So this is my first Twilight multi-chap story. It's going to get pretty dark most likely; depending on how I decide to write it. Be warned, it has strong content. Please review. If I get enough reviews I'll post the second chap which is already written. Enjoy.



I had just decided to go to the coffee shop with Angela. She'd called me up and asked me to go. Edward and the rest of the Cullens had gone hunting this particular Saturday, so I thought, why not? It would be fun. And it was. We talked and laughed for over an hour sipping our flavored coffees, and then Angela had to go to work.

"Oh shoot, I'm supposed to be there now!" She'd said, jumping after she looked at her gave me this really guilty, stressed out look. We'd both taken her car in order to save gas, but she was overreacting. It was only a short mile through town and a few blocks past that to get home.

"Don't worry about it. I'll walk." I'd said. I really didn't mind. Maybe I'd take advantage of the free afternoon and buy some early Christmas gifts on my way home. After all, Edward was out of town and wouldn't have been home until at least the next day.

"Are you sure?" Angela had asked, clearly distressed on bailing on my ride home. I grinned at her warmly.

"Yes, I'm sure. Go! You're late. I'll grab the check, just pay me back at school on Monday." I smiled and she smiled back appreciatively.

"Alright. Thanks Bella. You're a life saver!" Then with a wave and the tingle of the bell she was gone. I thought I heard her car pull away. I sipped my coffee, there was still a little left and I was in no rush to get home with Charlie being out as well.

When I was finished I paid for both our drinks and started my walk home, but only after a little window shopping. It was just starting to get dark as early evening set in, when I actually started toward my house, two small bags in my hand. One Christmas gift for Edward, and one for Charlie both taken care of. Now I just had Rene and the rest of the Cullens to shop for - and I knew that if I waited long enough and bought Alice's gift without thinking about it first there was a small chance I could surprise her and she wouldn't see it coming.

I remember grinning at that thought as I walked right past the last shop and into the residential area of Forks. I zipped my jacket up farther; it was getting colder. And then it began to flurry, much to my amusement. I was in quite a good mood, that is until I reached the park.

It was dark and cold and I still had another couple blocks to go, and I heard the voices before I saw them. A group of guys; young, couldn't be much older than me - their voices coming from the park. Sure enough when the park come into view their were about three of them, laughing in a way you knew wasn't completely coherent. I saw the bottles at their feet, empty, and I smelt something I'd only smelled one other time in a girl's locker room back in Arizona - weed.

I tried not to breathe as I walked by, and my pace quickened automatically, but they seemed too far under the influence to notice me, that or it was just too dark. They looked up at the sound of my footsteps, but I don't think they saw me clearly. Then I stepped under that blasted street lamp.

They saw me.

I was just in a pair of jeans with a zippered sweatshirt - it wasn't even an attractive outfit. But apparently it was enough.

All I heard was one go, "Hey boys check out the lady!" and another went, "I think we should have a little fun."

That's not good. But I thought maybe they were too far gone to actually do anything. "Oi! Miss?!" Apparently not. They ran, caught up to me, suddenly there was one on either side of me and one right in front, blocking my path.


The one in front addressed me coolly, opening his arms as if in greeting. "Excuse us Miss but you look awfully cold. Maybe you should come and have a drink with us." he was smirking, mocking me. I didn't like that glint in his eyes. The one to my left shuffled closer reaching for my arm. Breathe Bella. I thought trying to remain calm. Talk your way out of this.

"Sorry. But I have to get home, my father will be looking for me." A lie, but if it worked…

"Oh that's too bad…" He feigned looking disappointed, an one of the ones beside me laughed. The one in frnt of me then put that scary smile back on his face and continued slowly in a menacing voice. "…But unfortunately, I wasn't giving you a choice. Was just making it seem like I was." The other two snickered and I froze, feeling myself go pale.

"Grab her." He said to the goons, just as I tried bolting between them, attempting to sprint away. But before I'd taken three steps, two pairs of hands were on my arms, and one of them tripped me bringing me down to the ground.



"Nice one!" Jasper said proudly, wrapping an arm around Alice's shoulder. She'd just single-handedly killed a mountain lion twice the size of Emmett's in 3 seconds flat. It had taken Emmett nearly 12 to kill his. I should know; I held the stop-watch.

"Well, what's her time?!" Emmett called to me in a disgruntled voice. I chuckled as Alice winked smugly, "C'mon Em, you know it's better than yours! why even ask?" Everybody laughed at the look of anger and embarrassment on my older brother's face. "He's so jealous right now" Jasper whispered antagonizing into Alice's ear, knowing full well that everyone, including Emmett, could hear him. His eyes were locked on Emmett's jokingly and Alice giggled. Emmett scowled and stormed off and I heard his distinct thoughts about "just a little bit of luck…"

"You know it wasn't luck, Em. It was skill! You're just mad that the smallest one here, who happens to be a girl, beat you at your own game!" I called after him, and we all laughed again. He'd cool down eventually. "Alright. Enough." Carlisle said condolingly, but he was grinning too. I looked to Alice and was going to congratulate my little sister, but Jasper's thoughts distracted me.

All eyes were on Alice in an instant, even Emmett's. Her head lolled back and her eyes stared off into something that wasn't there in front of her. Jasper's arm was still protectively around her shoulders as he too stared at her face waiting patiently for news.

I looked into Alice's mind and watched her vision with her, in the disconnected way that she saw things - with no emotion. I saw three men about twenty, drinking booze and smoking pot and then a woman walked under a streetlamp and their decision had been made. They wanted to… Their vision was of…

The clearing came back into view and I stared at Alice with wide eyes. Fear was etched into her face too. For a second nothing happened, then Esme's voice asked gently, "Alice? Edward? What is it? What's going on?"

"Bella." I breathed in panic, then took off running as fast as I possibly could through the forest; toward Forks, toward her,

but knowing I would be too late.