Reviews for Strangers in the Dark
Mini-Toni chapter 1 . 3/8/2014
Hi ate Toni! It's your wittle sister in law! It's miniature Toni! Even tho you said not to read this, I still will! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Still love 3 you tho! \./ whoop whoop! Lol anyway keep writing more! Most of your readers want you to! So what's taking so long?! No offense and take kuyas advice and put them in wheelchairs! Angel loves that idea! Sooo yeah... WRITE MORE! (and make sure the wheelchairs are on fire!). 3 luv u to pieces! 3
sweet.pea91 chapter 25 . 1/11/2009
my gosh i love your story still after reading it for the second time.

please do keep adding chapters!

Lizzy Nox chapter 25 . 11/6/2008
aww how sweet.
emmettlover33 chapter 25 . 10/30/2008
hi i rill lie kur story a lot and i lvoe how the are stragers of the dark and when eh says shes his prises omg i was almsot crying form happynes keep it up plz i wont to knwo what happens when eharry and ron firnd out and the hoel school and dracos parents and well jsut ever one lol sorry about my spellig nmistacks ur fan sammy
Glykera chapter 25 . 10/29/2008
great chapter, i loved the hermionexdraco christmas scenes :)
000kayko000 chapter 25 . 10/28/2008
love it! update soon please.
kleipoppetje chapter 25 . 10/28/2008
Aw how sweet! Can't wait for another one.

X Denise
chanela chapter 25 . 10/28/2008
oh, draco i love u) hehe, and this story keep it up!
Evil Tobi chapter 25 . 10/27/2008
aw so cute!
taxibby chapter 25 . 10/27/2008
This chapter was so sweet I think I got cavities! haha

I loved it though! Keep it up.

AGMadden chapter 25 . 10/26/2008
I love it and I can't wait for more...
Goddess of Cliffhangers chapter 25 . 10/26/2008
Oh, so adorable. I shamefully have not had the time to keep up with your story and have just read it in its entirety in one sitting. There are bits that are not as good but I think the story progresses well, your writing matures and develops wonderfully, and their relationship is blossoming beautifully. I loved Draco's jealous bits, the pining for each other, Zabini who is just...sighs dreamily..., and this recent sweet relationship their have started.

Much love, Cat

P.S. Feel free to check out my stories.
Edana Alary chapter 25 . 10/26/2008
Aw what a sweet chapter! Keep up the awesome work and update sooN!

Mirukarumi chapter 25 . 10/26/2008
Aw thats so sweet! :D I loved it. Please update soon
Okinawa Angel chapter 25 . 10/26/2008
Aww... Christmas presents ;)

~Okinawa Angel~
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