Shadows from the Past

A/N : this is my first story ever…sooo please be gentle and tel me what u think… reviews are greatly appreciated. Tnx!!

Disclaimer : I do not own anything…except the plot. p

Chapter 1

Hermione Granger was in a bad mood, she was so angry she could almost feel her frizzy hair actually tingling like electricity was coursing through it. She was walking in the school grounds at Hogwarts, going nowhere particular, she just needed to be away from Ronald Weasley at the moment. She was huffing and puffing when she heard thunder and shortly a heavy and sudden rain. Within seconds she was drenched. She could see lightning over head. She was entranced somewhat as bolts of lightning stood out against the dark sky and she stopped walking and stared. Then she saw it. Almost in slow motion, lightning hitting a large tree just a few feet where she stood and a loud grunt, then the tree seemed to bend towards her. She screamed and closed her eyes. Then she felt herself thrown to the ground by something heavy and warm but equally wet.

" Have you gone mental?", came a rough voice that was out of breath and amused. Hermione slowly opened her eyes and came face to face with a pair of grey eyes, a pointed nose and lips that were curved in a slight smirk. She didn't recognize the face at first and then she looked up and saw platinum blond hair. "Excuse me?", she said weakly, still winded. " 'ermione!!", came Hagrid's booming voice followed by thundering footsteps. " Are you both ok?", came Hagrid's worried voice, closer this time. Hermione was still fully aware of the young man lying on top of her, looking at her curiously, his hair falling over her and his nose dripping with rain water. God, he looks beautiful. She thought before she could stop herself. " Malfoy.", she said.

Draco Malfoy quirked an eyebrow up in response, he could feel Granger's heaving bosom beneath his chest, it was quite distracting. " Im fine now, you can get off me.", she said calmly. He gave her a lazy smirk and pushed himself up and she quickly sat up to stand, until they stood face to face. Hermione looked at him again. There was something different about him. Before she could point out what it was, she was quickly ushered with Malfoy into Hagrid's hut. Once inside, Hagrid made them a cup of tea. Hermione walked over to the fireplace and warmed herself and furtively glanced at Malfoy who was looking at the inside of Hagrid's hut with disgust and disdain that reminded her of his mother. " 'ere you go you two. Drink this up. I have to get back out there and look for Fang, went out into the forest when the tree fell. I trust to find my house in one piece you two.", Hagrid said gruffly, looking pointedly at the blond boy who just shrugged. " Thank you Hagrid, we will be fine, we will go back to the castle as soon as the rain stops.", Hermione said warmly, sipping her cup of tea carefully. Hagrid turned and went back out. And then there was silence.

After a few minutes, Malfoy was still standing looking out the window, he looked so out of place in here. Hermione smiled to herself. She cleared her throat, " Don't you want some tea?", she asked. Malfoy made another face of disgust. "Are those mugs even clean?". Hermione choked at her tea. "Of course they are!! ", she said defensively. He merely shrugged again and looked out the window again. Hermione was annoyed. Insufferable git. She thought to herself. She was starting to shiver and wondered if Malfoy was. " Aren't you cold?", she asked. Malfoy turned to her and gave a look of annoyance." No. For somebody who claims to be the smartest witch in our year, you are very dumb Granger.", he commented, smirking. Hermione stood up and huffed. " Excuse me?", she asked. " I used a drying spell and a warming charm.", he said simply, waving at her dismissively. It took a while for Hermione to understand what he said and then it dawned on her. Of course! She mentally slapped herself and blushed, she quickly did the spells on herself. And sat back down.

Draco looked at Granger's reflection in the window and chuckled softly at her red face.

She was quite amusing, her hair seemed to be tamed now, her teeth were no longer overly – large and she had grown into her uniform. He remembered how she felt underneath him, he felt himself blush. He liked it. He liked how she felt. And her eyes…they were beautiful, brown with gold flecks. Ugh. He was starting to disgust himself. This was annoying him to the bone. Finally the rain stopped. "Finally, I'm going back to the castle granger, out of this filthy excuse of a house and away from a filthy mudblood.", Draco said loudly, just to spite her and to keep himself reminded of what she was to him. And he quickly went out of the cabin and stalked off to the castle leaving an angry Hermione inside.

Hermione walked back to the castle with Hagrid for dinner. And she sat down on the Gryffindor table beside Harry Potter and a very pathetic looking Ron. "Herm-", he started, she gave him a stern look. Ron looked down, " I'm sorry.", he mumbled. She sighed. "Can you pass me the treacle tart, Ron?". At this Ron smiled and gave her the plate.

Later that night. Hermione stayed awake in bed. It was weird, she didn't even feel remotely disturbed at the fact she nearly died today. She was more aware of what Malfoy felt like. She fell asleep finally, dreaming about lightnings and rain and a pair of grey eyes and blond hair.