Reviews for A Walk in the Dark
treena-ivy-carter chapter 9 . 3/5/2011
Well for my fics, personally, I'm in a mood and I just sit down and write and that's why my stories are so slow in being updated is because I'm not in the mood for writing in the spring. In the spring I'm at my worst, in the late summer-late fall I'm at my best. That's just me. For the stories I write in the hope in one day of publishing I dream up one scene of the story and the characters live with me, shouting at me until I write the story down. That's just me though.
DrawnToTheNight chapter 16 . 2/28/2011
really good story and i really like the ending

thanks for writing

MIAuthor chapter 6 . 6/4/2010
Lol is it mean for me to feel like Edward

is totally useless because he couldn't get

there in time? I know its not exactly his fault

but I know that If I had a vampire boyfriend

with a sister that could see the future I'd be

pissed as hell that he allowed something like

that to happen... Like, ok I get it... you couldn't

run fast enough but maybe you could have

called the police, dick. haha great story though.

I'm really enjoying your plot and your writing.
KeyahKun chapter 5 . 5/26/2010
ooo that's gotta hurt poor guy i bet he cant have kids no more haha! GO BELLA!LOL!love this book especially when bella fights back!yay bella!
RedrumCarnie95 chapter 16 . 4/7/2010
This story is good :)
Simaril chapter 16 . 1/18/2010
A very good story taking on a very tough subject and giving it the gravity it deserves. I liked seeing Bella portrayed as someone stornger than is usual in Fanfics. Thank you for sharing x
kikiharuka13666 chapter 14 . 11/14/2009
i love this story
Hev99 chapter 1 . 11/7/2009
Huh scary start! Will keep reading, hoping not to cry or hide behind blanket!
Carlisle060 chapter 8 . 8/30/2009
that is so nice !

i feel so happy for bella if i was edward!

but it wasnt nice that bella almost got raped though!

like this chapter alot!
murderscene chapter 16 . 5/31/2009
Nah gotta love those Bella/Edward fluff moments.
squody3015 chapter 15 . 4/25/2009
Wow, this has been such a good story! I like how you've written the story to show how strong Bella really can be, and I definatly like how this didn't turn out to be one of those stories where she is helpless and gets raped.

You conveyed the characters' turmoil very well, and the ending was good too. It had nothing to do with the horrific events that happend and everything to do with their love for each other, very sweet ending!
xheartkreuzx chapter 15 . 4/5/2009
fantastic story!
mhgood chapter 16 . 3/30/2009
Wow, this was a very well-written and emotional story! I've got to say, I'm so glad Bella didn't actually get raped-that would have been too horrible, The way you plotted it was perfect, though. Rose was amazing, and Edward's angst was spot-on. :-)
mystify23 chapter 15 . 1/30/2009
i love the PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue!
Devil Nightmare chapter 15 . 1/24/2009
This seams pretty good

want more of bella and edward

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