Sasuke stepped out of the sleek black car, and into the late afternoon sun

Beautiful Crimes
this is the first chapter to a story I hope you will all like. Keep in mind that this is new to me. Please no flying pencils aimed at my head! –Ducks behind Sasuke-


I could stay awake just to hear you breathing, Watch you smile while you are sleeping, While you're far away dreaming, I could spend my life in this sweet surrender, I could stay lost, in this moment forever, Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure.


Sasuke stepped out of the sleek black car, and into the late afternoon sun. He crossed to the trunk, and picked up his duffel bag from its richly upholstered depths. There wasn't much in there, just a few changes of clothes, a few books for reading in his spare time, and his bathroom items.

Looming over him at the end of the sidewalk was his new school.

Sir William's Academy for the troubled youth. That's what the sign on the side of the fifteen foot high fence read. Just like how you see it in old movies; there were big guards on either side of the gate, looking more like stones that actual people. The school beyond the gate was large, dark, and seemed like the perfect place to house two hundred or so juvenile delinquents.

Beginning to walk up the path, Sasuke didn't bother to wait for his older brother, Itachi. It wasn't just because he was pissed at his brother for enrolling him in this godforsaken school, but because he didn't need his brother, he was perfectly fine on his own. For being only sixteen Sasuke was almost completely independent.

"Don't be so hasty little brother." Said Itachi calmly, catching up with him easily. His face was smooth and bored.

"Screw off, Itachi. It's not my fault you're sending me here." He retorted.

"Manslaughter is a very serious issue, Sasuke." replied Itachi.

"It's not like I chopped your arm off." He mumbled. "I just missed your head."

"Temper." He chided coldly. "And your language is simply terrible."

The reason for which Sasuke was being sent to this hellish prison they called a school, was because the previous week Sasuke had attempted to throw a knife at Itachi's head, missed, and ended up stabbing him in the arm. Had it been his fault Itachi didn't dodge it in time? Maybe he should think before he said Sasuke was "Unfit to wear the Uchiha name". But what did he get for his perfectly just actions? That's right a depressing building full of crazy teens with authority issues. But at least this way he was away from Itachi.

Once passed the gate, Sasuke was put through the whole nine yards, a bag check, metal detectors, and the guards even patted him down. The ceremony was completely demeaning and boring. Who would want to waste their time trying to hide something? The over protective fun Nazi's would just find it and dispense with it before you could think twice about it.

Inside was not much better than outside. It was crowded with kids clearly on their way to dinner. He noticed the sea of students were all dressed the same: black closed toe shoes, black pants, a navy sweater with the school's crest on it (the crest consisted of a small bird crouched on a branch as if to take flight, and the school's motto "Set yourself free, become a new person"), the only difference as far as the eye could see was the color of the undershirt and tie.

Sasuke and Itachi were forced to go into the principles office, where they had to wait in uncomfortable plastic chairs, to be seen by her.


Naruto couldn't wrap his mind around the idea of the kids in the school actually looking forward to the slop the cafeteria would be shoveling down their throats that day. Obviously his friends could. They dragged him down the large staircase, through the lobby, and passed the principle's office where he saw a boy his age, and a much older man.

The younger boy was tall, thin, with a well defined chest and limbs, masked by his tight black T-shirt and dark jeans. A raven haired, onyx eyed god in that soulless place. The older man was seemed to be a larger, more mature version of the first. His long dark hair was pulled back into am old-fashioned ponytail. His hard black eyes stared unseeingly bored at the wall opposite him. Who the hell were these guys?

"Naruto!" Kiba's voice brought his little bubble crashing down around his ears, and a couple of cardboard fries collided with his whisker marked cheek. Naruto looked around and his friends were all looking at him with confused eyes. "What's up with you? Usually you never shut up."

"I think all the drinking affected his brain cells." Mumbled Shikamaru from one end of the table. His head was propped on top of his folded arms, and his eyes were closed. "That, or the crash smushed part of his brain." after that, light snores carried down the table.

"Shut up crack dealer!" said a furious Naruto, a little too late. "That was a one time lapse in judgment, and I only hit that old lady's mail box. And besides Klepto," he turned to glare at Kiba. "I was just thinking about all the homework I have to do tonight."

"Simmer down, Drunkie." Laughed Chouji. "Have you heard about the new student that's transferring in tonight? I thought you might because you're practically the only tenth grade boy without a roommate."

"No I hadn't heard of him yet." Hope bubbled in the pit of Naruto's thin stomach. His thoughts immediately sprang to the raven god in the principle's office. Surely he would have remembered the fire inspired tuffs of black that stuck out of the back of the boy's head, if he had seen him around the school before. "Does anybody know what the boy's name is?" he was truly excited now. Sure he was a little more friendly with boys than with girls, but he wasn't full out flaming gay, his friends knew that he wasn't gay; to them he was as straight as a line, but the boy in the office was very good looking.

"I think I heard Sakura and Ino giggling about some "Uchiwa" boy I think it was." Said Kiba, before he bursted out with a bark like laugh, at the poor boy's suspense.

"I'm sure the boy is wonderful, and the picture of love and youth!" Lee claimed exuberant. He jumped up from his chair, before he climbed on top of it and started shouting of youth. Again. Neji had grabbed the back of Lee's sweater, and slammed him back down in his seat calmly, just when he was about to break out in a dance like movement. Crazy drug addicts. They all went back to their food as if it never had happened; after all it just wasn't dinner unless Lee started climbing on top of things shouting at the top of his lungs.


Before the Uchiha brothers sat the principle of Sir William's. She was a young looking, busty blonde, and she had said her name was Tsunade. No last name, just Miss Tsunade.

"Okay, Sasuke listen up." she said firmly. Over the desk top she passed two pieces of paper. The first was a course list, the second a map of the school, on the back of which, was a lay out of all the floors. "I'm only going to say this once. Uniforms are mandatory during school hours; you have ten provided for you, enough for two weeks. Every two weeks your grade has laundry day, it's yourresponsibility not to loose them. Any other time you can wear whatever the hell you want. Curfew is ten, you have to be in your room by then, or you will be punished. Lights out by ten-thirty. Each room has its own bathroom, comprised of a sink, toilet, and a shower. Your room number is 32; it's on the left side of the building on the fifth floor. Your roommate is Uzumaki Naruto, at try and get along with him, not that I give a damn." Sasuke's jaw dropped.

He had a roommate? God help the poor guy that had to sleep in the same room as him. Sasuke didn't like people; they were untrustworthy idiots who could stab you in the back at any moment. Damn this school. He had been there less that a half an hour and already the place was pissing him off to the point where he thought it was his own personal hell.

"As long as you don't skip class, or break curfew, you are allowed outside at any time. But you can not leave the grounds." she turned to Itachi. "Visiting hours is Saturday from four to six; and you can check him out on the weekends as long as he's back by Sunday night." She was quiet for a moment, as if running through everything to see if she had missed anything. She turned back to Sasuke. "You're here until Itachi decides to take you home, or I see fit that you are okay, got it?" Sasuke nodded sharply. "Well if you have no questions." He and Itachi both stayed silent. "Mr.Uchiha, I need you to sign a few papers, and then Sasuke can go to his room." For the first time, a small smile appeared on her lips, and she looked so much prettier than when she had been scowling a second ago.

Tsunade slipped a few forms to Itachi who filled them out silently while looking bored. He passed them back to her, and she filed them away on a folder, then into a large cabinet with what he assumed to be the other students' files.

Sasuke rose from his chair in front of the desk, and strode form the room with out a second glance back. His bag was slung over his shoulder, and he heard distant voices from behind him.

"Aren't you going to go up to his room with him, and meet his roommate?" asked Tsunade's voice. "Or are you going to at least say goodbye? He is your brother after all."

"No." replied Itachi dully. "I have a meeting across town, I've already wasted half of my day with this business, any more and I might as well enroll my self. Sorry I have to go." Itachi had taken over their family's business after their parents' murders, around six years ago. He had been working weird hours, and leaving Sasuke to fend for himself more and more frequently.

'So Itachi has time to enroll me in this crap hole, yet he can't even manage a simple goodbye?' fumed Sasuke, as he stalked up the stairs. 'Damn brother. What could be more important than seeing who your little brother would be living with for god knows how long? He doesn't even care about me. That icy bastard should just rot in hell.'

Finally Sasuke made it to the fifth floor. He walked down to the left side, ignoring the adoring eyes of the girls he passed. He had always been like crack to girls, their main source of eye candy. Why couldn't they just back off? It wasn't like he was interested in any of them. The girls here were all wither crazy drug addicts, or madly violent.

He grasped the cool metal of the door knob in his hand, sighed, and pushed the door open. The room that was revealed wasn't that bug. There were two beds, and he set his duffel bag down on the foot of the empty one. The other was a tide of sheets, and a single dark orange stuffed fox sat on the pillow. 'Oh great.' he moaned internally. 'This Uzumaki Naruto guy is pissing me off already. Just my luck, I get stuck with some touchy-feely guy for a roommate. He had better not try to rape me in my sleep.'

There was a closet, and Sasuke began to hang up his clothes. He removed his old school back pack from the bottom of his duffel bag, before he shoved it underneath his bed with his foot. He lay down on his bed, and looked over his course list. It was pretty much the same as his past one. A few honors and advanced classes, gym, history, the basics one needs for survival. When he was dreading the fact that he had to start his classes the next day, at that depressing school, the door opened, and a boy his age stood in the frame.