1 Wishes

A.n- I got my comp. Fixed so I can upload and everything now. (I had to get a new hard drive) So I decided to write in celebration.

Disclaimer- ::cracks up::: Ya right.


I don't know if it was the song "its not easy to be me" stuck in my head or not, but I felt mega different. Like I was me yet at the same time not, then again maybe it was just me who knows. I lay still for a few more minutes before deciding to open my eyes. I didn't like the sight when I did so. My arm was broken. (Funny I didn't remember going to sleep and braking it.?)I Looked around the room and was even more shocked. This was not my messy room. Far from it... this room was. clean. (The horror!) I knew something was up now. My room was not clean. My mom had to usually beg me before it ever got clean. Fish tanks? Clue number two. I decided to get up. It wasn't the fact that I smelled food though. (Me? Get up for food?) As I walked down the hall smelling my way to the kitchen I noticed this guy had to be a clean freak. Either that or a woman was his roommate. I looked at all the paintings that where on the walls. They were of fish. Okay the person loved fish to. I walked into a living room. It had a table in there with pictures in frames of 5 guys and 2 other people with a tiger. I froze. My mind processed this info as I picked up on and got a closer look. I dropped the pick in surprise. I herd it crash to the floor and vaguely saw a guy walk out from the kitchen and dash over to me. It couldn't be was my last thoughts as I passed out again.


"So you don't know anything about her?" I heard a voice barely say.

"Know she just fell from my roof a couple of days ago.. I didn't even know she was up... I just herd the stuff crash to the ground." I recognized the accent right away. why wouldn't I? Everyone who was an anime fan and knew me. knew how much I like the guy with the British accent.

"Thinks she with the dynasty?" A different voice asked. I knew these accents. And I knew something had happened and I knew what. I shot open my eyes sat up. and regretted it as a headache hit me full force. I squeezed my eye's shut tight and held my head in my hands waiting for the pain to pass. When it did I looked up and at the faces. It was real. Sitting in the room with me was. Cye, Rowen, Ryo, Kento, and Sage. Everything that was not real, and everything that people told me was fake, was sitting in the same room with me. Now I ask you, would you freak out? I would and I did. I screamed, really loud. Or so I figured cause they quickly covered their ears then looked at my like I was crazy. I shrugged sheepishly. How was I supposed to respond? 'Oh hey what's up mister cartoon characters' they would of thought me fruitier then before. So I kind of responded naturally. (For me anyways) "Were am I?" I asked first. I wanted to sound sane.

"You at my place" Cye told me.

"Uh huh" I said. I had decided it. I wouldn't let them know I knew about them. They might not trust me if I did so.

"Do you know how you go there?" He asked.

"And who you are" Sage put in.

I nodded. "Ya. I'm Silver" I wouldn't let them know my name either. I'd tell them my online name. "But how I got here I'm not quit sure, I Just remember a bright light and then waking up here." Okay I felt bad for lying. But what else could I do?

"I'm Cye," Cye said. He pointed at the others. "And this is ryo, Kento, sage, and Rowen." I waved with my right hand (the broken one of course) and nodded.

"How long have I been here?" I asked curious.

"For bought 3 days" I choked when Rowen said that. 3 days, I never slept that long in my life, only dreamt of it actually.

"Uh huh. um."

"Lets give her some time to think" Sage said. Sensing how nervous and uncomfortable I was. I mentally thanked him as they left. I sunk into the bed. It was really comfy. I thought to myself. I wondered why I was brought here. I just couldn't believe it was because of my wish. I mean why would it be that night the wish came true, it was to weird for me. I closed my eyes took a deep breath, and relaxed, I had to think calmly. I mean I had to be sent there for a reason not just because I wished it. I dwelled on that fact as I fell asleep