you suffer any longer" he said quietly. He shut the door and walked towards his own quarters, sat on his bed and looked out the window "I will become the man you fell in love with"




'Are you mad at me?'


'You're really quiet'

'You almost …drowned"

'You saved me didn't you?'


'You got to hold me didn't you?'


'And since my shirt was soaked I assumed you got a good at my chest look didn't you?'

'D-Don't be ridiculous' he turned away from her, his cheeks adorned red.

"You know what Neji, if someone liked me I would like them to prove it. I really hate guessing people's emotions" she giggled "It's kind of annoying to have to wait around for someone to bulk up the courage to talk to me"

"Annoying? Well let me correct myself" He said smirking as he closed the gap between them, she hit a tree truck and looked up at him with wide eyes. He leaned down and whispered softly in her ear "Unfortunately if Lee or Gai saw me I would never hear the end of it"

"Hmm I'll take that chance" she grabbed his neck and pulled him down towards her, kissing him fully. Taken off guard his hands searched for a place to rest, finally deciding on her waist. They separated, looked at each other, and locked lips again.

Neji spent the rest of the night tied to a tree, with alternative shifts of Lee and Gai watching him. He cursed himself for getting caught but smiled as he remembered her kiss.

Yes, it was worth it.

She was worth it.


Kaizen tasted dirt once more as he fell to the ground. Hekimaru dusted off his hands,

"Had enough Kai-san?" Kaizen contemplated staying on the ground. Between Lee's training and Hiashi's practices, he was completely worn. He decided to stand,

"Kaizen if you're not serious about the training say so now" Hiashi's voice reached his ears and just as they did he straightened up,

"Come on Kai-san I thought the older brother was supposed to be strongest?" Kaizen lunged out at him, his form close to perfect, and his attack accurate. But Hekimaru was a step ahead of that. He grabbed Kaizen's extended arm and pulled it forward throwing him off balance and then brought up his knee nailing him in the stomach. Kaizen collapsed to the ground again,

"Enough, we'll end here today" Hiashi put a hand on Hekimaru's back and gave a nod. He bowed and ran off. Kaizen stayed on the ground, trembling with rage. Hiashi could not think of nothing to console the boy and left him there.

Kaizen didn't know how long he had stayed on the ground but the sun had set, and the moon took its place. And then the night sky was replaced by blue eyes and blonde hair,

"What's wrong Kaizen?"

"I give up Naruto-sama" Naruto picked the boy up to his feet and gave him a look,

"If your mother heard you saying that you know she would beat you senseless. And I doubt your dad will be happy either" tears began to swell in his eyes,

"I miss my mother but…" he said quietly then in a sudden burst "She's probably so happy now that she's with him and she just left me here all alone!" Naruto's eyes fell to the ground. Kaizen's eyes shed tears freely now "She loves him more than me! I've always known it!" he grabbed onto Naruto's shirt,

"Kaizen that isn't true"

"I've seen her cry at nights mentioning his name and then sh-she pretends nothing is wrong but I can never make her stop crying! I hate him, he only loves Heki he could care less about me or mother! Heki was right…..I wanna' leave this place and never seen any of them again!"

The boys face was frenzied as he let out a muffled shriek into his shirt. Naruto felt uncomfortable as the boy continued to sob angrily. Hanabi who had been walking towards the scene ran over to the young boy and held him. The boy shook and cried until nothing escaped his mouth except a soft whimpers,

"I think he has a fever" Hanabi said "Can you carry him to Hinata's room?" Naruto nodded and took the boy in his arms.

Hinata who was sitting outside her room looked up to her fiancé and saw Kaizen, who by now was red with fever with beads of sweat accumulating on his brow,

"What happened?!" Hinata rushed over to the pair and placed a tender hand on his forehead,

"He most likely over exerted himself, kids burning bad" He gently laid the boy on Hinata's bed; she placed a cool cloth on his forehead. Hanabi came in later with some medicine and a small fan. She sat by the young boy and fanned him. Hinata and Naruto watched for a bit, seeing him cool down Hinata tugged Naruto's shirt and lead him outside"

"Thank you for bringing him" he watched her sadly,

"Hinata can you do me a favor?" she blinked "I know he has training with Hiashi and all but I would like to take him out sometime, you know give him a break"

"That sounds good. Kaizen usually comes home tired and after practicing with father he just sits in his room. The fresh air will do him good"

"Then it's settled. I'll pick him up in a couple of days then" He gave her a quick peck and left.


Tenten could feel him staring at her; she hung another white sheet on cloths line and picked up her now empty basket. Neji sat at the base of the tree with a troubling expression painting his features, he'd been acting oddly the whole week, even more so he hasn't been allowing her to take any missions. She clenched her fist,

Glory seeking Hyuuga.

She had been arguing for days with him now, it was irritating. Temari and Shikamaru spoke little on the subject only saying things like 'You know how he is' or 'He's being an ass give him space'

However Tenten really didn't know how Neji behaved himself these years. The few times she's seen him over the years, well, he seemed quiet, still and gloom. More so than when they were children and what was even odder to her were his constant stares. She was worried; he would occasionally stop her in mid stride, stare and leave frustrated, sometimes swearing under his breath leaving her completely dumbfounded.

She smiled as she walked inside, he had begun to meditate but she could clearly see his furrowed eye brows,

"That man of yours is emotionally retarded" Tenten spun around to see Gia. She added some vegetables to the stew she was making,

"He's…different" she smiled watching him from a small window, a bird perched on a small branch near him,

"You two are falling in love all over again" Tenten spun around,

"W-What?!" Gia continued to stir the mixture,

"He's finally trying to make amends with himself about what he did to you in the past" She looked back at Tenten who stood quietly "Don't worry I haven't discussed this with anyone else. Although it's a bit obvious. Adultery is a common thing"

Tenten bit her lip "So…you know then?"

"As I said before child, it's a common thing"

"I never… thought Neji would the kind to do such a thing"

"And judging by how everyone seems to hold him in high regard" she tasted her meal "I highly doubt he did it anything at all"

"I saw him with her" conversations like these felt like lectures,

"We live the life of the ninja where deception and trickery are vital skills to survive. So unless you actually saw him commit the deed, you really have no proof that he did it" Tenten bit her lip,

"There is proof"

"Even if he slept with another woman how are you sure he wasn't drugged or under genjutsu? Did you ask him?" Tenten bit her bottom lip,


Under Genjutsu?

She never thought of those possibilities, she highly doubted Neji thought of those possibilities either. He was stubborn, hard-headed, and full of crap. And Neji wasn't dumb enough to be caught off guard like that, he wouldn't ever allow himself to be…tricked. But still…

"I never really talked to him about the topic. I actually refused to see him for some time"

"You seem like one to jump to conclusions" Tenten felt like walking out or better yet just tell the old hag to shut up. She settled with crossing her arms, visibly annoyed and uncomfortable,

"If he knew he was innocent he would have told me so" this was Tenten's only excuse,

It can't be my fault…

"That husband of yours, as I've said before, is emotionally slow. If something doesn't explain itself logically he won't support it. If he had no idea how the events took place, more likely than anything, it's because he doesn't believe them himself" Tenten combed her fingers through her hair,

"Gia-sama with all do respect, don't lecture me on something you could never know" her voice almost cracked, and her throat felt hot,

"That's were you're wrong girl" she huffed, she set down the ladle and leaned against the counter. She proceeded to take out a necklace with a small, bent ring "I haven't seen him in years, that man"

Tenten, glanced out the window. A couple more birds had arrived, seeming to enjoy Neji's company,

"My husband was late one night after one of Suna's festivals. I just figured he left to go drink with his teammates somewhere" a sad smile appeared on the old woman's face. Tenten focused out the window, Gia's face would only bring back memories of her own "Hell, I hated that man and divorced him quickly. I never questioned his reason for infidelity. He begged and pleaded with me, I didn't believe him for an instant"

Tenten shifted slightly and leaned against the window. One of the tiny birds managed to perch itself upon Neji's head. His eyebrow twitched, "I found out later it was the work some tramp. She apparently enjoyed genjutsu to the fullest and found amusement in sleeping with strange men" Gia tucked the ring in her shirt once more "The woman was killed later on. Still regret not having partaken in that"

A sigh escaped the younger woman's mouth as she turned back to the Gia "My lesson then is?" Tenten asked feeling like a child once more being scolded by her parent. Neji stood finally irritated with his small companions, the birds flew away franticly with his sudden movements. He brushed off a few feathers and leaned against the tree, eyes closed and arms folded.

"That man of yours is holding back the truth of what happened and most likely won't tell you until he finds out the truth" She return to her stew "Don't let him do it alone"


Tenten smiled, a single tear fell down her cheek "Thank you Gia-sama"


Although I can understand your anger towards me, please review it does help. It was because of one of the late reviews that I actually built up the strength to write up so many pages. It's greatly appreciated,
