Disclaimer: I own nothing. Scratch that, I own those snickers in my sock drawer. Besides that, I own nothing

AN- Anyone who liked Cullen Castaway will like this too. Emmett has more brilliant ideas. This time he takes the family with. R&R



I'm wet, very wet. It's all Emmett's fault. He has to do these retarded things. What goes through his head? Do I even want to know? Probably not. It's Emmett, What's next? Will he drag us all to the moon? Well before I give him another brilliant idea I should probably tell you why I'm so aggravated with my husband.

Part One: Birthday Surprise


"Happy Birthday Rose!" Emmett shouted raucously "I have a special surprise for you!"

"What is it Emmett?" she asked. Oh no, he couldn't. He wouldn't, he would.


I had a surprise for her all right. I had a surprise for everyone. This was even better than crashing Jasper's jet. And that was pretty good. I would also be able to pay him back after this.

"Okay everyone," I shouted "Gather round, gather round. The amazing me has a brilliant idea." Suddenly Alice was crashing into me.

"Don't you dare do this!" she was practically screaming at me "You will totally ruin my outfit. Also, Rose will hate you when you ruin her hair!" Ruin her hair, huh, I didn't think of that. Oh well, she'll get over it.

"Okay back to my idea," I was still shouting even though half of Forks could probably hear me "I'm taking the whole family on vacation."

"Emmett," Bella started "I would be excited, but after Alice's outburst I'm not so sure. Where are you taking us?"

"I would tell you guys where we're going if you'd stop interrupting me." I said "We are going scuba diving."

"Emmett," Jasper said, strangely giddy with my excitement "Sorry to burst your bubble, but we don't need to breathe. We can't go scuba diving." Well duh.

"I know that dear brother." I said in my sweetest voice "We aren't actually scuba diving. We are just going swimming in very deep water for a very long time."

"Why are we going swimming?" Rose asked "Why in deep water? I do not want to ruin my hair in some dirty ocean."

"Guys, be open minded. This will be really fun. I know it."

"It doesn't exist Emmett." Edward stated. What a non-believer. "We're not going on some wild goose chase for a place that doesn't exist."

"Fine," I said in my most snotty tone "You will get no part in our riches then."

"I'm just fine with that." Edward said. He would come with I know it. Bella mumbled something in Edward's ear, too quiet for even me to hear.

"We're going!" Edward shouted, suddenly enthusiastic "I can't wait to go!" I would have to thank Bella later.

"So everyone's in agreement to go?" I questioned

"You still haven't told us where you're taking us." Rosalie said "Not all of us can read your mind or see the future."

"Yeah where are we going?" Bella asked

I put on my most winning smile and said "Atlantis."

Part Two: Shopping and Fruitcakes


I ran out of the house before anyone could take in what I said. This was going to be so fun. Now I needed Alice. She would probably be here any second with her Porsche when she knew what I had planned. I sprinted out of the woods to wait by the road. Within two minutes Alice was there saying "Get in the car." I crawled in the Porsche.

"So why do you all of a sudden want to go shopping?" she questioned

"We need scuba gear," I replied "and wetsuits."

"It's a good thing I showed up." She said with a grumble "You would have bought us the ugliest things in the store."

"Alice, Alice, Alice, and"I said with a sigh"I would have bought you the ugliest thing in the store, and everyone else something decent." She punched me. I put on my goofiest grin and asked

"So where are you taking me, we need to go somewhere with good wetsuits."

"I know a place that sells designer wetsuits." She stated like it was obvious. Who needs designer wetsuits? Well I bet there's some movie star out there who needs to look good for a movie. We pulled up in a little boutique parking lot and Alice hopped out of the car. Inside we were greeted by a tall human man.

"Ah, hello Mrs. Cullen, I expect all is well."

"Hello, Jerrold. All is indeed well."

"Alice," I mumbled in her ear, too low for the human to hear "This guy's a fruitcake." She gave me a little smack and whispered

"Be nice, he's really good at wetsuits." Talk about a fruitcake; a guy named Jerrold who specializes in designing wetsuits. How does Alice find these guys?

"So Mrs. Cullen, I take it you need some of my famous Waterwear." He called a wetsuit Waterwear. FRUITCAKE.

"Yes Jerrold, I do."

"Ah, are you going on a sea exploration?" Sea exploration? It's called swimming you fruitcake.

"Something of the sort." She said with a smile. She handed him six slips of paper. "The usual sizes." Then she gave him a jet black credit card and said


"How quickly would you like them done?" Jerrold questioned

"As soon as possible." Alice said

"I can have them done in three days." I zoned out. As Alice talked to the fruitcake about colors and trims I told her I would wait in the car. She nodded and got back to her intense conversation on gold and silver thread. I waited about five minutes and Alice came out, receipt in hand.

"That went well," She commented "The suits will look great."

"That's just swell," I stated with a little more than a hint of sarcasm. "Completely marvelous."

"You know, you should be more appreciative. The one you wanted to buy would have fallen apart."

"Yes I'm so lucky dear sister. So lucky."

Part Three: Swimming


"Time to go people!" I shouted. We had the wetsuits and were ready to go. "To the airport we go!" We ran using some back ways to the airport. When we got there we flew to Rio de Janeiro. Then we took a boat to Isle Esme. Bella got a distant look on her face and chuckled a little when we got there. Of course she was thinking about the honeymoon when everything changed. Nessie was now living with Jake and the dogs in La Push.

"Okay everyone," I shouted even though they were all right next to me "Get on your wetsuits and get back out here! Go, Go, Go!!!!" We all got changed and came outside. Alice changed the fastest and was swimming already.

"Everyone's here now. Let's go to Atlantis!"

Rosalie groaned and said

"Ugh, my hair's going to get all salty and gross."

"Come on Rose," I encouraged "This will be fun!"

"I doubt that." Always the pessimist, my Rosie

"Well I don't care. Let's go!" I jumped in the water with a huge splash. Since we didn't have to breathe we could talk underwater too, with some work. It was pretty uncomfortable so we mostly used sign language, but it worked in desperate circumstances.

"This way!" I pointed. Everyone followed.


Why, Why did I agree to this. This was an awful idea. We had been wandering around underwater for about three days. Everyone was getting antsy. Listening to my family's thoughts was my only form of entertainment. Only Emmett was thinking about Atlantis. Everyone else's mind was wandering.

Bella: "That was such an amazing fish!" Of course she was thinking of the sights. She had never been this far underwater.

Alice: "This silver thread was a good idea. I'm glad I didn't go with gold. It would look too cheap." Fashion. We were hundreds of feet underwater, and Alice was thinking about colors and thread.

Rosalie: "Eew.... I really need to take a shower when I get home. Then I'll kill Emmett and all of his brilliant ideas." Now this I would have to see. Rose had been pretty amusing so far on this trip.

Jasper: "Alice looks so beautiful when she swims." Jasper had already gone over every single battle of the Civil War and was on to Alice.

Emmett: "Maybe Edward was right and there is no Atlantis. He probably heard that. I hate you Edward."

Emmett turned around and faced us. He signaled us to surface for the first time in like four days. We all surfaced and Emmett talked.

"Guys, I don't think Atlantis exists." Well duh "We're going home."

Part Four: Wow


Finally Emmett came to his senses. We were on our way back. We went back underwater so nobody would see us swimming fast. Then there was this shadow in the distance. As we got closer we could make out pillars and arches. There was a huge underwater city. Emmett was right. Wow.

Now you press that little bluish colored button that says review.