Seasons Greetings all. So it has come to my attention that i havn't updated this story for at least 7 months!!!! I am SUPER SORRY for that i will try and promise never to wait this long again to update. So i will try and update the rest of my storys very soon. but most of all i think you can thank my sister nikki for literelly sitting next to me and poking me in the back a drum stick until i updated, lolz. ok so i will let you all read the chaper now, sorry for any spelling

Re-cap on last chapter

How can this be happening to me, why would the Volturi be here right now, and why would they want to. I mean they couldn't have taken my 'little' threat that seriously, could they?

I started to hyperventilate how this could be happening to me, what if they hurt someone I loved, what if they hurt Edward.

I started to get dizzy, and then my whole world went black. Leaving me falling through the darkness

Bella pov

As I came around I could hear people talking, I tried to open my eyes to see where I was but I my eyes where to heavy for me to lift so I just laid still and listen to the conversation.

"What the heck are we supposed to do now, we can't go anywhere until Bella wakes up" I heard someone say

"We've tried to wake her and that didn't work, and I didn't even know it was possible for a vampire to faint" said a different voice.

"Well if you haven't noticed Bella's not your average vampire" the first voice said. After hearing that, I tried to focus on what had happened. First we where driving, then we got to my house and then there was the letter on the door. But what did the letter say?

Then I remembered, the Volturi!

Shit why couldn't they get over the fact that I'm not going to join them and I never will. Anyway I didn't want to be killed anymore I was almost happy, almost being the key word.

I slowly sat up and opened my eyes, I found that I was in a room that looked exactly like my bedroom except it was completely empty apart from the bed, I quickly flung myself out of my bed and decided to go look for the others, when the door was flung open and I was knocked back by the black and white blur known as Alice giving me a hug.

"Hey does anyone know where all my stuff is?" I asked frowning

"Your coven removed all your stuff so it would be like you where never here." Alice answered me as she moved out the way so Rose and Meg could hug me.

"You know when you think about it that's really depressing."

"Yeah it really is," Alice answered. It was quiet for a few seconds before anyone said anything.

"So does anybody have any ideas on what we should do about the Volturi and how to get them to leave?" I asked everybody "because right now the only idea that I have is to confront them and talk to the face to face, and somehow I don't think that would work to well." True it wasn't the smartest idea, but I really did want to stop running away from my troubles, the only way that helped was so it would leave me alone for a short time, in the long run it would comeback and bite me in the butt.

To my amazement no one had objected to me going to talk to them, I sighed over dramatically

"Well I guess it's time to visit the Volturi."

We arrived at the edge of the clearing in front of the Cullen's house, deciding not to take the car, that running would be much quicker. Quietly we walked up to the house hoping they hadn't heard us yet. I took a deep breath and stood up straighter trying to make myself look more confident and not so scared about what I was going to do.

Dramatically I walked through the front doors, every body's head turned up in my direction. I felt Alice and Rosalie walk up on my right side, and Meg walk up on my left stand close to me; honestly it almost made me laugh at the thought of what we looked like.

I was slightly surprised when Aro, Marcus and Caius all stood up in synchronization, I was even more surprised that I couldn't see or hear any guards in the house; luckily I kept my face composed.

"Did you miss me?" I asked sarcastically, with a smile on my face. Aro started to walk over towards me with open arms as if he was going to hug me, but I wasn't going to let that happen. Quickly I dodged out of his way and dashed across the room to where the Cullen's where sitting. I flopped down in chair Marcus once occupied.

"So Aro, why would you be visiting us now of all days, and with out even warning us that's not like you at all. Shame on you." I laughed at the look on his face. I adjusted my sitting position on the seat, crossing my legs so I was sitting India style.

"I thought you made it clear that you NEVER wanted to see me again, I think the words you used where something along the lines of 'if I ever see you little face again I'll rip you limb from limb'." I stopped to see what they where going to say but they all stayed quiet so I decided to continue. "You know I don't really think that threat counts if you come looking for me, I mean if I had a choice you wouldn't even be, but we don't all get what we want do we?" I smiled innocently at them.

"Well now Isabella you haven't changed a bit have we? You still don't know when to keep you mouth shut." I smirked at Aro's comment; I could possible say the same thing about him.

"Aro, dear friend." Carlisle changed the subject before anyone stated to get annoyed "you where about to tell us the purpose of your visit." Aro turned away from e and started too walked towards Carlisle.

"Ahhh yes well be did come on official business, nothing to urgent but we do need to handle it soon. But we are very tired from the long trip so maybe we will rest before we continue this conversation."

"WHAT!" I shouted at Aro "you can't be tired you're a freaking vampire! Just spit it out already so we can get back to our lives." I screamed at him getting annoyed at him, but hey Aro didn't know me for my patience. I looked over at the Cullen's, they where eyeing me, giving me unsure looks, I was beginning to think they didn't think that provoking the Volturi was the smartest idea.

"Bella," Carlisle whispered at me "maybe its best not to get on the Volturi's bad side right now." I sighed, knowing that he was right

"Ok ok I surrender." For now, I added in my head. I turned back to the Volturi and flashed them a false smile, showing them that I was going to behave.

"Please continue on with what you where going to say Aro." Carlisle said sounding sincere

"Yes yes, well as I was going to say. We are having a problem in an area near here, in Seattle. It seems large amounts of humans are disappearing, and only few are turning up again dead. From the pattern it seems that someone is starting a new born army. Unfortunately we don't know who is in charge of it all and changing every body."

Ok so i will be update more oftern from now on, please please review XD

Obsessive Vampire Stalker