Reviews for Sensei!
yuki chapter 2 . 3/25/2014
ohhh... but You could somehow somewhat put in some fluff close to lemon is fine with me so update please! i need more chapters!
yuki chapter 2 . 3/25/2014
No need to I want to know your ideas so update i need more chapter please! update! update! very soon please update!
yuki chapter 1 . 3/25/2014
hahaha I just couldn't stop thinking about the last sentence it made me laugh everytime i think about it please don't forget to update more! I need more please!
TheScene01 chapter 2 . 8/14/2012
I think it would be pretty cool if it started out as a close friendship that soon develops into love :3
HitsugayaHinamoriLovesToshiro chapter 2 . 7/24/2012
Ayee I like it :D
I hate karin -.- bleh!

I love Momo x3
Guest chapter 2 . 7/6/2012
In your next chapter you should write about how Toshiro acts all lovey dovey with Momo! Then writ about Karin's jelousy! ;) :o)
MonsterWaterWolf5 chapter 2 . 2/25/2012
I love it! Keep Going!
Yemi Hikari chapter 2 . 9/1/2011
If you aren't willing to write a sensitive subject with the level of respect it deserves, don't write it at all. Treating what amounts to a taboo pairing as if it is cute, cool and not taboo is just wrong. Again, it isn't the subject matter here that is the problem, it is how you are handling it.

That said, you aren't handling the pairing between Toshiro and Momo well in your fanfic either. There are no context clues in canon that say that the two care about each other more then just brother and sister. It isn't a pairing that you can throw together, you have to make it believable.

That said, this is NOT Hitsugaya Toshiro. One of the important traits from Bleach is that he IS a child genius, it makes up who he is. He DOESN'T wear glasses and his eyes are GREEN, not BLUE. He is completly OoC of himself, he would NOT have yelled at Hinamori or blamed her. Also, Hitsugaya is the type person who would have to much honor to get together with one of his students.

And then there is Karin. Why do you feel the need to bash the girl and make her Momo's rival in this? She is a tom boy, not a girly girl. You make her have less sense then Momo does, when it is common knowledge that she has more sense in canon. This is what we call character bashing and it is one of the big DON'TS in fanfiction writing, along with making characters OoC.

Momo, well... you haven't given enough of her that I can say whether she will be OoC or not in your story, but at this point she isn't. You are bending everyone else, to fit her, rather then trying for actual charater development. AU does NOT mean you can do whatever you want. Slap different names on these characters, we so wouldn't recognize that this is Bleach.

So, try try again.
Mad Eclair chapter 2 . 12/13/2010
please update! i love the sensie thing, its a great idea and you should continue. just be carful not to let momo become a mary sue. hurah for sexy-save-the-day-toushiro!

ahhhhh.okay chapter 2 . 4/6/2010
i loved the chapters cant wait to read more
sillychild23 chapter 2 . 3/12/2010
Wow! Keep it going, I love it so far!
CrimsonTears57 chapter 2 . 3/12/2010
AW! So cute! But you have got to finish!
unformidable trust chapter 2 . 3/21/2009
wat a wierd teacher? wat kind a teacher punish a student because she catches a guy attention ' seriously, but omg kawaii, lol hitsugaya helped her yay

loved the chapter plz update soon
Hahayz chapter 2 . 3/17/2009
I love the plot.

It could use a bit more twist to it though, not to mention a bit more words in each chapter.

It's fantastic so far, update soon!

Kikuri6 chapter 2 . 3/17/2009
THANK YOU for updating your story i been waiting a long time for it. i really like this chap it was short that made me kinda sad but hitsugaya came to the rescee for is beloved hinamori that was sweet of him. The only thing i dont like about is that mean sensei who dared tried to punish momo for something she don't hav control of. Any way plez update as soon as you can!
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