Prompt: Threesome

Title: When you ask....

Year: 2008

Type: Dialogue

Series: Avatar the last Airbender

Pairing(s): Zutara (of course)

Character(s): His Hawtness & Her Kewlness

Word Count: 414

Rating: T

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN AVATAR.

A/N: Again. This is another drabble that I wrote a while back. The prompt is from the same HP adult community 100 prompts.

Enjoy. And R&R if you feel so inclined. :)

"When is this going to be over? I wanna leave."

"Oh no you don't Zuko. You're staying right where here until this is done."

"What is the point? I could be doing something constructive right now."

"Just because you're not participating, doesn't mean that you have to ruin it for everyone else."

"Kataaaara..." -whines-

"SHH! We're getting to the good part."

-sigh- "Since when are you ever so gun-ho about anything I wanna do?"

"Do you always respond with a question? Or are you in Annoy-Katara mode today?"

"Katara I'm getting bored."

"Of course you are. That's what you get when you said you just wanted to see one. I told you you have to do more than just sit there."

"I'm not taking notes! This is ridiculous!"

"Now, as per usual, I'm doing all the work. Which baffles me because this was your idea to begin with."

"I just pictured it going a little differently."

-smirk- "I know exactly what you had in mind. And I know you wouldn't want to just watch."

Redfaced!Zuko "What?! Are you saying that I shoulod have just asked you point blank."

-thoughtful pause- "No. I woulda said no if you asked just like that. But you were trying to be all devious and sneaky." -wibbles- "It was adorable. It made me rethink it."

"Puppies and babies are adorable. I am neither."

"You're right. Not adorable. But regardless of whatever you want to call it, I'm thinking about it."

"I am the frickin' Firelord. Adorable isn't in my vocabulary."

"Hey!" -snaps fingers in his face- "Focus Zuko! Your girlfriend just said she's seriously considering your request. And you're more concerned about not being adorable?"

"You're right. Sorry."

"You bet your sweet fire flakes I am."

"But Katara. When I said that I wanted us to watch a threesome, this isn't exactly what I had in mind. It certainly not this."

-rolling eyes- "Shut up. Now pass me the popcorn."

"I better be getting some major points for this!" -fantasy about him, Katara & Katara look-alike-

-mid-fantasy of her, Zuko & Jet- "Huh?...Oh, of course you are baby. Now rewind that last bit. I didn't catch it."

A/N (vol.2): Even though I love it here, I must admit it is really frustrating with I can't format my story to the way I would like them to post. -sigh-

Anywho, when Zuko was talking about not imagining a threesome happening like "this" he meant: www[dot]imdb[dot]com/title/tt0111418/

Movie was ok. But I had to do a story about it. The prompt told me to.