Please listen folks!

I'm no native speaker. English is not my mother language and ma marks I school... yeah, let's not mention that time of my live...

So please excuse this horrible simple language with all the big grammar mistakes.

My English is well enough for drabbles and short short stories, but not for a multi-chapter fanfiction.

If there's any kind beta-reader, who's willing to accept me as the biggest burden of mankind... fell free to volunteer

disclaimer: I do not own anything.

I think that said enough...


As we still believed in fairy tales

Ienzo had been an orphan since he was able to remember.

He shared a bed with the really big boy Aeleus in the „St. Aqua's Orphanage of Radiant Garden". He was every night in fear to wake up under the young male who was 1,70m tall and 70kg heavy – at the age of 11. But to lie next to the human heater in shape of his best friend had also some positive side effects, especially during winter which could be very nasty in Radiant Garden.

The St. Aqua's wasn't part of the inner circles of the rich and beautiful town, actually it was located in the valley under the town. It was a rougher area to live, but under the command of the great Ansem the Wise the whole area had improved. So it was just dangerous in the night to come out, not longer during day.

The young Ienzo had, though his age of 9, a great affection towards books. All kinds of books, he read them all. And soon, half a year after he was taught the letters, he found himself out of books. He had read all the books of the nurses, all the books from the Pater's personal library and he had even read the books from the doctor, who visited the Orphanage twice a month.

He was around the age of 10, he had read the „Qualities of the human Anatomy compared to those of the Moogles" for the fifth time on the stair of Radiant Garden's main plaza, as the great Ansem the Wise had laid his eyes on the boy.

Later Ienzo decided this was the first of three incidences which changed his live forever.


Two days after that, the great and shiny appearance of Ansem made his way through the dusted valley under the main town, towards the St. Aqua's.

Ienzo was bided in the room of the Pater and he nearly felt over in shock, when he saw the tall and grandiose shape of the brilliant ruler of Radiant Garden, who was seated in the Pater's armchair with a cup of tea in his hand.

„Please collect your jaw and have a seat, my boy", there was a humorous twinkle in the blue eyes.

Ienzo did as he was told and took the chair in front of the impressive blond man.

He was always very small, the god knows, everybody felt small next to Aeleus, but know he felt for the first time in his life small in body and mind.

He remembered it very well later.

„You are for sure surprised to see me here", Ienzo just stared. The twinkle grew somewhat.

„But I saw you two days ago an the market place", he continued, „you were reading a very difficult book for a boy of your age".

Ienzo just nodded.

„Can you perhaps tell me, if you are advanced that far, what the author mentioned about the Moogle anatomy?".

There came a light hiss out of his throat, but Ansem just took another sip from his coup, waiting politely until the boy had collected himself.

„It is the fifth time I'm reading this book, so I suppose to know the part you mentioned", he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

By closing his eyes he missed he surprised expression on the Wises face.

„He said that there can't be any comparisons made between the Moogles red ball and the human anatomy, because humans do not have a red ball and the Moogles do not allow anybody to touch them".

There was a silence in the room. A silence that stretched in hours, so Ienzo thought. Finally Ansem spoke again.

„Why've you read this book five times?".

Ienzo shrugged. „There aren't any more books here around I can read. So I prefer the books from the Pater and the Doctor, because this are the most interesting".

„You have read all the books in this place?". Ienzo nodded.

„When were you told the letters?".

„There wasn't a teacher here for a long time, so I learned them at the age 9", here he cut himself, because he felt ashamed. The Great Ansem was talking with him. Look, this man has the word „wise" even in his name! He had certainly learned to read and the age of 3!

Ienzo looked at his shoes. Again he didn't notice the nearly shocked look on Ansem's face.

„How old are you?"

„Ten years old... sir". Again there was a silence.

„Well, Ienzo, so you like reading? You like books?".

He was somewhat confused. There was a happy smile on his opposites face. „Uhm yes, very much", he somehow babbled.

„What would you think, if I can show you a place with more books than you can read in your live?".


After this talk Ienzo was given one hour to collect his belongings and to say good bye to his friends, means to Aeleus.

Ienzo left the st. Aqua's Orphanage of Radiant Garden in the late evening. Ansem the Wise, Ruler of the beautiful town Radiant Garden, took him in the castle on top of the town.

He was given new clothes, a warm room and, finally, an own bed.

All the warmth and all the light blinded him, but nothing could be compared to the moment as Ansem lead him into the library.

„From now on you will live in this castle with me, as my pupil. You are one of a handful gifted boys I decided to teach. You know your room and soon you will meet your comrades, though I'm still in search for more.

I expect you to learn hard, to work proper, so do not disappoint me".

Ienzo looked in awe on the bookshelves, which seemed to rise meters and meters above his head. Somehow he managed to nod.

„Do you have any other questions, Ienzo?".


„When what Ienzo?".

„When am I allowed to start reading?". Here the blond man chuckled.

„Well, my dear boy. Now".


With the time there arrived more boys under Ansem's wings in the castle to study with him. Even Aeleus found his way, though his quiet and stoic appearance.

There was Even, who was a genius in Chemistry, who shared the passion for science with their teacher.

Braig and Dilan, an irregular couple, were like problem and solution. Braig caused the problem with his carefree and risky attitude and Dilan always tried to fix his friend's trouble.

And there was Xehanort. The boy without memory, who joined their little circle later.

His life was wonderful. He could learn, he had those great books and he enjoyed the trust of Radiant Garden's ruler and most gifted man.

But then came the day Ienzo had feared the most. All those great books, all those marvellous knowledge... even if Professor Ansem had once promised him that there are more books than he can imagine... One day was the day as Ienzo wandered through the big library and found no new book for him to read.

First it was irritating, then it turned into agitation, finally in some sort of panic.

"Maybe you have to write your own story", Aeleus commented down to earth.

It had been about the times of the Great Storms. Storms with horrible destructive force. They appeared out of nowhere and left a dishevelled town and strange things in said town. Things, which appeared so exotic, so fascinating.

They have to be from another world.

...Another world...



"I'll be right back, Master Ansem! I just want to collect some new things. The Storm yesterday was quiet heavy. Perhaps there is something interesting", and with this words Ienzo slipped out of the big door wings of the castle.

He made his way through the woods behind the castle. The Storm has caused several damages in the woods and had left some new glades free.

Ienzo rounded a big foundling to be greeted by bright sunlight. The tall oak, which dominated this part of the wood, had to obey the force of the windy element.

Some scattered shells and parts of colour full corals lied scattered on the new build glade. Ienzo knew every species, he had read the book "Creatures of the sea" three times to commit it fully to his memory.

Under a thick branch of the old oak he spotted a bright green and blue tail. His eyes almost e mediately started to sparkle. This would give him a new opportunity to rise in Ansem's credit and to lap Even with a new science project. A new vertebrate species from a different world!

And Braig says that his trips after the storms are a waste of time.

Well then, Mr. I get them all, here you do not get a new fish. He smirked wide at the thought.

Despite his small frame he was stronger than most boys in his age, because master Ansem had always taught them physical education, too. A strong mind lives in a strong body.

So he lifted the thick branch not quite easily, but at least he was able to. An he gasped.

Ienzo would never admit it to his companions, but not only the science books and the dramas fascinated him, he also had a great interest in myths and legends. But he had always been too cool in mind to separate the story's. Those, which could bear a glint of truth and those, which have risen from the wild thoughts of their creators.

Every time he had read about the mysterious folk, which lived under the surface of the seas, with the tails of fish's instead of two legs... every time he had read about the mermans, he selected them to the second sort of legends.

Those, which are also called fairy tales.




Comments and critics and hints for the grammar mistakes are always welcome. Even if it brings my little glassy ego near the edge of desperation, but don't mind that.