If you like quick updates, don't read this! XD

Just something that's been passing through my mind and getting written down in odd moments. I had enough for a first chapter so thought I may as well post it, but my other fics have to take priority so it's going to be a while before it starts to pick up speed.

SPOILERS: This is an AU so no real spoilers, may be hints of stuff from the manga but if you don't know, you won't know XD

DISCLAIMER: Death Note and its characters are not mine. The story and lyrics are mine.The other quote is from Romeo and Juliet. By Shakespeare.


Insolent stranger

Eyes in the night

Am I looking for a fight

Am I looking for some meaning in my life

Will you remember

When the moon has curved away

In the show and tell of day

Will we begin

Or is this nothing more than nothing...


Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.


Raito looked up and down the dark, deserted street then pushed open the window and crawled inside. The room was empty. He'd already known that of course, he wasn't stupid enough to climb through the window of a bosozoku gang headquarters without checking out first that there was nobody waiting on the other side for him.

He wasn't supposed to be here. Where he was meant to be was outside, waiting for the backup he'd called for. But he was bored. He could, he supposed, have lurked in the street, passing the time by comparing today and yesterday and working out which of them had been the most boring. Or for a fun change, he could have estimated how boring tomorrow was going to be. But instead, he'd decided to do something interesting for once and check out the house by himself.

He closed the window behind him and moved quietly over to the door. Listened. Opened it and sneaked out into the corridor. All was going well, nobody around to watch his progress, no sound, the bikers were probably sunk into a drunken or drugged stupor by now –

"Fuck!" he hissed as he turned the corner of the corridor and found a Glock 17 pointing at him, held in the hand of a dark-haired man who looked as surprised as Raito. But not surprised enough to let his gun hand waver.

Raito glared into the eyes of the stranger. "Police," he stated commandingly, but not too loud, no point in attracting a crowd. "You're under arrest!"

The other man's spookily large dark eyes glanced down at his pistol and back up at Raito.

"Unless you have death ray eyes or some other useful superpower, I think not," he said.

"You'll only make it worse for yourself – " Raito began the speech. The one that makes the criminal realise – well, that he'll only make it worse for himself.

"Heard it," the stranger said, dismissively. "Show me your badge."

Raito slowly brought it out, held it toward the other man. Who took it gingerly between first finger and thumb as though he thought Raito might have blown his nose on it.

He studied it, waving the pistol warningly at Raito at one point though the young man could have sworn he hadn't moved an inch. Can he read my mind? I thought about grabbing for the gun...

"Yagami Raito," the man said, handing back the police ID. "Any relation to Yagami Souchirou?"

"I'm his son," Raito said. "Do you know my father?" Have you been arrested by my father?

"I know of him," the man said, turning the most intense gaze on Raito that the young man had ever encountered. "You don't look much like him."

"I know," Raito said, taking his own good look at his captor. So I'll know you again when I see you in a lineup. Decided there wouldn't be much trouble picking the man out of a crowd. He seemed young, probably a little older than Raito, had dark hair that looked as if it had never heard of a comb much less seen one, huge grey eyes with huger pupils – was he short-sighted, perhaps? Big dark bags under them as well, maybe the result of too many nights spent sneaking around other people's houses when he should be asleep in bed. And the clothes – baggy faded jeans and even baggier white top that fit where it touched and not very well at that. His posture was also appalling but Raito reckoned him to be about his own height if he stood up straight.

The man smiled at him. Dear God, that's the creepiest smile I've ever seen! Is there anything about this man that isn't odd? He could get a job sitting on top of a cathedral catching rainwater!

"Flattering as your intent examination of my person may be," the man said, his voice low and pleasing in contrast to the rest of him, "we don't really have time for any more ogling."

"I'm not ogling you!" Raito hissed. "I'm a police officer!"

"And as such, entitled to stare, I must agree. I presume you're here looking for the sentosha of the Maru-So?"

"Yes," Raito said. He calls them Maru-So – that's a police term, is he some kind of undercover – no, no. Surely not. No-one could be under that much cover. "Since he's their leader, I need to talk to him about an incident earlier today –"

"Yes, three people were killed after a bike race got out of control. I know about it," the man waved away Raito's explanation. "Then we should have no difficulty accomodating each other. I have information that a man called Friderich Kowalewski is hiding out with them, disguising himself as a biker. He's the one I want, you can have all the rest."

"I beg your pardon?" Raito was outraged. "You think I'm just going to – who are you, anyway?"

"You can call me Ryuuzaki," the man said. "And I'm here representing the American government."

"Does the Japanese government know about your presence?" Raito asked.

Ryuuzaki grinned. "After a fashion. They wouldn't admit to it."

"Let me see your ID," Raito demanded. What is he, FBI? No, there's no way one of them would ever dress like this!

"Don't have any," Ryuuzaki said.

"So – let me get this straight," Raito's tone pure sarcasm, "you think I'm just going to hand you over one of my possible suspects so that you can take him out of the country, when I don't even know who you are?"

"Don't you want to, Yagami-san?"

"..." Now he's making puppy-dog eyes at me! Puppy-dog eyes! Is he demented? Does he maybe think he's – attractive? That won't work on me!

"No, I don't want to." the young detective said firmly. "In fact, I'm thinking of arresting you along with the rest of them, you seem like a suspicious character to me!"

"Me?" Ryuuzaki's eyes, if possible, grew even bigger and he – pouted. "Suspicious?"

"Put the damn gun away, we've wasted enough time here," Raito said, slightly unnerved by the – the eyes. The cute expressions. Cute? Did I just think cute? What's wrong with me? Just how bored am I really? "I'm expecting backup any minute, when they get here we'll arrest everybody and if you want one of them you'll have to go through the proper channels."

Ryuuzaki shrugged. "That seems fair enough, Yagami-san." He holstered his pistol somewhere under his shapeless t-shirt and obediently followed Raito down the corridor.

"Are you CIA or something?" Raito muttered.

"Something," Ryuuzaki replied.

"What kind of something – "

"Shhh!" Ryuuzaki grasped Raito's arm. "Did you hear that?"

"No, what?"

"Sounded like someone trying to be quiet."

"Was it us?"

"Very amusing, Yagami-san. Quick, come in here, we can wait for them to come along then creep out and grab them!"

Ryuuzaki thrust open the nearest door, making Raito shudder. What if somebody had been inside there? Well, maybe the man had already checked, who knew how long he'd been in the house. Peering inside, Raito saw a small bedroom, no blankets on the bed, a nasty musty smell in the air.

"Quick!" Ryuuzaki whispered from behind him.

"Okay, don't be so nervous," Raito said, stepping into the room and turning to Ryuuzaki just in time to see the other man take the key from the inside of the door and step back out into the corridor.

"What – " Raito lunged for the door but it was too late. He heard the key turn in the lock and the annoying – the hateful – low voice of Ryuuzaki from the other side.

"I'm sorry, Yagami-san, but I can't allow you to interfere with me. Doubtless your backup will release you when they arrive."

"You bastard!" Raito hissed.

"Yes, you're probably right," the voice sounded amused.

"If I ever see you again, you are going to be the sorriest man that ever lived!"

"Sadly, Yagami-san, although I have found your company quite charming, it's not at all likely that we will meet again. Sayonara."

Raito growled in frustration, then slumped against the door. Making any kind of noise would just wake up the biker gang and cause them to flee. All he could do was wait for the humiliation when he had to be set free by his laughing colleagues. Damn Ryuuzaki! Who the hell was the man? Raito would find out! He'd hunt him down and – and charge him with – something! Anything! The freaky little goblin would be sorry he'd messed with Raito!

He pulled out his notebook, turned to a new page and wrote. Ryuuzaki. Then a description, not that he was likely to forget. Started to plan how he was going to look for the man. And never noticed that for once, he wasn't bored at all.