" Sensei

" Sensei! Sensei!!" a black hair girl with a group of girls started to yell across the field of Soul Academy.

The black head girl was called Karin. Anyways, across the field was a white haired man with ice blue eyes, with glasses and wearing a white shirt with a black vest and a tie.

As the group of girls with mini skirts run over, the teacher began to stop walking and turned around.

" Good Morning." In a strict voice he said.

" Sensei, your voice is soooo beautiful!!" Karin said. And the girls behind her started to scream in a high pitch voice.

" Please, get ready to start the school this year and please stop your nonsense." The white haired man said as he took off his glasses.

" Hitsugaya-sensei, your so sexy when you take your glasses off!!" as Karin started to scream.

" Anyways… there is going to be a new student today. I want you guys to at least act normal enough not to scare him or her." He said walking away from the group.


" So who do think the new student is, Karin?" a girl asked.

" I don't know, but if it's a she, then I better make sure she doesn't touch Toshiru, I mean, Hitsugaya-sensei." Karin said in a furious tone yet grinning.

Suddenly, the class settled down as Toshiru walked in with the principle.

" Class, please welcome our new student…" the princeple said.

As she walked in, everyone began staring.

A girl with long brown hair in a pony tail, with big brown eyes and a cute face walked.

Hitsugaya's face was just shocked and couldn't stop staring at her. Karin saw and began cursing and evil eying the girl.

" Hello everyone, I'm Hinamori Momo. Nice to meet you!" she said smiling.

One thing's for sure, the boys in that class were happy.