Author's Note: I hate to classify this fic as a yaoi, seeing as how it's not all about the sexual aspects. Yes it will have it's fair share of sexual moments, but it's not the point of this fic, it's the romance. By the way, this is an OLD story I wrote awhile back, I'm just editing everything else to have more character depth and the like. If you don't like to read about homosexual feelings/scenes/and intimacies, please do not read it. I'll give particular warnings for each chapter when I get to them. Anyways, this is supposed to be an AU fic, it doesn't fit along with my Untold Tekken Story series (it is touched upon briefly in Untold 3, but is quickly shot down). Consider this a What If? kind of fic. Peter's age is also boosted from 18 to 20 in this piece. Okay that's it from me. This is going to be my first type of fic like this and also my last. Okay.

Chapter 1: My Secret

I evaded the oncoming kick that was aimed for my head. My opponent was Lee Chaolan, the "Silver-haired Demon" as people liked to call him. Oh yeah, my name is Peter in case you were interested.

I am a twenty year old Latino of Puerto Rican descent, but I was born in America (New York to be precise). I have brown hair that I always gel into fiery spikes, my brown eyes matching them. I have light tan skin and I weigh in at about 186 pounds. I stand at a height of 5'9", which I am very proud of (though I'm not sure why anymore because it still seems like everybody is taller than me, even if they're not).

I listen as the sound of my black jeans travel with my leg through the air, colliding with Lee's face. Almost as if he never felt the blow, Lee grabbed hold of my black t-shirt and threw me off to the side, making me hit the cage wall. I slumped down the wall slowly, feeling the pain set in.

"I can't let him win…" I said aloud as I rose to my feet. Dodging a roundhouse punch, I thrust my right palm into Lee's underarm. Taking advantage of his stunned demeanor, I jumped up and kicked his face with both of my feet, ending the fight just like that. He hit the floor in a bloody heap, his face drenched with it now.

"K.O.!" The announcer yelled, causing me to smile with joy. I turned to my right and posed for the cameras, giving them my victory taunt. Screeeeeecccchhhh! The sound of the cages was heard throughout the arena as they retracted into the ground. As soon as the cages finished going down, my step-father King ran in to congratulate me.

Expecting a handshake from the muscular man, I was taken by surprise when he lifted me off my feet and held me high into the air for all to see, a sign of his pride in me. I laughed quietly to myself, almost as in a nervous tone (you see, I'm afraid of heights).

"Uh…King? Can you please put me down?" I yelled over the cheers of the crowd. Laughing loudly, King threw me up into the air and caught me in his bulky arms, setting me down on my feet gently.

"Oh my…THAT did it. I feel nauseous now." I said to King as I lightly punched his arm. With another laugh, King threw his arms around me, hugging me tightly. His shirtless body clung tightly to my small frame and for some reason, I felt weird.

I closed my eyes and accepted his hug, not wanting him to pull away. Then I realized that I was in public, people might be able to tell my secret.

"Thanks big guy!" I said as I quickly pulled away. The Jaguar-masked luchadore smiled down to me. Man he is so tall! He makes me feel like a flea compared to him. Don't forget, the guy is 6'7"! He's a giant compared to me.

"Hey Pete, why don't we celebrate by taking you to the movies? Ya up for it?" King said to me. I blushed slightly, the thought of sitting next to him in the dark gave me certain chills. I am always easily intimidated by the simplest of situations, though I don't always show it.

"Yeah sure, that sounds cool!" I replied with a controlled smile on my face. I didn't want him to know how I felt about him. After losing my entire family to the wrath of Ogre, King took me in and ever since then, he's been my only family. He's been there for me when no one else has. He understands me more than I understand myself.

What if…what if I told him? Would he reject me? Would he throw me out? Would he become ashamed? Would he regret ever taking me in? Oh God, I don't know these answers to all these questions. I only know what I feel, and what I feel is a strong love for him. I feel and am ashamed to admit that this love is stronger than any father-son bond, it's more intimate…

What am I supposed to do? I mean, Julia's my girlfriend, what if SHE found out about this? Would she hate me? Ever since that day when I was sexually abused by that man, I felt something growing inside me. I fought it for as long as I could, but now I realize that I can't fight what I am, I can't fight a part of me. I fear this problem will take me into a world of pain and there will be no way to save myself.