Years ago there was a war,

As a power sought to control more,

A great battle took place in a valley,

Where Alliance and browncoats rallied.

In that war, there was a brave soldier,

A sergeant, a hero, a volunteer,

Mal Reynolds was a man of faith,

As he saw his friends sent to their graves.

But when blood flies and death reigns,

When every rock shows the old bloodstains,

The valley has been taken,

And the faith of a hero broken.

Standing with friends in a wide open grave,

He still summoned the courage, he was brave,

He shot down their flying craft,

And after that he even laughed…

How he was ruined when he learned the reality,

After so many opposing and ally mortalities,

The Independents left them to rot, to rot,

Browncoats and purplebellies stranded… the lot.

His faith was cast aside in those dark nights,

As liars and fools ignored their men's rights,

So Mal Reynolds changed forever,

And forgot all thoughts of Heaven.

So there was the tale of Serenity,

And of those horrors, so many,

Now Mal Reynold is no longer trapped,

He flies, sails the stars, the worlds unmapped…