Chapter 6

Author's Note- Okay, sorry I haven't updated in a while. Also with chapter 5, don't expect the updates to come often I'll be amazed if this story with be finished by this time next year. I am very busy maybe I'll be able to write some on spring break only a month away, YES.

Well thanks for reading

"Yeah, I'm not… the only reason I never asked you out was because of the Regs." Jack and Sam were completely unaware that they were being spied on.

"Oh well, since this should be considered a completely theoretical conversation… I would have said yes. Just saying… Jack." Jack at that moment was so pleased with himself. Sam Carter, PhD, Major in the USAF would have said yes to him. Then of course it dawned on him that the USAF were the ones standing in there way and no matter how she felt he still couldn't ask her out no matter how much he wanted to.

This was making Sam nervous. Jack wasn't saying anything. Just sitting there staring off into space. Had she said something wrong? She was not sure what had just happened, should she wait for him to speak or should she keep talking she wasn't sure. She however decided on the latter to keep talking which could possibly be better than complete silence.

"Uh well um…" So much for continuing to talk and ramble on thought Sam because she really had no idea what to say.

Jack heard Sam stumble with what to say he really did like stumping her; it was good for her he thought. Everyone should not know everything and he had no problem admitting she was the smartest person he knew (aliens not included.)

"You don't have to say anything, I understand."

"I don't want to just 'leave it in the room' as we did last time. I don't want to have to wait forever."

"I don't want you to wait for me forever Sam. I could never ask you to do that."

Meanwhile right outside the door Jacob was listening to the entire conversation.

Jacob thought it would probably be the right time to tell them of the favor he pulled for them… after hearing the 'confession' he decided it would be as good of a time as any to tell them. Or maybe he would wait until Christmas and give it to them as a surprise like a gift card. Jack would get a kick out of a card… One pass for a relationship for Jack O'Neill and Sam Carter from the USAF. Oh yes, that would be priceless to see them looking at an envelope from the USAF to the both of them together. I would really like to know what would be going through their heads thought Jacob. Although a relationship gift card was a great idea, he thought telling them right now was more appropriate so Jack didn't leave… because their situation was getting awkward…