It was dark. I was staring out of the window, looking at the beautiful stars, almost as beautiful as the dark haired boy lying next to me. I smiled. I was so lucky, being engaged to Yuuri. He was so strong, having defeated Shinou Heika, even though for a while none of us thought we'd be seeing Yuuri again. But I was proud of him. I rolled over, looking at my fiancé.

"Yuuri," I whispered, placing a hand on his cheek. He groaned in his sleep. For once he hadn't tried to get me out of his bed.

"Night Wolfram," he said before he went to sleep, even though I was already by his side. He'd seemed troubled, anxious even, like he had something on his mind. A small glint of hope found place inside me, may be he was falling for me after all.

I smiled to myself, thinking about our future wedding. Mr. and Mr. Shibuya. Wolfram Shibuya. Shibuya Wolfram. Would we share last name at all? May be we wouldn't have one. We were royal after all. What would Günter, Gwendal, Konrad and the others call me? Geika? Heika? I looked at Yuuri again.

"You make me so happy," I whispered, rubbing his cheek.

I opened my emerald green eyes. The sun was rising, warming up the room - it was morning. I looked all around me, looking for Yuuri. May be he was already up.

In the hall I heard laughter. A child's laughter, and I could clearly tell that this child was not Greta. I felt something on my body, something that felt like silk. I got up, looking down on myself. I was wearing a red, silk dress.

'Didn't I wear the pink one when I went to bed?' I thought. The door opened.

"Geika." It was Gisela.

'Geika?' I thought.

"Geika, your son," she said. I looked at the boy who was holding her hand. He had black hair and black eyes, just like Yuuri. His eyes were big, and focusing on me. He smiled widely.

"Hahaue," he screamed, running towards me. His scream was filled with joy. My eyes widened.


I opened my eyes, remembering the weird dream I'd had during the night. Sunligt filled the room, warming up the room.. Hold on a second. I quickly got up.

"Yuuri!," I shouted, looking all around me to see whether I could spot him or not.

"Wolfram," I heard someone mumble. I looked to the left. "Wolfram there's no need to yell." Yuuri's face sunk into the pillow, making me snarl.

"Get up, wimp."

"Heika, Kakaa." Günter bowed, before leaving us to eat our breakfast. I looked at Yuuri, who as normal ate his breakfast watching the beautiful girls of New Makoku through the window.

"Cheater," I mumbled. He only had the guts to look at them, I had never seen Yuuri getting intimate with a girl. Not really with a guy either. And not that I wanted to, unless it was me of course.

All of the sudden, Yuuri's face lit up.

"I have to go," he said, getting up in a hurry.

"Where are you going? You haven't finished your breakfast," I replied. He grinned.

"This can't wait," he said. I was slightly shocked, Yuuri never left without finishing his breakfast.

"See you," he said before storming out.

"Even wimps needs breakfast," I mumbled to myself, hearing the door close behind him. I finished my breakfast and called for Günter, who normally cleaned up.

"Coming, Kakaa," I heard him yell from somewhere. I leaned onto the window frame, hearing how Günter's footsteps came closer, and closer.

I suddenly saw someone in the corner of my eye. Wait, that was Yuuri, wasn't it? I turned around quickly. Yes, there he was. Next to him stood a girl I'd never seen before. They were smiling and talking and for some reason my stomach was tightening up.

Without foreboding, Yuuri placed his hand on the girl's cheek. I felt tears well up in my eyes as he placed a kiss on her lips. I heard footsteps and someone enter the room. I quickly choked the tears.

"Kakaa." It was Günter, who'd arrived to clean up after Yuuri and me.

"Kakaa. I'm sorry for not arriving earlier, I met Anissina in the ha-" I bit my lip furiously.

"I don't care about the stupid plates!" I yelled.

"Kakaa.." Günter started, but I interrupted him.

"Get out of my way," I whispered.

"Kakaa.. You don't look well at all. Should I get Gisela? Or Gwendal, perhaps?" he asked.

"Get out of my way," I yelled, repeating the pervious sentence, making my way past him. It felt as if though my heart had been torn out from my chest, it hurt so much.

Didn't I show you that I love you? Do you not like the fact that I call you a wimp, a cheater? What's wrong with me, am I not pretty enough? Worthy of you? Was it something I didn't do? Or was it something I did wrong?

Entering our.. No, Yuuri's room, I closed the door behind me. I sunk down, onto the floor. I could still feel the pain in my heart, I felt tears coming, tears which wanted to come out so badly. I tried choking them, but it didn't help. I cuddled my knees, sobbing slightly into them.

"Wolfram Kakaa.." a soft voice said. I quickly whipped my tears.

"Who's there?"

"Klara," a tiny voice replied. I looked up. Ah, Klara, one of the maids.

"My apologies, Kakaa," she said. "I was changing Yuuri Heika's sheets, I didn't know you'd show up."

"You are not the one who should apologise," I muttered under my breath.

"Kakaa?" I didn't answer. She sat down beside me.

"You don't look well at all. Should I call for Heika?"

I gasped. "No. No Heika. No Yuuri."

She nodded slowly. "Anyone else?" I cuddled my knees, shaking my head. She sighed.

"Not even Gwendal?" I hesitated.

"Konrad," I said. "Take me to Konrad."

"As you wish, Kakaa," she said and we both got up. She opened the door, leading me into the hall.

"At the moment Konrad is crossing swords with Geika, but I'm sure he won't mind seeing his younger brother."

I smiled. The Great Sage sure didn't know how to cross swords. I suddenly heard laughter, somewhere ahead of us.

"Heika, Lavinia," Klara said happily. I looked up, seeing Yuuri walking towards us. And beside him.. Beside him walked the girl he kissed.