Wishes Preferred Customer Normal Preferred Customer 2 274 2001-11-07T22:38:00Z 2001-11-08T03:32:00Z 1 374 2136 Dell Computer Corporation 17 4 2623 9.2720



Disclaimer- I only own what I made up


Ever since I started watching anime and reading book I dreamed of adventure. Something that would make my life less dull, sadly I could only find these in book and TV. So I dealt with my boring life as best I could. Facing the fact nothing "wicked" as I like to put it, would ever happen to me.

How wrong was I for thinking such a thing.


I yawned to myself and forced myself to say good-bye to my online friends and sign off my mom's computer so I could shut it down. I was tired and I knew it but I still didn't want to go to bed, to escape to my world of dreams. (Even if I could never remember them) It was strange for me not to want to go to bed, because I usually looked pretty egger to my sleep. Maybe it was the fact I had to get up for school tomorrow or "torture hall" as I called it. I wasn't sure but I picked up my cd player and put it on my computer chair and told myself to live with it, school was a fact of life. I turned on the country station. (Being as it was the only one that came in half the time) and drifted off to my world of endless sleep (ignoring the fact I was trying to stay up to watch 0080 gundam) Thinking and making the same wish I made every night, that a sign of adventure would come and whisk me away to anther world, to escape my destiny of living a boring life.


My eyes fluttered open and I blinked as I scanned my room I saw a little white light in the corner of my room. Now I'm not always the bravest and I probably, under any other circumstances ran away, but my curiosity got the better of me and I had to check out the light.

I reached my hand down towards it and instantly felt like something was sucking me in.  'Aliens, they're invading' I thought as the white light engulfed me. I couldn't see anything because it was so bright, but I could feel, and did I feel.

I felt a tingling sensation all threw my body and it was mixed with this cold numbness, it was like nothing I felt before. I closed my eyes tight as I felt myself falling and landed on something with a sickening thud. My arm was twisted behind my back and I was in immense pain, I knew I probably broke a bone or two but I hoped I didn't in some part of my mind.  As I looked up (being that was the way I was facing) I saw a figure with reddish brown hair look down at me. His eyes were sea blue and I thought I could get lost in them, but I didn't really have time to think I guess because I passed out right there.


Short sweet, and to the point… Find out more in wishes on chapter 2