Reviews for As we still believed in fairy tales
Airi-lin chapter 14 . 7/9/2019
Hello, I know this is so very late of me to give review to you.
I don't even know if you will read this or not, or if you still a fans of zemyx.

You see, I've read this story back in 2009 more or less. Yes, so very long time ago, even I'd forgot the exact year.
From the shy high school girl who never left any review, eventhough she really love the works, to a grown up adult that I am now; I'm still hold your story dearly in my heart.
I've never loved a story like this. It's just the 1st time I read your story, this one and the narrow path between, I fell in love so deep I can't even express it with words.
They are really beautiful stories. So much feeling and I dunno, I just can't let go...haha (am I talking like I talk about a lover?)
I just re-read both story after so long, eventhough I never forget each detail of the story, and they are still have the same effect to my heart...

I know you maybe won't continue your stories. But I will always have faith to know the end of your stories...this one and the narrow path between. Maybe I will someday go to Germany to ask you personally about the rest of the plot of this stories (did I sound creepy? if yes, so sorryThe last thing, I want to write you a thank you for writing this wonderful, beautiful, magnificent piece of stories.
You are so amazing and I hope all the best things for you.
Always stay happy and healthy.

you number one fans
grasswhistler chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
Fishy? Hmm...I'm getting Good story!
kdm13 chapter 14 . 1/23/2011
Glad I finally got around to reading this. It's a very nice story. It does have grammar mistakes, but it's understandable, English is a hard language to master, and even native speakers have trouble with it sometimes. If you want, I could help.

Anyway, you have another reader waiting for more.
Crooked Umbrella chapter 14 . 1/4/2011
I know this is very old, but please update again! I really love this story so very much! I want to see Ienzo and Myde together again in that secret cave happy together. Very very good work! And your English is very good (:
howlingwolf201 chapter 14 . 5/1/2010
I don't suppose that you would decide to write the next chapter to this story, would you. But either way, it was a great story all in all
XxXBittersweet DreamsXxX chapter 14 . 4/14/2010
Please finish this because if you don't... what is xehanort gonna do?
Shigeki-Hizashi chapter 14 . 4/9/2010
love it!
CodeLyoko chapter 14 . 2/25/2010
I am in love with this story! The images you paint with your words are simply divine. I hope you continue soon! I want to know what happens next
charmed7293 chapter 14 . 2/1/2010
This is a great story! Different, like you other story, but that's what makes it so great, also. I was sad to read you comment about not being able to update in a while, but I hope you find the time to write more soon!
sabbiferu chapter 14 . 12/21/2009
I seriously jumped in joy when I saw the new chapter message in my inbox.


Love the chapter, but what is up with Xehanort?

Curiouser and Curiouser! xD

Can't wait for the next chapter!

Please please please update soon! :O
Bokmal14 chapter 14 . 12/17/2009
I think this is a good fanfic and I am looking forward to read the next chapter very much.
PharaohDeli chapter 14 . 12/26/2008
Ahh~ This story is really good! Please update soon.

Also, I'd like to point out that you still have some minor spelling and grammar errors. It's nothing big, but it's still noticeable. Also, some of you wording could be better (I assume this is because of the way it's being translated :3 However, your English is better than some native speakers.)
lifelikedoll chapter 14 . 12/23/2008
baka-san likes! i thought i was the only one who thought that Demyx was a merman. anyway

up-date soon, k?
Schizzar chapter 14 . 12/20/2008
Yay, another chapter! That makes me happy. Exams are cruel, aren't they? So I wish you luck. And great job with your writing, once again. I missed this story.
Akarui Siren chapter 14 . 12/19/2008
no! dun stop writing! Dx i know exams sux but... but but but... butbutbutbtubtubtubtubtbtbut... TTTT I waited so long for the next chapter maw... TT_TT so long already! It's making me more curious wats xehanort gonna do next... _
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