Reviews for Beyond Admiration
Happy chapter 17 . 7/10/2018
This is a really good story, I'm enjoying it so much. I hope something good happens to you today. :)
Guest chapter 17 . 6/22/2018
Awesome i wasn't expecting to find another update. I love julia!
PaleAngel90 chapter 17 . 6/11/2018
I'm liking this story, but I'm really sad that King and Peter parted ways. I had hoped that they would fall in love with one another... Will they get back together and finally work things out?. I have no ill will or anything of the sort against Scott, but I connect more with the pair of King/Peter as a couple. Please update the story as soon as you can, can't wait to read more. Keep up the good work! :)
LucyInTheSkyWithStories chapter 17 . 6/9/2018
This was such a pleasant surprise, I didn't expect to see an update so quickly!

Awww, we all need a Julia in our lives, she's so sweet and you capture her personality so perfectly. Her conversations with Peter always seem really natural and leave me with a big smile on my face. They're always cute and funny together without feeling forced.

I really hope King doesn't mess things up with Scott. I just don't see how a relationship between Peter and King could be healthy and there's so much potential with Scott.

It would have freaked me the hell out to know that Anna had been watching me.
LucyInTheSkyWithStories chapter 16 . 6/4/2018

Who is it?! I have my guesses, it could be the really obvious one, but maybe not... Love Pete's new more lighthearted attitude, so hopefully it's not someone who'll bring him down.

He's so awkward sometimes, I wish I could say that I can't relate but he sounds like me. "No, don't give me stuff, no don't pay for me." Just say 'thank you.' But he wouldn't be such a great character if he was all proper and perfect all the time.

Good job with the fight, it was easy to picture the action, I even had some metal song playing in my head as I read it. :D

Mini-golf! Who doesn't love mini-golf?

Great chapter, can't wait for the next one. I really want to know who's at the door.
Guest chapter 15 . 4/25/2018
Hell yes! good story. I hope you have more planned.
Guest chapter 15 . 3/17/2018
Woooo I love this story! Please continue soon at any pace you need w
Guest chapter 15 . 1/31/2018
Yay an update! I hope you write more!
Guest chapter 15 . 1/17/2018
A lighthearted episode! That's good nice set up for other events I'm sure. Good job.
LucyInTheSkyWithStories chapter 15 . 1/15/2018
Yes! I love this, you make Peter so darn relatable and adorably awkward. Ask about the ex, check, forget to get the guy's number, check. I don't know if Scott was waiting for him to show some initiative or if he's adorably awkward too and just better at playing it cool, either way I'm glad he didn't let Pete get away.

I love the way you describe the dream sequences, I always think they're real at first until something seems off. And man, what a symbolic dream.

So he's going to see Scott in action! I can't wait, Scott's in for quite the surprise! And it would also be nice to see what Julia has been up to.

So glad you updated!
thegirlwhocriedsheep chapter 14 . 8/4/2017
Your writing style is so great! You really made me feel for Peter I hope you have more planned.
ghunny99 chapter 14 . 7/11/2017
Please oh please continue :""""" This story is just too good, I can't wait for what happens next... Good job author!
Guest chapter 14 . 6/15/2017
this is great you gotta continue!
LucyInTheSkyWithStories chapter 14 . 5/31/2017
I am so glad for this chapter.

I was thinking about the previous chapter all day, and I just became more and more upset by King's behavior. So thank you for this. I just met Scott so I don't know him yet, but at least there's the potential for a healthy relationship between him and Peter.

The line about underground cage matches threw me off too!

My heart sank when they kissed and it just brought back all the bad memories. And I was angry at King again because he ruined the moment. But in a way, it was better because that ending was so beautiful. I hope to read more about Peter and Scott.

Also, your description of the club in the beginning was really well done.
LucyInTheSkyWithStories chapter 13 . 5/30/2017
That was very unexpected...

I was actually anxious when Peter was about to tell him! And it only got worse when he left after the kiss.

You did such a great job with Peter's reaction after, going from ill to cold to numb then to dead tired.

I honestly thought he was dreaming that King went into his room. Poor Pete, what a disappointment! King really needs to get some help, Peter's right, he probably would just gloss over the whole thing and ask him not to talk about it.

I loved Peter's note, it's so dark and sad.

Awesome chapter, great job.
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