By Mal's way of looking at it, the whole thing was just a matter of five minutes. Five minutes more or less and none of it would have happened. He wouldn't have ended up with a crashed shuttle on a deserted planet with only half his crew and no ship.

He thought about those five minute spans of time as he lay on his back in bed staring at the ceiling. The sun had just started shining through the windows, but Mal had been awake for nearly an hour already. He'd thought about getting up, but his arm was currently being laid on and he felt bad about disturbing someone else's sleep simply because he couldn't find his own.

Five minutes later…

Simon shifted in bed and woke up slowly, feeling the warm morning sun shining against his back and warming his skin. He shifted slightly when he realized that he was lying on something.

"Sorry Mal didn't mean to lie on your arm." Simon apologized as he moved away from the Captain.

"No worries Doc, weren't hurtin me or nothing." Mal assured him as he moved his arm away from Simon's chest and stretched.

"You ready fer breakfast?" Mal asked as he sat up and began to pull on his pants.

Simon smiled and did the same. "Yeah I could eat. You cookin?" He teased.

"Hell no its yer turn!" Mal argued as he stood up, pulling Simon up along with him.

"We could make Jayne cook." Simon suggested.

"I like the way you think Doc." Mal replied with a grin and then turned and led Simon out of their bedroom.