I'm dead meat aren't I T.T I am so sorry i've spent this long without giving you the last chapter! Writers block is a bitch.

As to the sequel, i'm probably going to wait a while before starting that :( Sorry but I need a break from Pirates of the Caribbean, as strange as it sounds. There will most definitely be a sequel though. As with my second POTC story I might make the first chapter and put it out there for your criticism and comments then leave it for a while, just to get a feel for my own imagination xD

"Well luv, guess this is yer last night as a free woman aye?"

Lily and Jack were holed away in their cabin, sipping rum and talking of the future. They both knew that in the morning they'd part ways, possibly for a very long time. Lily rolled her eyes at her brother but wondered if he was right. Freedom was so important to her, even if she was married she didn't want to be grounded. Will would understand that, wouldn't he?

Jack noticed her discomfort and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I was only kidding. William won't tie ye to the land, in fact now that he's the Dutchman's captain i'd say you're lookin' pretty good in that department."

"The chest."

"Well yer just going to have to find some where to bury it aye?"

Sighing Lily closed her eyes and tried to imagine life as the captain of the Flying Dutchman's wife. She'd only get to see Will once every ten years. She'd age but he wouldn't. If she ever had kids they'd grow up without a father, much like she grew up without her mother. I'll stand by Will though. He loved-loves me more then anything and I love him. Jack, sensing her confusion, allowed her to fall asleep on him.

Briefly he wondered about his sister and the whelp's marriage. When had they gotten married and why wasn't he invited? He would've brought rum. Then he remembered they got married during the battle, when he was occupied by fighting Davy Jones. Load o' good it did me. William stabbed the heart. Curse my kindness. Jack snorted annoyed. He liked William, enough to be brother's he supposed, but he didn't find that he accepted Turner as a pirate. Lily married a eunuch, at that thought he chuckled. Ah well, better Turner then that bloody Norrington fellow...what ever happened to him?

Lily walked down the helm, onto the deck and stared at her crew. Barbossa, Pintel, Ragetti, Marty, Gibbs, Elizabeth and of course Jack, looked the saddest to let her go. She hugged the crew that stuck with her then turned to her friends.

Barbossa bowed and smirked. "Be seein' ye, Miss Turner." Lily shocked everyone, including herself, when she reached up and hugged him. He was surprised to say the least but patted her on the back slightly. Jack the Monkey bid her fair well and she kissed the monkey on the head.

Pintel and Ragetti bowed their heads when she walked up to them. "G'bye Lily." She smiled and hugged them both with one arm each then handed Ragetti a glass ball with an eye color in the middle. "For the one ye lost." She explained. Ragetti smiled widely and shoved it in, surprisingly it fit and he was able to move it around.

She hugged Marty and Gibbs, Gibbs the longest, and felt tears well up when she turned to Elizabeth. Elizabeth had become such a good friend and a wonderful pirate. Lily wished she could be around to see Elizabeth plunder a town or siege another ship. Both women burst into tears, scaring every man aboard, and hugged each other tightly. "I'm going to miss you Lily."

"At least ye have Jack. Make sure to become me sister alrigh'?" Elizabeth blushed when she pulled away but nodded with a half smile. Jack came last. He was absently picking at the railing, avoiding Lily's gaze, but when she stood next to him he sighed.

"Jack this won't be for forever." Lily spoke.

"No, it'll feel like much longer."

They didn't say anything else, didn't embrace, Lily didn't cry, Jack didn't ever cry, they just stood there at the railing. Looking out at the sea and the sky in silent sadness. They both felt as though a part of them was leaving or being left behind but neither of them said it, they didn't have to. The other one knew and spared each other the emotion. They stood like that until Gibbs led Lily away to the lifeboat, with oars.

As Lily climbed into the lifeboat she saw something shiny at the bottom. Picking it up she saw it was a golden locket, intricately carved with birds she assumed were sparrows and in the middle a large S sat there. When she opened it she gasped, a picture of her parents on one side and a picture of Jack on the other occupied the locket's interior. She looked down and also saw the small painting of her family, lying on the bottom of the boat. She looked up at Jack and smiled tearfully, Jack just winked and smiled back.

The sand felt so warm to the touch, especially against a naked body. Lily layed in Will's embrace while he slept, trying to hear his heart beat futilely but as his heart was in the chest across from them she couldn't hear it. It made her sad to know she wouldn't be seeing Will again in ten years.

"What are you thinking about?" Will's soft voice sounded in Lily's ears. When she didn't say anything he nodded, understanding what she was thinking. He was upset as well, he didn't get to see her for a decade! How was he supposed to live, knowing she might be one of the souls that he ferries over? You can't live though. You're forever dead remember? The critical voice inside his head, that he thought he got rid of long ago, sounded suspiciously and annoyingly like Jack.

"What do you think i'll be like in ten years?" Lily spoke suddenly, quietly, as if dreading the answer.

"You'll be like Jack."

Lily wasn't sure that was a compliment or not. She looked up at Will's face and saw a teasing smile. Smiling herself she reached up and pressed her lips against his, almost trying to memorize him. He wasn't surprised, he was doing the same thing. It would be a long time until they got to do this again and they both wanted to remember it. Lily found it hard to think after Will started caressing her back in that way that held so much promise but she shook her head slightly to clear the haze. "Will you do know i'm not staying on land for long right?"

Will didn't answer so she continued, "I'll stay on land for a few months to bury the chest and get me crew and everything but I need to be at sea." She heard him sigh and smiled again, it was a resigned sigh. "I know Lily. I was expecting this. You have the sea deeply embedded into you and i'd be cruel to try and keep that away from you. Just please promise I won't be ferrying you over to the other side any time soon."

Lily sealed her promise with a kiss.

Jack watched the island get smaller and smaller until all indication of an island was gone. It hurt deep in his heart that his sister was stuck on that island with nothing but a row boat but he supposed there was a settlement somewhere on it, otherwise he'd kill Barbossa for his poor navigational skills. Speaking of Hector...He looked on deck where Barbossa was standing, talking to his crew about something, and frowned. He didn't have any idea what he was going to do with Barbossa.

Arms around his waist startled him slightly but he relaxed when Elizabeth giggled from behind him. He felt her press herself against his back ever so sensually. It took all of his self control, which wasn't very high in the first place, to not jump her then and there. "Lizzie love i'd appreciate it if you didn't do that while i'm trying to steer, savvy?"

"Whatever you say Jack." Her deep, breathy voice made his stomach lurch. What kind of mood was she in that she'd tease him? Without a clue and without an answer he watched her sway her hips while walking to his cabin, apparently because she wanted to take a nap. His mouth went dry when she sent him a look that clearly said 'follow me or you'll be dead'. "Barbossa! Take the helm!" He shouted. Barbossa rolled his eyes when Jack passed him on his way to the cabin but he took the wheel anyway.

When Jack entered the cabin Elizabeth was no where to be found. Even more confused then ever he looked around but still didn't see her. As it was a small cabin he had no idea where she could be. Suddenly all the lamps that were lit went out, causing Jack to jump. It wasn't that he was nervous, he just didn't expect to be suddenly blinded. Really. Before he could act a body was against his, wrapping it's arms around his neck.

"Ah Lizzie you do know how to set a mood." Jack chuckled. Elizabeth giggled against him, sending a un-expected shock up his body. "I figured this would be the last time we'd be alone for a while."

Jack was going to respond but her lips cut him off. She was assaulting him but he didn't mind one bit. Wrapping one arm around her waist and the other in her hair he backed her up to where he knew his bed would be. His tongue lightly licked her lips, asking for entrance which she gladly accepted. She tasted wonderfully of rum and he wondered briefly if she had any recently. He didn't think he had another coherent thought the rest of the night.

Waves crashed against the beach, spraying both lovers with water but Lily hardly noticed. Or cared for that matter. They were dressing slowly, with much regret that they actually had to get dressed, and Lily was getting distracted every time Will came behind her and kissed her on the neck. He did that every time she put another piece of clothing on, which made her wonder what he'd do if she took them back off again.

She turned around the next time he kissed her on the neck and kissed him. They were both standing and dressed but Lily felt a lot of passion go into the kiss. She hated to think that this would be their last kiss for a decade.

Will broke away first, panting and resting his forehead against hers. "I love you."

"I love you too." She glanced up at his eyes and found them staring down at her with so much emotion that she almost demanded he stayed on land with her. In that moment she felt as though she'd give anything to keep him with her, on land even. Tears filled her eyes but Will brushed them away before they could fall. "Will I don't know if you're thinking this or not but I won't be with anyone." He knew what she meant and was glad he didn't have to voice it. It wasn't that he didn't trust her but ten years without...that, could make even the most loyal people crazy.

"I know darling." The word darling flew out of his mouth before he could register that he said it. Lily was slightly stunned, no one had ever called her darling before. Unless it was Jack but he didn't count as he was her brother. With a smile she kissed him again to show it was alright that he called her that.

Eventually they broke apart again and Will handed Lily his heart, literally, in the chest. "Bury it somewhere safe, away from civilization." Lily nodded, she knew exactly where she'd bury it, where no one would ever bother it. Sniffling she took the chest and held it against her heart. Will kissed her one last time before he released her and got into his own life boat. The Dutchman was docked just off shore and she could see the crew moving around. "Say hello to Bootstrap for me!" She shouted. She didn't know whether or not her heard but he kept his eyes trained on her face.

"I love you." She muttered, already feeling empty. The heart thudded against her chest hard in response. When she looked up at the Dutchman again it was gone, and her love with it. A flash of green on the horizon made it final. Finally sobs erupted from her body, causing her to fall to her knees. She couldn't feel anything but the water running down her face and the cold metal of the chest against hers.

She thought she heard someone calling for her. She brushed it off as she calmed down a bit. It wasn't as though she'd never see him again. He wasn't dead...completely. The voice called out to her again, this time closer, and she turned to see a man and woman running up to her. Needless to say Lily was confused. The couple introduced themselves as the Jemane's. Apparently Lily had landed herself on a settlement.

"What's that?" Eveline Jemane asked, pointing to the chest.

"The last thing I have of my husband."

Jack grinned to himself while walking along the road. They had docked in Tortuga and he had left Elizabeth in charge of the Pearl while he went to get some supplies, by which he meant rum. He trusted her with the ship and knew Barbossa wouldn't take it with her there. By the time he had his rum he was feeling very high in spirit. He had rum, he had his ship, he had his girl, what more could he want?

With a grimace he spotted Giselle and Scarlet conversing on the other side of the street. Luckily they didn't spot him, or they'd slap him silly. He pondered how much he had changed since the last time he was in Tortuga. If this had been any other time in the past he'd have sweet talked his way into either Giselle or Scarlet's bed but he knew doing that would be stupid, and morally repugnant.

Shrugging to himself he started back toward the dock for some well needed and well deserved sleep. He hadn't gotten much sleep the past few nights, with a leechy grin he remembered why. Not that I mind, Lizzie's better then any other woman i'd ever been with.

When he got to the docks he stopped short. He didn't see the Pearl anywhere. Elizabeth was sitting on a docking pole, arms crossed and looking murderous while Gibbs was asleep on the ground below her. When she saw Jack her glare became less icy but it still held a high level of hardness. "Barbossa stole the ship."

"Obviously luv, dare I ask how?"

Elizabeth growled and her scowl darkened. "The bastard had the nerve to pick me up and throw me off the ship. He had his two monkeys haul Gibbs off but Gibbs was asleep then as well so i'm not sure he knew what was going on." She went on to cursing Barbossa in every language that she knew but stopped when Jack put an arm around her shoulders.

"Well luv he's goin' to be disappointed aye?"

"Why's that?"

Jack just smiled and patted his coat pocket, where the map to The Fountain of Youth rested. He started humming a tune Elizabeth knew well, which caused her to smile as well. Both of them looked out to sea and murmured, "Drink up me hearties yo ho."

Whoo! -pumps fist with vigor- Not exactly the deep, meaningful chapter that I was thinking of but it made me happy none-the-less. Now I can focus on sequel ideas! Yay!

-snickers about the scene with Lily and Will on the island- None of that boot sex crap for me xD Instead you get: Sand sex! Implications rule!

Please R&R, even though I really don't deserve it with the wait i've made everyone have to endure ;-;