I've been addicted to Peter Pan 2: Return to Neverland lately. It's one of my favorite Disney movies. I think I like it so much because Jane is less perfect than most Disney girls, which is a nice change of pace!

One thing. I do NOT want to hear people going "Jane and Peter are only kids!"

A. There are people much younger than me who do more mature things than me.

B. Peter looks like he's 14 to me and Jane looks 12. They're not THAT young.

C. Wendy and Peter were considered a pairing, but Wendy grows up so it's kinda…it'll be very wrong if it becomes a pairing. But, whatever, Peter and Wendy were a pairing, so why not Jane and Peter?

And D. Peter flirts with girls so, you know, yeah.

Just wanted to put that there. So flamers, BACK OFF!

Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan, Jane, or any of the characters really. I just own the plot of the story because I am just awesome that way.

The Only Lost Girl

Chapter One

Bomb Blitz and a Familiar Friend

Jane and Nana II were running in the streets. Jane wore her brown trench coat and little army hat. It's been a year since her journey to Neverland, meaning it was Danny's seventh birthday today.

She had run to pick up his gift at the toyshop. It was a beautiful teddy bear; custom picked just for her little brother.

"Come on, Nana II. We have to hurry, or mother and father will worry." Nana II barked and they ran through the streets. Suddenly, sirens went off and Jane gasped. Planes flew overhead.

Nana II barked at them and Jane grabbed the dog and threw herself behind some rubble in the streets as protection from the bombs that could rain any moment now.

The plane's roar filled her ears and then, for a moment, it was silent. A loud explosion was heard and brought a wave of terror with it. Jane hugged Nana II tighter as protection from the flying debris and shock wave that came from the bomb.

What type of bomb it was, Jane did not know. Enough to destroy a building, yes. Enough to wipe out a great deal of London, no. She waited there with Nana II, breathing heavily.

Finally, the sirens ended and the searchlights resumed their usual slow, lazy scan of the sky for the enemy. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good thing that bomb wasn't too close, or we'd have been goners, right Nana II?" she asked. Nana II barked and licked her face. Jane laughed and wiped the slobber from her cheek. "Alright, alright. Let's get back home now."

They ran through the streets, littered with remains of buildings and dirt. The damage grew worse as she continued on ahead. Jane arrived to the familiar street and froze in horror at the sight before her.

It was her house…in ruins…along with half the houses on their street. She stepped through the piles of wood and crumbled bits of cement foundation.

"Mother?" she whispered. "Father? Danny?" She ran to the bomb shelter, but it was also destroyed. She began to dig desperately through it, hoping to find one member of her family still alive. Nobody.

She ran to the house, or what was left of it, and pushed aside the remains.

"Mother! Father! Danny!" she cried, digging desperately. Nana II joined her in her search. Jane moved aside some wood and saw her brother Danny – dead. Tears welled in her eyes as she took her little brother in her arms and cradled him. "D-Danny…" She held him close to her, sobbing.

Nana II trotted up to him and nudged Danny's limp hand with her nose. She threw her head back and howled. Near Danny's body, Jane found her mother and father. Edward had dived to try and save Wendy, but neither one had made it.

Jane's body shook violently with her sobs. She pulled the three departed family members from the pile and laid them on the ground. Taking off her coat, she laid it over them like a blanket and removed her hat, bowing her head.

Nana II threw her head back and howled again. Jane took the teddy bear she had bought for Danny and tucked it under his arm.

"There you are, Danny." She bit her lip and choked back a sob. "Happy birthday…" Nana II licked Jane's face and she sobbed into the fur of the St. Bernard.


Peter flew into the familiar hollow tree; the Lost Boys following close behind.

"Well, Lost Boys how was today's adventure?" Peter asked.

"Super, Peter!" they all chorused, jumping up and down on the bed. Peter flew into his familiar throne, Tinkerbell next to him. They watched the Lost Boys shoot at each other with small pebbles using their sling shots and running around the room.

Peter grinned, but a strong feeling hit him and his face grew to a slight grimace.

"What wrong, Peter?" Slightly, the Lost Boy in the fox costume, asked. The other lost boys stopped what they were doing and looked expectantly at Peter.

"Something's wrong?" Curly, the chubby Lost Boy in the bear costume, asked.

"I dunno. I kinda feel…weird." Peter stood up. I'm going to head out for a little while. You boys hold down the fort. Tink, come with me." Tinkerbell saluted.

"But where are you going?" Nibs, the Lost Boy in the rabbit costume, asked.

"I want to pay a visit to Wendy and Jane." The boys all brightened.



"Are you bringing one of them back here?" one of the twins asked.

"I don't know. We'll see."

"Please, Peter?" they all asked pleadingly. Toodles, the youngest Lost Boy in the skunk costume, knelt in front of Peter and looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. Peter looked away so avoid caving.

"Again, we'll see." He flew up. "C'mon, Tink." The two flew out of the tree and into the sky.

Jane sat back, wiping her eyes. Nana II licked her face again to dry some of her tears. Sniffling, Jane patted Nana II on the head.

"Oh, what am I going to do now?" she whispered. "They'll probably put me in an orphanage and take you to a shelter, Nana II." Nana II automatically sat up and whined at the thought. "Don't worry, Nana II." Jane hugged her. "I promise; I won't let that happen to us. We'll make it through this...somehow."

Sirens filled the air again. It was from army vehicles to check the bombed area for survivors. Jane sniffled and wiped her face on the sleeve of her dress.

"It sounds like they're already here." Nana II whined again and huddled close to Jane. A soft noise caught Jane's attention and she looked behind her to see a flying figure moving closer to her.

A familiar tinkling noise filled her ears and her eyes widened.

"Peter? Tinkerbell?" she whispered. Peter landed in front of her.

"Hello, Jane." He noticed the house in ruins and was amazed. "What happened?" Jane sniffled.

"It…the…oh, Peter!" She collapsed into him and broke into a fresh series of sobs. Tinkerbell glowed red with jealousy and was prepared to start yanking at Jane's hair, but Peter held up a hand to stop her and lightly shook his head no.

He patted her on the back, trying to comfort her. Jane looked just like she did a year ago. Maybe an inch taller, but that was the only really difference. Her honey-colored hair was still cut in that cute, slightly tom-boyish style.

"But, why is she crying?" he asked himself. "What happened to her house?"

At last, Jane's sobs began to let up.

"Jane," he whispered softly, "what happened?" She looked up at him, her blue eyes shining from her tears.

"Our house was bombed. Mom, dad, Danny, they're all…gone." Peter's eyes widened a little.

"You mean…?" Jane nodded, biting her lip. Tinkerbell floated there, no longer jealous. She looked at Jane sadly and flew over to her, patting her head with a small, glowing hand. More tears flowed from Jane's eyes.

"And now the government is probably going to stick me in an orphanage and poor Nana II in an animal shelter!"

"No they won't Jane."

"Yes, Peter, they will! I know it." Peter put his hands on her shoulders and shook his head.

"No, Jane. Not if you come with me and Tink back to Neverland."

"You mean…forever?" Jane asked. Peter smiled and shrugged.

"Why not? After all, you are the one and only Lost Girl."

"Well…" Peter looked at her in confusion.

"What's wrong, Jane?"

"Can Nana II come too?" she asked.

"I don't know. Can she fly?"

"I'm sure she can! Please, Peter! Nana II is the only member of the family I have left." Peter rubbed the back of his neck and Jane looked up at him pleadingly. For some reason, Peter found himself unable to say no at those eyes.

"Alright." Jane smiled.

"Thank you, Peter."

"Sure…" he replied sheepishly, blushing a little. Jane looked at Tinkerbell.

"Well, Tink, can you help us out?" The golden fairy saluted and covered Jane and Nana II with pixie dust. Jane closed her eyes. "Faith, trust, pixie dust." She felt her feet float up off the ground. Nana II growled a little in confusion.

Jane smiled and flew up. Peter grinned and followed her; Nana II and Tinkerbell flying close behind. They soared up into the night sky, gradually flying closer to the second star on the right.

Well, it's a bit dramatic so far, but it is gonna be a romance so, huzzah! Romance! I've been dying to write a Jane x Peter fic for a while since they're almost nonexistent. Please review me. I'd love ten before the next update.