A/N: Yay! Another 'quick' update ;) Sorry about that. Real life got in the way. Interests shifted. Trips. Boyfriends. Baby brothers ripping off your space bar. Real Life sucks. Forgive? OK, thanks for all the positive feedback! Broke forty reviews! :O THANK YOU! If you could leave another one at the end of this one, I'd love you forever!

Chapter Eleven: Relapse

Last Time: Lily lost the fight with her brain, and she slipped silently away from reality.

When Lily awoke the next morning, she was in her bed. She knew that for a fact. She also knew that she had a splitting headache. Groaning, she sat up slowly, rubbing the back of her head gingerly. She glanced around the room through slightly squinted eyes. It was empty. Next, she looked at the clock which read 12:45pm. Wow, she actually slept in. A shocking new experience for her. Lily swung her bare legs out of the bed, her feet skimming the cold floor. She flinched, and delicately tiptoed to the mirror. She glimpsed at her reflection, noticing she was only in her colourful t-shirt she was wearing the day before. Whoever had moved her to her bed, and also taken the courtesy to remove her rough jeans. All she remembered from the night before was hearing something – something that terrified, yet intrigued her. She also remembered falling into a seemingly endless black pit. So she fainted. If her head was hurting then she obviously hit her head. She turned around, lifting up her somewhat greasy curls, to take a better look at the back for her head to check for and marks or bruises. She saw none, but could hear the low voices talking beneath her. Forcing her lips to turn upwards into what she thought was a convincing smile; she fumbled for her jeans and slipped them on. Her hair was a lost cause, but honestly. It was just her family. She shouldn't feel self-conscious. That was the thing that bothered her though. She did feel self-conscious. Perhaps the reason was because she was now a maturing woman. Or perhaps it was the fact that as of last night, she didn't know what family she belonged to anymore.


Rose sat uncomfortably in the living room, watching her brother beat James at wizard's chess. She heard someone move upstairs which meant Lily was up. Good. There was some serious discussing to do between the relatives. Rose heard the light steps patter down the many stairs and craned her neck around the wall to see her. She looked horrible, and Rose knew she felt dreadful inside, too. Her hair was all gross and tangled, outfit rumpled. All this could be passed off as a late night hangover, but what gave her inner pain away was her face. It was drawn into a slight grimace, pale and blotchy. Her eyes were unfocused and empty, dark purple circles smudged deeply under the withdrawn eyes. Rose looked at her sympathetically, motioning her over. Lily turned her head and made her way over, stumbling as if she were a sleepwalker. She gave Rose and the boys a forced smile before tucking her legs underneath her and hugging a pillow to her chest. Hugo met Rose's eyes, nodding towards Lily. Rose took a deep breath and mouthed 'I know'. She turned her knees towards her cousin, placing her hand on her shoulder tentatively.

"Lily?" she whispered comfortingly.

"I don't want to talk about it." Lily said in a hard voice, already guessing what they were going to ask. Rose patted her lightly.

"But Lily, it's not healthy to keep it inside like that! Just talk to us, we understand, we - !" Albus tried reasoning.

"No. You don't understand, at all. I don't want to talk about it." Trembling, Lily got to her feet and left the room. Rose, James, Albus and Hugo exchanged a look. James glared at Albus, shaking his head.

"Epic fail, dude. Epic fail."


Harry was sitting in the office, feet up on the desk. He had the morning paper propped in his lap and was making a twirling motion with his finger, stirring his afternoon tea with magic. Boxing day was never anything special with the family, so everyone took it as an excuse to laze around. This year would be a little different, with the Weasley Twins and their wives coming today instead of yesterday. This Christmas was the longest one yet. He scanned the paper quickly, searching for anything at all relating to the article from yesterday. Thankfully, there was nothing. Not that he had expected anything, but he couldn't take the risk that the kids would find something before he would. He rubbed his eyes, glancing at the clock which read 12:36pm. Fred, George, Angelina and Alicia would be here soon, bringing their twins. A sudden burst of flame in the fireplace made him jump, spinning around in the chair, wand out. Kingsley Shacklebolt's head floated in the emerald flames, his usual serious expression in place. Harry sent him a grim smile, sitting back down.

"Morning, Shacklebolt. Happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas Potter, I trust it was well?"

"Very, thanks. Yourself?"


There was a pause. Harry drained his cup and placed it on the desk. He leaned forward, arms crossed. "I'm guessing this isn't just a social call? Something I can do for you?"

"Once again, your defying logic is correct," Shacklebolt said sarcastically, smiling wryly. "I need to ask you a favor."

"That would be?"

"No doubt Arthur's already mentioned it, but the Ministry's having some issues with security… there have been numerous hackings throughout our departments. We're not sure who it is, but we need to double up." He answered.

"But, I'm an Auror… a field Auror at that. I don't do office work!" Harry protested, standing. He hated being contained in the office. Over the past many years working for the Ministry, Harry had spent a grand total of 56 ½ hours doing paperwork. He preferred to be out there, searching for the criminals rather than writing up the reports after someone had already caught them.

"Yes, I know that Potter. But it'll just be for a few hours... you and Weasley both. Then I have a new assignment, for you both." Harry sighed in reassignment.

"Alright, when do you want us in?"

"Three, that's when Mr. Thomas and Malfoy get off," Draco, after realizing that his family's inheritance was quickly draining thanks to his fathers unpaid debts, got his Ministry degree and now was a fully trained Auror.

"Fine. I'll just let the family know and I'll see you then. Bye, Kingsley." Harry smiled briefly.

"See you, Harry."

His head flickered a moment before it died back down to its original state. Harry fell back against the suddenly hard chair. Great. That's just what he felt like doing… going to work after a late night, one which ended with him sleeping on the basement floor. Needless to say, it was not the most comfortable night of sleep. He smirked. At least the last bit of it.


Hermione pulled her black robe over her head, smoothing the precise creases just so. She smiled at her reflection, and pinned her badge, which stated her name rank, just above her left breast. She scooped her hair into a quick twist, shoved some bobby pins to hold it and slicked on some gloss. Hermione giggled. She loved getting ready for work – even if it was during the holidays. But right now, that was just what she needed. She needed to get out of this hectic house and go and focus on something else. As Head of the Magical Law Enforcement council, there was always some sort of case or a stray bit of paperwork that needed to be covered. She needed to clear her head, lately it was to full. Full of her issues, her children, worries and concerns at the front of her mind while relaxation and peace were shoved to the very back. Hermione was sure she could find some quiet at the office; after all it was the holidays. And no one went to work on the holidays. Yeah, Hermione thought bitterly, grabbing her brief case, no one except the batty old scrooges… and me. With a pop, she left the house without a goodbye.


Ginny was sitting in the kitchen, checking the time on the clock. She waited anxiously for the Twins to arrive. She beamed. She hadn't seen them or her nieces for ages and it would be nice to catch up. It wasn't as if she hadn't seen them seen them. She made frequent trips into Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade – where Weasley's Wizards Wheezes had locations in each village, so she would pop in to say hi. But all siblings were far too busy with their own lives, and too tired to do anything when they managed to find a free moment. She grimaced. That's what happens when you pop out three kids, become a stay at home mom and have a husband out every night of the week. A loud bang sounded from the front yard, and Ginny leaped to her feet, face bursting into a smile. She ducked her head out the door, glancing around to see if it was in fact Fred arriving in his charmed Mercedes. It was, and his family was all piling out, racing to the door, eager to get out of the cold.

"Auntie Ginny!" chorused the little twin girls, Johanna and Leah, age 8. Fred and Angelina had had troubles conceiving, and it took a while before they were able to produce a baby, which is why their girls were so much younger than their own nieces and nephews. Ginny grinned, spreading her arms wide and engulfing the girls in a big hug.

"Hello sweethearts!" she cooed, squatting down to their level. "Have you been good girls this year?"

Both nodded solemnly, raising their big brown eyes. Ginny's grin grew. "Then I think Father Christmas has some special surprises in the living room! Go say hi to everyone." Then she patted their bottoms and sent them racing into the room, loud giggles mingling with the quiet hum of the other family members. Ginny gripped the kitchen counter and pulled herself up. She wasn't as spry as she used to be.

"Careful, careful. Wouldn't want to throw out the old backbone, would we?" came the teasing voice of Fred Weasley. Ginny's head whipped up and she threw herself into her older brother's arms, needing to be held by someone… someone who would protect her. She choked, trying to keep her tears hidden. This was silly. She shook her head.

"Shut up, Fred," she said, her voice muffled against his shirt. He squeezed her gently, before letting go. He smiled at her, his faintly wrinkled skin creasing deeper through his laugh lines. Ginny glanced around him. "Where's Angelina?"

"Sleeping in the car. Leah's had the worst head cold, and it's kept Ang up all week."

Ginny glared at him. "Why aren't you helping out?"

Fred held his hands up, palms towards her. "Hey, calm down. I do help. I'm up with both of them – I just can take more caffine than her." He teased, elbowing past her and bouncing into the living room with a loud 'Happy Christmas!'

Ginny peeked out the window, just to double check. Angelina's sleeping figure was just visible in the car that was parked down the driveway. She smiled sadly, at this point wishing more than anything that she was still loved as much by her husband as she used to be.


Ron Weasley's eyes darted up as two redheaded girls burst through the door, giggling.

"Uncle Won-Won!" they shouted, heaving themselves onto either of his knees. He grimaced at the horrid nickname, cursing Fred for telling them that. But he put that thought away and focused his attention on his adorable nieces.

"Hey there, little girls! Merlin's Beard you've gotten big since the last time I saw you! How old are you now? 15?" he joked, hugging them each with one arm. They laughed loudly, as though this was the funniest thing they'd ever heard.

"Won-Won! Noooooooooooooo! We're eight!" Johanna exclaimed, poking his shoulder.

"Not fifteen!" Leah added, sliding down. She walked over to the group of her cousins sat, oblivious to the newcomers. "Hiiiii guys! Whatcha whispering about?"

Rose looked up first, grinning at the boldest twin. "Hello, Lee-Lee. How're you?"

Leah beamed toothily at her special nickname. "Gooood. How's ma Rosie?"

Rosie threw a venomous glare at her smirking cousins. "I'm good. Is Uncle George or Aunt Alicia here yet?"

"Nooope. Daddy says they'll be coming later. So I get to hang with you guys! And Jo-Jo too." She added, grabbing her sister's arm and pulling her over to the group. The four older cousins exchanged a look, but they all forced a smile on their faces. "Great!" in a twisted way, they envied Lily at the moment – who was hiding up in her room, claiming ill. Not that her situation was particularly admiring, and they did love their little cousins, but they need to work on their mission. The unexpected discovery had put them behind, and without Lily keeping them on track, they had slipped even farther. The door opening for a third time caused the group a moment to escape for a brief talk. Harry took his turn saying hello to the girls and to Fred. Ginny and a tired looking Angelina followed in moments later. If not all friendly towards everyone, at least the whole family was there. Except…

"Hey, where's Hermione? And Lils?" Angelina asked from her spot on the couch, stirring her tea with a circular motion of her finger. Harry frowned.

"Well, Lily's upstairs… not feeling the greatest. But I don't know where – Ron? Where's Hermione?" Harry asked, glancing at his best friend. Ron looked at him coolly.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

An awkward hush fell over the room, which rang in information for the detective cousins. Rose and Al exchanged a look before silently, and unnoticed, slinking upstairs, signaling for the others to follow.

"Did she have to go to work?" Angelina asked hurriedly, fidgeting with a stray piece of yarn from the throw blanket.

"Yeah, I think she said something about not enough workers…" Ginny said in an innocent voice. She rose to her feet, magicking the fireplace to life. She grabbed her dark cloak from the coat rack, slipping it on. "Not to worry, though," she said faux brightly. "I'll go right out and get her."

Harry quickly jumped to his feet, an anxious expression in his green eyes. "Gin, are you sure? I don't really think -"

Ginny's fake grin grew wider. "Why not, Harry? We have company from very far away just to visit us. I for think it's rather rude for her to leave like that, especially without even saying hello. I'm sure the Ministry can manage for a couple hours – after all, isn't she head of the department? There must be a hundred others under her that she can send in." she stared at her soon to be ex-husband, challenging anyone in the room to contradict her. "Great, so I'll just Floo out and grab her? Excellent, won't be long." Ginny picked up a handful of Floo Powder whilst stepping into the dying fire.

"Ministry of Magic, Magical Law Enforcement Head Office."

With a green flash, she was gone.


Hermione fiddled with the pen in a vain attempt to make it work. Damn thing had frozen up in the middle of an important write up. After struggling for a few minutes, she irritably pulled out her wand and tapped the pen, perhaps a little harder than was necessary. She doodled a little squiggle on a Post – It note to insure that it was indeed working again. She pulled the form she had been working on back to her, and began filling it out. Her 'j' spread across the whole page when a roar of fire burst up in the cold fire place. An ash covered Ginny Weasley stepped out from it, a murderous expression on her face.

"Alright, bitch. Let's go." She spat, tossing her sister-in-law her coat, taking care to smear some gray powder into the fine black material. Hermione caught it easily, but placed it on her lap. She leaned forwards on the desk, head cocked and eyebrow raised.

"Excuse me? Where am I going?" she questioned, tone condescending. Ginny rolled her eyes, marching over to the front of the desk. She leaned down so she was eye level with her. She smiled cruelly, tilting her head slightly.

"You know, I really don't like you, Granger. But apparently, the people back home do, so they'd like it if you'd show up for the family get together. After all, we all are family, aren't we?" she whispered, letting out a breath of a laugh. "At least, that's what they think. Now get your ass over there so they don't think that you don't want to be there."

Hermione unblinkingly stood, tugging on her coat. "You could've just sent a patronus." She informed her coldly, putting away the pen and form, shutting the desk drawer with a snap. Ginny shook her head, unfriendly smile still spread across her face.

"I could've, true. But that wouldn't have allowed me to deliver my message."

Hermione raised her right eyebrow even higher. "And what would that be?"

Ginny walked up to Hermione, so close that she could smell her vanilla perfume. "That would be from me. I know what you're up to. Don't even bother denying it, you manipulative, lying slut." At this, Hermione's eyes widened, fear evident. How did she know…wait. Did she? Ginny smirked. "Yeah, I've got you now, Granger. But for amusements sake, I'm not going to tell anyone. From past experience, I've found that letting your enemies squirm with the weight of their guilt and their lies is the best way to make them pay. Oh, of course you'll crack under the pressure, so everyone will find out anyways. You just deserve to suffer first." Ginny's manicured nails gripped Hermione's chin, forcing it down to look at her. Hermione tried to flinch as the nails bit into her skin. Ginny's eyes, which had danced maliciously throughout her crazed rant, now darkened, hatred reflecting in them so clearly, it was frightening. "One last thing. If you ever go near Harry again? Touch him, fuck him, kiss him, even talk to him?" Ginny let go of her face and stepped back into the fireplace, Floo Powder ready. "Our little secret? Will be front page news on the Daily Prophet fast than you can say 'I hate you,'" Ginny threw down the powder, the green flames licking at her body. "I'll see you in a few best buddie!" she rolled her eyes again. "Ta, Granger"

And with a flash, she was gone. Hermione let out the shaky breath she hadn't even known she was holding. She rested her head in her heads, letting her emotions mix freely. Anger, humiliation, pain. How had she let things get this bad? She was the smart one, and she saw no way to fix this. And so, Hermione Granger-Weasley, sat down, and cried.


A/N: That was way overdue. And for that I apologize profusely! Excuses (the first a/n) are flimsy and pointless at this stage, but its CHRISTMAS TOMORROW! :) … or actually, today (it's midnight where I am)

So, I just wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HANAKUAH, AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Also to thank you for the 40+ reviews! :o Lets get some more!

Thanks to those who have stuck by me, your support for my writing means the world to me.

And may I say that I quite dislike Ms. Potter at the moment? :p Also, I'm sorry I didn't include George in this chapter! :( I just ran out of ideas and things to put him in… you guys had waited long enough, but do not worry! :] I have other plans for him and Alicia!


*edit: Christmas was four days ago XD