Reviews for Our Farewell
helloseahorse chapter 16 . 5/14/2012
i want lavina to die! gosh, i hate the woman's damn guts! hate her hate her! i wish yuuri would accept his feelings for wolfram! its really frustrating reading this story because everything that goes on is like a typical relationship and you stress over it, but still, i HATE LAVINA!
shie0917 chapter 26 . 6/12/2011
love this story! i've been re-reading it! still hate lavinia...and it really isn't any of her business telling yuuri about his baby!
Ffionn chapter 16 . 9/5/2009
O sh-it! You've got me here! I thought Yuuri would choose Wolfram. But whatthehell? I'm being tricked! I'm being tricked!
mdrdanime chapter 35 . 8/20/2008
i loved ur ending and story, it's sad though that yuuri died...well going to read ur sequal
kazuryoshi chapter 35 . 6/27/2008
painfully beautiful. it was never easy to write a story from 1st person POV and you did it from the beginning to the end so confusion was inevitable especially while guessing whose who. but all in all, it was a very good fic. congratulation :)
kazuryoshi chapter 4 . 6/26/2008
argh! i want to eat yuuri alive..argh! how dare he hurt my wolfie. argh! im turning green...argh! huh..i bet i am just too emotional, maybe i have similar illness to wolfie..maybe 'it is the time of the month' ;p neway, glad i read this fic, its good though a lil bit sad. nothing more hurtful then unrequited love.
luz chapter 35 . 5/24/2008
snif...sad is yuuri going to wake in the future?

this fic was such a soap opera,everyone cheating and is not a theme we are used to see in the kkm fics ,i mean yuuri REALLY cheating is hard to imagine seems he's so kind so congrats!
radioactive edelweiss chapter 35 . 1/30/2008
I've got the feeling that you had this all planned, sicne the very begginning

If so, I must congratulate you for managing to stay in one direction and make sense after thirty five chappies

This fic is genius

as in G-E-N-I-U-S

Thank you so much for writing it

MSYOU chapter 35 . 1/9/2008
OMG i loved your story every chapter captivated me and filled me up with mix the ending almost killed me (a poor wolfie T.T)i still loved im off to read its sequel
LostForWords07 chapter 35 . 1/4/2008

I was in tears at the end... it was so beautiful. Even though I don't like character deaths, I loved this story.
Cocoa Mocha chapter 35 . 12/10/2007
WAh I just came back and had to find your story. Ermm too lazy to check my email for updates heh. The stories really good but it had to end. But you ended it with Yuuri dieing or disappearing. I'm not sure I get really easily confused heh.

So great why did it had to end like that. That's really cool of Ronja to choose his alias as Mr Bishonen made out by his very own mother.
xanthos chapter 35 . 12/3/2007
I loved the story. The ending was bittersweet. I'm happy you're writing a sequel . . . can I hope it's one where Yuuri comes back? I feel so bad for Wolfram. Either way, this was well written, you do a great job of creating vivid characters. Write on!


P.S. Have you gotten your hands on the KKM novels yet? I don't know when they're being released state side, but you'll love 'em. How Yuuri falls in love with Wolfram is pretty hilarious.
WolframZhangerb6 chapter 35 . 12/2/2007
This made me cry...please write your sequel. i do't want this to hurts. thank you for writing this.
rowen raven chapter 35 . 11/30/2007
You are right I want to murder you. You made me cry, its not fair. After all they went through they deserve to be together. Oh and murata deserves to die as well, he has a lot of power he could have helped. and what is that "he is not dead"(what an ass) I a gree with wolf, is just as bad, and "not in your era" what kind of consolation is that, wolf will have to spend thet rest of his life alone regardless, that without saying that so will yuri when he wakes up and wolf will be long gone, whats the point to it then? In your sequel is yuri coming back to life to be with yuri? please say yes, please, please, I'm begging you, I'll give you my soul, please!
machi chapter 35 . 11/28/2007
even though the ending make me cried but it was a beautiful ending. well I'm looking foward to your sequel! keep up the good work!XD
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