All good things must come to an end…


In the capital city of the Harmonic Nebula, there was a grand assembly of many royal families inside the grand Harmonic Palace. Among the classy guests that were arriving for Thanksgiving dinner was the Winx Club and their respective specialist boyfriends. Musa had invited her friends to come along with her to Thanksgiving dinner. They were all pretty excited to accompany her since the Harmonic palaces were famous for their decorations and incorporation of music into all aspects of life. The group would be there for five days and they had spent a lot of the time meeting some of Musa's other old friends and of coarse, going out with the ones that they already knew. Even Riven had a good time, but that was probably because he was with Musa the whole time.

"So that is the north garden," Musa said as she and Riven approached a large bay window and she pointed outward to the garden that was in perfect view from the spot they were in. Musa was giving Riven a tour of the whole castle that day, which took awhile since it was a huge palace. "It's actually a lot of fun; I always seem to get lost,"

Riven nodded and looked out at the garden, it was really nice. "We should go out there sometime," He then looked down and put his arms around Musa, but he was not going to kiss her. Ever since he stepped foot in the castle Riven had become very aware of the fact that her father could walk around the corner and Riven him making out with his daughter. It was something Riven definitely did not want to happen.

Musa continued with her tour, she would keep going until they reached the dining room, since it was Thanksgiving, there was a big dinner tonight. She and Riven walked around the palace alone while everyone else prepared or got dressed. They were walking through the castle when an old friend resurfaced.

"So, miss me?" said a voice from behind the exuberant couple. Musa and Riven turned at the same time to see Daniel standing at the opposite end of the huge hallway. Musa smiled but Riven's smile dropped and he a look of indifference painted his face. Daniel approached the couple and hugged Musa and gave Riven a cordial smile.

"Of course I missed you," Musa said derisively.

"Well that's great, but I was talking to Riven," Daniel said with immense sarcasm. Riven gave Daniel the same indifferent look, but managed to crack out a bit of a smile. Although Riven did not see Daniel as a threat to his relationship, he did put his arm around Musa's waist and pulled her to him. Just then a girl with short light brown hair and amber eyes came up to the three. She was wearing a short black dress with stilettos.

"Oh you must be Daniel's new girlfriend. I've heard a lot of great things about you," Musa said happily to the girl walking over to them. "I'm Musa and I have to ask, why you are with Daniel?"

"Funny," Daniel shot back at Musa.

"Hi, I'm Claire Calloway," said the girl that walked up to Daniel and took his arm. She was the princess of a planet not too far from Crescendo and they had met at a gala for her father and she had transferred to Devon Academy after her father became a close ally to Daniel's father.

"I'm –" Riven began before Daniel interrupted.

"Sloppy seconds," Daniel said rudely, but in a tone that indicated he was joking. Musa gave Daniel a hard look and he simply laughed. "Just kidding, Claire, this is Riven. Musa's boyfriend." She smiled warmly at Riven and Musa then Daniel and Claire walked to the end of the hallway to the grand dining room, where everyone was going to eat Thanksgiving Dinner.

"Does she know you're his ex?" Riven inquired with an evil smile.

"I don't know, why?" Musa looked up at him a bit suspiciously.

"Pay back's a bitch," Riven said and looked down at Musa, who gave him a surprised look and Riven began to laugh. "I'm kidding," he finished at bit dejectedly.

"Come on, let's get to dinner," Musa said pulling his hand to the dinning room. "And you know, all the adults leave right after dinner, so we'll all be in the castle…unsupervised," Musa turned around and looked at Riven coyly.

"So your dad literally hands you the keys to his kingdom," Riven said with a smirk and pulled Musa close as she nodded. Musa then smiled and led him to the dining room. Once they entered through the elaborately decorated doorway into the lavish dining room. Riven had never attended a royal dinner before, but it was pretty much what he expected. There were servants waiting to be summoned and the table was decorated perfectly with a wide array of food, that was prepared so nicely it looked more like art.

Riven took his seat next to Musa and talked to Helia, who was seated next to him as Musa went to greet the royals that had come to the dinner. Riven looked across the table and his indifferent gaze was stopped when he saw Daniel, he gave him a subtle nod and Daniel did the same. They were under no circumstance friends; they could barely stand each other. Daniel was a carefree, somewhat rude and humorous prince while Riven was a lot more serious guy who only opened up to a few people, but there was a mutual respect there. Musa promptly returned to Riven and gave him a kiss on the cheek, which elicited a few scoffs from some of the more classist adults at the table, not that Riven or Musa care. They were in love and frankly they didn't care who knew or objected to it.

When the dinner was finally over and all of the adults had left the castle, Daniel was the first one to break out the liquor while the twins turned on the music. While everyone partied and had some fun Musa walked in front of Riven, who was sitting on a plush leather couch. She sat down on his lap and whispered something in his ear. "You know, I haven't shown you my room yet, have I?"

A smirk grew on Riven's face and he held Musa even closer, "Well, you should definitely give me a tour," Musa took that as an acceptance to her not-so-subtle invitation and the two slinked out of the party room and all the way to the other end of the palatial palace to Musa's room. It seemed like when they were together, they were in paradise.


And that all folks!

So I realized that all of the stories I ended so far end with sex. I guess we can pin it on my teenage hormones. And come on, you know you love it!

Thanks to everyone who stuck with me throughout the entire story. (I know this one took awhile to put up since I took a brief break to write "The Good Life"). Also, thanks to everyone who reviewed, it was always nice to see what you guys thought.

I promise I will be updating "Mind Games" soon. I don't know how soon, but hey I'm a senior and I need to focus on senioritis and being lazy. Plus, our senior class trip to Disney World is coming up so I will be planning and shopping for that. Not to mention I will be prepping for an upcoming dance competition. BUT! I promise it will not be too long. (You guys know how good I am when it comes to updates!)

Thanks so much everyone!

