Epilogue Number 1
November 16, 2018.

"I can't believe it!" Sharpay grumbled very loudly on the couch in her living room. "The stupid baby is ten days late already!"

"Well, I'm inclined to blame Enron," Ryan said. "Although there's a possibility this is Troy's fault." Ryan looked at his boyfriend who succeeded in looking perfectly innocent. "Although I know that there's no way he could have done anything wrong."

"I didn't do anything wrong!" Troy protested.

"I am never having another baby as long as I live," Sharpay complained.

"That's what you said after Chris," Zeke said.

"Yeah, well, I mean it this time," Sharpay said. "Being pregnant sucks!"

"You're preaching to the choir," Gabriella said. The people occupying the living room were Sharpay, Zeke, Ryan, Troy, Gabriella, and Drew.

"But we'll have kids, right?" Drew asked her, mock concern all over his face.

"Nah," Gabriella said. "We can just steal a couple of Sharpay's. She has plenty."

"Okay," Drew said. "Which one?"

"Hmm," Gabriella said. "Maybe Ashley."

"You can't have any of my kids," Sharpay said. "They're mine."

"Thought Troy was yours," Ryan said.

"Is the baby going to come or not?" Troy asked. He was very nervous. This was his child after all.

"Yes, eventually," Sharpay said. "Or maybe not, I think. It'll just stay in and when it's, like, sixteen and capable of walking, talking, and living on its own, then it'll come out and leave us all alone."

"Ah, well, it'll be missing out," Gabriella said. "It's a great–" She was interrupted by Sharpay.

"Okay, let's go to the hospital," Sharpay said.

"Why?" Drew asked.

"Cuz her water just broke," Zeke said.

"Oh, well, that's a good reason," Drew said.

They took three cars to the hospital, and called Chad and Taylor on the way. Chad and Taylor had offered to take care of the four existing children, while another one was brought into life. Taylor returned with some exciting news of her own. She was pregnant! Troy relayed this information to Sharpay as they were hurried through the hospital and up to maternity on the sixth floor.

Sharpay was in labor for a while, and then they deemed her ready, and wheeled her into the delivery room. They would only let one of the other five stay in the room. Troy selflessly gave up his spot to Zeke, but Zeke insisted that Troy be there for the birth of his child. After a little arguing, ended by Sharpay yelling "I'm giving birth here!" and Troy scurried into the birthing room.

Amanda Kathryn was brought into the world at 3:16 am on Saturday, November 17, 2018. She was followed shortly thereafter by a surprise twin sister, Chloe Mae, at 3:25 am.

Troy and Ryan looked, a few hours later, down at the two girls. Troy looked at Ryan and grinned.

"Why are you smiling?" Ryan asked.

"I think they're identical," Troy said. And he was right.

Epilogue Number 2
June 15, 2030. (Oh, what a wonderful day!)

Chris and Nick had had a bet on for a long time on who would get married first. The winner of this bet, was yet to be determined, but as June 15th drew closer, it seemed that Chris would win. On June 15th itself, there was a clear winner.

"So, how much do I owe you?" 17-year-old Nick asked, sighing, taking out his checkbook.

"20 bucks, adjusted for inflation…29 dollars and 65 cents," 19-year-old Chris replied.

"I don't think inflation counts," Nick said.

"I think it does," Chris said.

"Does not," Nick said. Chris sighed and stopped a passing 16-year-old Zac.

"Zac, Nick owes me twenty bucks for a bet," Chris said. "Now, I'm allowed to adjust that for inflation, right?" Zac pursed his lips in thought.

"How long ago was this bet made?" Zac asked.

"Um, my parents' wedding," Chris said, thinking. "So, um, I guess 11 years ago today."

"Yes, he does have to adjust for inflation," Zac replied, brightly. Nick, grumbling, wrote the check out for $29.65 and handed it to Chris.

"What, no wedding tip?" Chris joked. Nick glared a death glare that made Zac seriously wonder whether he wasn't related to his mom in some way. "Fine, but I'm still expecting a present."

"You just worry about getting your tux on," 39-year-old Ryan said, walking into the room. "I can't believe my nephew is getting married!"

"Yeah, well," Chris began, although he had no more intelligible words to add.

"He means thanks," Nick translated. Zac swatted him on the arm. Nick thought this unwarranted, and swatted him back.

"Okay, break up the love fest," Ryan said, mediating the fight. "We wouldn't want the tuxes stained with blood, especially since they're rented."

"True," Chris said. "And, geez, behave. It's my wedding day!"

"Oh, when it's your wedding day, and that music starts to play…" Ryan began singing softly.

"No singing!" Chris said. "It was bad enough that you sang Ohmigod You Guys when we got engaged!"

"You sound like Chad," Ryan said. "But, I'll leave you alone. Geez." He left the room and immediately ran into Troy in the hallway. "Are you sneaking into my side of the family's dressing room?"

"No," Troy lied.


"Okay, yes," Troy said. "Is everything okay? Are their boutonnières straight?"

"Yes, everything is fine," Ryan said. "How's Maddie?"

"She's…really nervous," Troy said. "But she'll be fine."

It had all started when Maddie was 13, and Chris was 12. Maddie had just had her first date, which had ended terribly, and Chris had been waiting for her when she got home. She had cried into his shoulder in her room until she'd fallen asleep (or so Chris thought). He'd lain her down in her bed, kissed her on the forehead, as he always had, and then went to leave the room, but the sound of her rolling over made him turn back.

"Chris," she'd said.

"Maddie," he'd said.

"Thank you," she'd said.

After that, Maddie had sworn off all the guys in the 8th grade. She and Chris had spent all their nights watching chick flicks and other equally stupid movies. When they'd run out, they'd decided to watch them again, but one night Troy had brought home the newest Action/Adventure movie, and insisted they all watch it as a family, however seriously dysfunctional their family was. The first hour of the movie was fine, but at the sight of the first bloody skeleton, Maddie had curled up into Chris's lap.

Troy and Sharpay had had a serious conversation that night, one of the few serious conversations they'd ever had.

"Troy, they're like brother and sister! I don't want them getting together like that!" Sharpay had said.

"They don't share any DNA, Shar, it's perfectly legal," Troy had said.

"I don't care what the government thinks! They let first cousins get married with counseling! That sort of behavior is not going on in my house!" Sharpay had said.

"You can do whatever you want to Chris," Troy had said, "but you're not Maddie's mother. Only Gabi can make that decision." Sharpay had immediately whipped out her cell phone and dialed Gabriella's house.

"Yes?" Gabriella had answered.

"Gabi, it's Sharpay," Sharpay had said.

"I have Caller ID, Shar," Gabriella had said. "To what do I owe this very late phone call? Drewbear and I were getting ready for bed."

"Ew, TMI," Sharpay had said. "Anyway, we–" Troy had cleared his throat. "–okay, I think that there might be something happening between Maddie and Chris."

"Ew, they're like brother and sister," Gabriella had said.

"That's what I said," Sharpay had said. "But Troy seems to think it's fine, because they're not related."

"It's still icky to think about," Gabriella had said.

"Thanks, Gabi," Sharpay had said, before hanging up. "I win." Troy hadn't been able to look at her without scowling for days. Sharpay had decided to wait until she was sure that something was happening to forbid them from doing anything together. When they'd been informed, both had laughed out loud at the possibility of anything happening between them. Maddie went on another date with a sophomore in high school, since she was freshman by this point, and Chris was in 8th grade. Maddie had ended up really liking this boy, whose name was Sammy, but he had dumped her for some "slut" as Maddie had put it, named Kayla.

"How Legally Blonde," Ryan had remarked. So Maddie and Chris had begun to hang out even more. If Ryan and Troy hadn't been almost positive that Chris liked Maddie (in that way), they might have started to seriously question his sexuality. Once Sharpay got wind of something rising up between Maddie and Chris, she'd tried to move their bedrooms farther apart, but had been barred from doing so by the 3/5 majority rule.

By the time school started in 2025, when Maddie was 16, and a junior in high school, and Chris was 15, and a sophomore, they'd been sneaking around for about two months, and Troy and Ryan were helping all they could. They knew Sharpay would have tried to seriously separate the two of them, in different states, if possible. Chris and Maddie hadn't been doing anything bad, they were only kids, after all. Maybe a little kiss here and there (but only behind closed doors). Mostly just shameless flirting and watching movies together.

The next year, 2026, Maddie was 17, and Chris was 16, they came out of the closet, so to speak, and their relationship became official. They didn't do anything special (what could they do?) but Sharpay had been livid. Especially that it had been kept from her for so long. She had disbanded the 3/5 rule, and attempted to separate them, but what could she do? Send Maddie to live with Gabriella and Drew? As if.

"I cannot believe that you let this go on!" she had yelled at Troy and Ryan, although it was mostly directed at Zeke.

"It's what they want, let them be happy!" Ryan had replied.

"This is really none of your business," Sharpay had said to him.

"Like hell it isn't!" Ryan had shouted. "She's just as much my daughter as Troy's!"

"Well, then they're cousins, and they can't date!" Sharpay had returned. "Ha!"

"No, they aren't," Troy had said. "Shar, just let it go."

"I don't want this to happen, either!" Gabriella had replied.

"Well, that's not really your decision, is it?" Zeke had said. "I mean, it's their choice. And they're not related technically."

"Well, eventually the laws in New Mexico will change, and Troy and Ryan will get married, and then they'll be cousins," Sharpay had said.

"I don't think so," Troy had said. "I'm pretty sure that doesn't count."

"They were raised as brother and sister," Gabriella had interjected. "That should count as something."

"They weren't raised as anything," Troy had said. "Technically, they were raised apart, what with Zeke and Chris living in Santa Fe for six or however many years."

"Yeah!" Zeke had said.

"This should be up to the mothers," Sharpay had said. "And we say no." The door to the dining room, which seemed to be the only place where the five of them ever argued, had opened at that moment, and Chris had walked in.

"Mom, Dad, Troy, Gabriella, Ryan," Chris had said. "We don't really care what you do to us, but we love each other."

"We'll see," Sharpay had said.

"Shar, how can you do that to your son?" Ryan had said.

"And the girl you raised as a daughter?" Troy said.

"Again with the daughter stuff," Sharpay had said. "See, this is all your fault, really."

"How is this my fault?" Troy had asked.

"Well, if you hadn't gotten…amnesia…and remembered how much you needed Ryan in your life, she'd still be my daughter," Sharpay had said.

"Well, tough noogies," Troy had said. "I love your brother. And I don't see why any two people, especially two people who aren't related, should be deprived of being with the one they love."

"Thank you, Troy," Chris had said.

"Get out while the parents are deliberating," Sharpay had snapped. Chris had immediately left the dining room, but one of the many things he'd learned from Maddie was that eavesdropping paid off.

"It's just not fair to separate them," Zeke had said. "Being separated sucks. Everyone in this room knows that."

"Yeah," Troy and Ryan had agreed.

"But, the fact still remains that as the mothers, we oppose this situation," Sharpay had said, calling upon Gabriella for support.

"Actually, I'm kind of with them," Gabriella had said.

"What?!" Sharpay had yelled.

"Well, no one should be separated from the one they love," Gabriella had said. "Like they said. You lived six years away from Zeke, you should know."

"But…" Sharpay had begun, but it was clear that she was going to be out-argued, something she was not familiar with. "Oh, fine. Let them be incestuous. See if I come to bail them out when they get arrested."

"They're not related!" Troy had shouted.

"Whatever!" Sharpay had replied. Chris, upon hearing this, had immediately ran up to Maddie's room to tell her the good news. They had celebrated that night.

In 2029, just weeks before Maddie and Chris's engagement was announced, there was another special announcement. Chris wasn't the only one dating a Bolton. Nick was too! Although not the one you'd expect. That's right, Nicholas Daniel Danforth and Zachary Trevor Bolton were gay. Together. Troy, for one, had been extremely pleased. Chad had been less pleased, but he had totally accepted his son's alternate lifestyle as willing as he had accepted Troy's.

Ryan had personally handed Nick and Zac the score and lyrics for TruthOut and insisted that the only people to perform it be their closest friends. It ended up being 16-year-olds Nick, Zac, and Ashley; 19-year-old Chris; 20-year-old Maddie; 11-year-olds Amanda and Chloe; and 10-year-olds Briana and Shawn (who were Chad and Taylor's second kid, and Jason and Kelsi's only kid, respectively). At the end of the night, Chris had proposed to Maddie (something she had been expecting, but not exactly like that), and an encore of Find My Way/Finale from Legally Blonde had been sung. There had been some initial reservations about the 10 and 11 year olds singing La Vie Boheme, but, hey, the others were exposed to it even younger, when their parents had done RENT at EAPAC. Kelsi had been the official accompanist, because no one else could do it quite the right way, and she wrote it, after all.

Sharpay, by this point, had more difficult things to deal with, like the inevitability of turning 40, than to whine about Maddie and Chris getting engaged, but had begun panicking when she found out the wedding would be held in six months time. She positively panicked. It was unwarranted, really. There was nothing six Boltons (Troy, Maddie, Zac, Ashley, Amanda and Chloe), three Baylors (Zeke, Sharpay, and Chris), and one Evans (Ryan) couldn't do in six months. Which brings us back to the original story.

"Are you sure she'll be fine?" Ryan asked. "I don't want her running out on Chris like Rachel did on Barry."

"I thought Rachel married Ricky the Douche…" Troy said, confused.

"From Friends," Ryan said. "Pay attention."

"She's fine," Troy said. "Here, you can come and see her. She's with Gabriella and Sharpay. And Amanda, Chloe, and Ashley. And Jenny." Ryan mumbled something that could have been interpreted as "okay", and the two boyfriends-for-life walked down the hall to where the girls were being kept. Not that they couldn't leave, but you catch my drift.

"Is Chris with you?" Sharpay demanded before opening the door.

"No," Troy said. "Obviously not. We wouldn't bring him down here. We're not stupid. Now let us in." Sharpay reluctantly opened the door. Gabriella and Sharpay had been taking turns doing Maddie's hair until she had agreed on something. It was done up, with a few wayward curls falling out the front. The veil was attached to the back, and fell over her dress. It was strapless with a beaded bodice, and a train that was embroidered at the very bottom. Among the flowery designs, the names "Taylor", "Sarah", "Kelsi", "Tiara", "Becca", "Sharpay" and "Gabriella" were embroidered into it.

"I just don't believe we got so lucky as to pass the dress around through all of us," Gabriella commented, when she saw where Ryan was looking.

"I can't believe Tiara can't make it to the wedding," Sharpay said.

"I'm next," Ashley proudly proclaimed.

"And who are you marrying?" Troy asked.

"I don't know," she replied. "A guy. Maybe Tristin."

"If you say so," Ryan joked.

"Don't joke, Uncle Ryan, that's not funny," Ashley said.

"Well, can you blame him?" Sharpay said. "I mean, you're twins."

"You two are twins," Ashley said, pointing between Sharpay and Ryan.

"Good point," Sharpay said. "Ry, don't joke."

"You used to joke about me and Chad," Ryan said.

"Oh, ew," Briana said. "Don't joke about my parents, please. That's weird."

"There will be no joking whatsoever," Maddie said. "That is definitive."

"Okay," Jenny, Troy's 21-year-old sister, said. "Anyway, I think I'm probably next."

"That's true," Maddie said. "She's older than you, Ash."

"Yeah, well, potayto, potahto," Ashley said.

"Whatever," Amanda said. "So, you look nice."

"I know, right?!" Maddie exclaimed, examining herself in the full length mirror.

"Okay, we have to change now, so can the boys leave?" Chloe said.

"They're gay," Ashley reminded her.

"And your dad and uncle," Briana said.

"Just leave!" Chloe said. Troy and Ryan could take a hint, and left the room.

"Aw, how cute," Ryan said as they left. "Maddie looks great."

"I told you," Troy said. "We better go find which ballroom it's in."

"There's more than one?" Ryan asked.

"You tell me, you grew up here," Troy said. "I still get lost."

"Well, there's a main ballroom," Ryan said, thinking. "Although, Sharpay wouldn't let anyone get lost, so there's probably a billion signs to it." Troy and Ryan walked down the stairs from the second floor and followed all the signs to the main ballroom, that was to serve as the place for the ceremony itself. The secondary ballroom was to house the reception. They were basically the same size, but the main ballroom had a large balcony on the second floor where the ceremony itself was to be held, with all the many, many, many, many guests below. It was the same place Zeke and Sharpay's wedding had been held exactly 11 years before.

"Troy! Ryan!" called a girl from down the hall. Troy knew who it was without looking up and groaned.

"Troy David Bolton, you owe me 20 bucks!" another girl called. Troy rolled his eyes, and pulled the twenty he'd been saving for this occasion out of his pocket.

"You're right, Sapphire," Troy said. "I do owe you 20 bucks. Who invited you?"

"You did," Sapphire said.

"I did?" Troy asked. "Remind me to thank myself. How are you guys?"

"Well, besides the fact that I haven't seen you in forever, I'm okay," Ruby said.

"Oh! We got married!" Sapphire announced.

"Well, excellent," Troy said. "Shall we?" He directed the two of them into the main ballroom, and into two seats, right next to Chuckie and Justin. Justin rolled his eyes, and Chuckie chuckled to himself. Troy dropped Ryan in his seat in the front row and hurried back outside the ballroom. Soon after, the music began from…somewhere…no one really knew where, but they all suspected it was Kelsi playing a piano (or perhaps an organ. No one really knew the difference, and those who did weren't saying).

Zac walked Sharpay down the aisle and into her seat next to Zeke. Shawn walked Gabriella down the aisle, and into her seat next to Drew. Then they both walked up the middle stairs to the low balcony, and partway down the stairs on the sides of the semi-rounded room. Chris and Nick appeared through the upper doors, and descended the few stairs into their places up by the minister. At that point, Chloe walked down the aisle, carrying a bouquet of roses, closely followed by Amanda, and then Ashley, and then Jenny, who was the maid of honor. They went down the aisle, up the center stairs, and then took their places on the side stairs opposite their male counterparts. Briana, Simon, and Seth (who were Dylan and Becca's 10-year-old twins) followed after, as flower girl and ring bearers (one for each ring), although they were technically too old to be thought of as such.

Finally, the bridal march started, and the double doors to the hallway downstairs opened, and Maddie walked down the aisle, hanging off Troy's arm. He was her father, and goddamnit, she wanted him to give her away, however weird it might be. He left her off at the bottom of the short staircase and she walked up to the minister and Chris by herself.

The ceremony itself was short. The minister read from his notes for almost the entire thing. "Friends. Family. We are gathered to celebrate here today the joyous union of Christopher and Madeline. May the happiness we share with them today be with them always. Now Madeline, repeat after me. I, Madeline Caitlin Bolton..."

"I, Madeline Caitlin Bolton…"

"Take thee Christopher…"

"Take thee Christopher…"

"As my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, until death do we part."

"As my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, until death do we part," Maddie said, confidently.

"Now, Christopher, repeat after me. I, Christopher Matthew Baylor…"

"I, Christopher Matthew Baylor…"

"Take thee, Madeline..."

"Take thee, Madeline…"

"As my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, until death do we part."

"As my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, until death do we part," Chris finished.

"May I have the rings?" the minister asked. Simon and Seth handed them to him. "Madeline, place this ring on Christopher's finger as a symbol of your bond everlasting." She put his ring on him. "Christopher, place this ring in Madeline's hand as a symbol of the love that encircles you forever." He handed her ring to her, and she did that tricky maneuver that your mom always tells you about where you "schloop" your engagement ring onto your other hand so that you don't technically take it off while you put your wedding ring on, and then you "schloop" it back. "If anyone here has good reason for these two not to be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." There was silence and Troy would have smirked at Sharpay, if she would have seen him. Maddie and Chris smiled wider, and rejoined hands. "By the power vested in me by the state of New Mexico, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Chris flipped Maddie's veil back, and kissed her. "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Baylor."

The many, many, many, many guests applauded and stood as the music began to play again, and Maddie and Chris, still smiling, proceeded back down the staircase and up the aisle out into the hall. They were shortly followed by Jenny and Nick, Ashley and Zac, Amanda and Shawn, Chloe and Simon, and Briana and Seth, as well as Zeke and Sharpay, Gabriella and Drew, and Troy and Ryan. Then the guests began to file out of their seats.

"Ohmigod, we got married!" Maddie exclaimed to Chris.

"I know!" Chris said. "Hey, if we hurry we can get something to eat before they want to take pictures of us all."

"Mom would kill us," Maddie said.

"My mom or your mom?" Chris asked.

"Which do you think?" Maddie asked. Chris nodded.

"Yeah, you're right," he said. He and his new wife hurried into the room across the hall which was a photography studio, and were soon joined by the rest of the wedding party. The photographer took well over half an hour to take all the pictures that Sharpay thought he needed, and then some.

When the wedding party finally arrived in the secondary ballroom, they were stopped once again. Evidently the DJ wanted to introduce them all one by one. Maddie rolled her eyes, but allowed it.

"Grandmother of the bride, Sonya Montez. Grandparents of the bride, Jack and Lucille Bolton. Grandparents of the groom, Vance and Darby Evans. Grandparents of the groom, Walter and Margaret Baylor." Maddie sighed. This was a bad idea. The people filed in as they were called to tumultuous applause that just seemed to grow as they approached the bride and groom. "Mother of the bride, Gabriella Andrews, and her husband, Andrew Andrews. Father of the bride, Troy Bolton, and his husband, Ryan Evans. Parents of the groom, Zeke and Sharpay Baylor." Maddie sighed again.

"You know it's just like your side of the family to be all normal," she hissed to Zeke.

"Well, it's not my fault your dad is gay," Chris said.

"Why is that a bad thing?" Maddie asked.

"It's not," Chris said. "That's just why."

"The flower girl and ring bearer, Briana Danforth and Seth Bolton. The bridesmaids and groomsmen. Chloe Bolton and Simon Bolton. Amanda Bolton and Shawn Cross. Ashley Bolton and Zachary Bolton. Maid of honor, Jennifer Bolton. Best man, Nicholas Danforth. And finally, I am pleased to announce to you for the first time, Christopher and Madeline Baylor!" Maddie and Chris finally walked through the doors and up to the head table. Sparkling cider was poured, and toasts were said.

"Well, as some of you may know, Maddie and Chris didn't get off to the best start, well, it's probably something to do with the fact that they're my half-brother and half-sister. Well, they didn't care, and neither did anyone else, well, except Mom, so I support them in this marriage!" Ashley toasted.

"Maddie's been my best friend forever, even though I'm technically her aunt, and I have never seen two people more in love and deserving of this wedding day, unless it's Troy and Ryan!" Jenny toasted.

"Chris has been my best friend since I was five and he was seven, and he moved back to Albuquerque. I was there when his parents got married, I was the first to give him advice when he fell in love with Maddie, and he was the first to give me advice on my relationship. So, on behalf of my boyfriend and myself, I wish Chris and Maddie many, many, many, many happy years of marriage. And just hope that Zac and I will be this happy when our day finally comes," Nick toasted.

"Gay Marriage Number Two!" Zac shouted from beside him. Troy and Ryan whooped to this, and drank their bubbly juice zealously.

"This is the best day ever," Troy said.

"Yeah, except for I turn forty in two days," Ryan said.

"Heaven forbid," Troy said.

"See, you used to laugh, because you were mere months older than me, but now that you're forty and I'm still 39, who's laughing?" Ryan asked.

"I am," Troy said. "You're the one all stressed out. It's just a number."

"Sharpay's the one stressed out," Ryan said, pointing to the table where Sharpay was sitting. "I mean, just think. Her son is getting married, and she's still 39. It must make her feel old."

"Why don't you ask Gabi?" Troy said. "She's the 39-year-old mother of a 21-year-old." Meanwhile the bride's and groom's people were still toasting. When they had finished, a thought had occurred to Chris.

"I suppose now would be a really bad time to play La Vie Boheme, huh?" he asked the ballroom at large, who laughed. "No, really."

"Yes," Sharpay called. "There are little ones here."

"Oh, poo," Nick said. "It's his wedding!"

"Yeah, and it's my house," Sharpay said. The DJ, smiling to himself, put in a CD. It was one that Kelsi had made and was giving to Maddie and Chris for their wedding present. It was a copy of TruthOut. Two tracks, both the "original cast recording" as they called it, and the "revival cast". She had also snuck one into each of the goody bags at the head table (even those belonging to those who weren't in it. She didn't want to exclude anyone). She'd also made them for each "original cast member". The DJ thought this a great time to play the revival cast recording. There was dancing and festivities and buffet-style food.

And everyone lived happily ever after? Well, they did but that's a dumb ending. As Chris and Maddie shared their first real dance as husband and wife (to the song "As Long As You're Mine" from Wicked), they realized that if they were just half as happy as their parents were in their relationships when they were forty, they would be the luckiest people in the world.

A/N: Ta-da, the end! It's not too weird, is it? Because I actually created the characters with this end in mind, and as I wrote towards it, I felt more and more like I had to justify it (see the background information between the starred lines). Anyway, that's the end. The end end. The end of the end. It's done. Over with. Hurrah! Hopefully the whole bit about kids and stuff wasn't too confusing. I can publish a list, if there's need of it.

You know, actually, that's a lie. I'll be publishing the Missing Files (my special Bonus Features) with all the extra material missed between the end of TBOS and the beginning of this story, as well as one part between the two epilogues.

So next big thing: ZYAN! Maybe. Unless anyone really wants to know what Troy thinks about HSM1, 2, and 3. I'll write that if you want, but that means putting off ZYAN. Plus, if anyone has plot ideas, I'm up for suggestions, because I'm empty. The Board of Secrets Trilogy has worn me out of ideas. Not to mention I'm still doing Forever and Ever AND Who's Getting Married? THEN factor in the fact that it's 2:30 in the morning, and I've been re-editing the wedding party for the last two hours, it gets kind of tiring.

That's all folks. Thanks for reading, please review. Check out my other stories, and the only things I own are the people I made up, because I made them up. So they're mine. These characters include but are not limited to Chuckie Brown, Justin Case, Drew Andrews, Sarah Brown, Jared Green, Michael Garza, Cliff Harrison, Ruby Eaton, Sapphire Eaton, Violette Eaton, Dylan Bolton, Becca Jones, Jenny Bolton, Maddie Bolton, Chris Baylor, Nick Danforth, Ashley Bolton, Zac Bolton, Amanda Bolton, Chloe Bolton, Briana Danforth, Shawn Cross, Simon Bolton, and Seth Bolton, as well as anyone I might have missed, even though half of these people don't even say anything in this (or any other) chapter. That's a lot of OCs. Sorry.


PS, all the OCs have middle names, last names, birthdays, and mates. Just thought I'd put that out there.

note: i wrote the above author's note in like 2009 and decided to leave it there to keep up the integrity of the unedited garbo but yeah im not writing high school musical anymore and this has been fuckin wild. see yall in 2026.