Me: Don't you think Soap Opera's have too much drama. General Hospital, Days of our Lives, Passions, Young and the Restless, All my Children, Bold and the Beautiful, All my children… THEY ALL PISS ME OFF!!! But *sigh* Meh mama got me into General Hospital… I know some of you asked to be in my story. Please Private message me or put your OC in the review. Please and thank you… I will try to keep them in character the whole time… I know I'll mess up…

Yumi: Onto a different note please…

Me: Anything is possible when your man smells like a man and not a lady. I'm on a horse. I love that Old Spice Commercial~! Nothing makes sense anymore ya know… I maybe ranting but commercials, Music videos, and music just don't make sense anymore… Like Telephone.

Please do not kill me Lady Gaga fans I do like her but how many of you notice that when she first started she wasn't as crazy or her songs/ videos made sense? Like Poker Face and Just Dance. Now WE ALL have seen the VMA's from her performance, to P!nk's, to Kanye interrupting Taylor Swift like an asshole. (THAT WASN'T COOL), Now look at Paparazzi and Bad Romance... I don't see her following around the man in paparazzi, just her killing him…

Bad Romance… I didn't get the song that much… I don't even like it. I like the Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra oh La oh lala (you get the point) part. But why does she kill them man at the end and show her messed up spine?

AND THEN TELEPHONE. (Sorry Beyoncé Fans but I don't like her that much anyway anymore) I mean seriously? Ever since she made Sasha Fierce her music makes some sense and her videos don't. I'm like how is dancing with two chicks make you a diva while you wear stupid clothes. I'm like you should kept Kelly and Michelle! Don't you agree? Now about Telephone... They both eat a honey bun and then start killing people and at the end of it they are dressed in stupid shit while they get away. I get that they supposed to be Thelma and Louise and you don't want the guy to keep calling you but seriously don't kill everyone in the restaurant including a dog… That's stupid… I'm sorry for the extremely long disclaimer and rant but this needs to be establish cause me being the idiot I am think it does… Why can't music make sense like back in the day like the Temptations and Gerald Levert… Like rock music with meanings in it? Country music… etc… Seriously… GET BACK TO THE GOOD DAYS 2010! WE DO NOT NEED TO GO ALL OUT ON A VIDEO TO EXPLAIN A SONG MEANING!!!! This rant was started after a conversation with many friends… I'll be damned the day anime/manga stops going along with the storyline and just become random… Please forgive me for the rant and don't get mad at me…

Yumi: I was created by that… Mistress doesn't own Bleach™

xXIssho ItsumademoXx

Chap. 14

"We'll get to be the heroes this time!"

"I don't know why she took the blame." Kaoru muttered.

"Because she cares Kaoru" Yumi sighed rubbing Kisa's head. "The apartment is quieter" "Even though she said we are still the three doesn't feel like it anymore."

"More like two Stooges and a photo... WHO THE HELL ARE WE GONNA SCARE OF TORTURE WHEN WE HAVE A PHOTO?!?!" Kaoru looked down, "First Rukia...then Renji and now Mina."

"Ok I just said something funny and you didn't laugh..." Yumi hugged Kaoru. "It's ok"

Shiki frowned.

"We have to save Mina and Rukia." Kaoru said then hugged Yumi, "We ain't letting her die that easily."

"I know.." Yumi said. "This time we ain't getting caught now is we?"

Kaoru shook her head, "Never. We're doing it right this time."

"We'll get to be the heroes this time!" Yumi smirked as she stood stood and twisted a picture on the wall, opening a secret base. "This is the reason why I like this house" she grinned. "And it's huge~"

Kaoru trotted in, "Captain Yumi-tan! What's the plan?"

Shiki, Kisa, and Mitsuki and Tsukai followed.

"Hold up. I'm thinking"

Shiki sighed as he transformed into a kitten.

"YATTA!!" Yumi grinned as she picked up and kissed Shiki. "GENIUS!!"

"My Shiki!" Kaoru swiped him away and petted him.

Shiki grinned lewdly. "The ladies want me"

"Kaoru dun get stingy..." Yumi said. "Now can you all transform like that?"

They nodded. "Kisa and Mitsuki can you transform into me and Kaoru?"

Kisa nodded and transformed into Yumi and Mitsuki transformed into Kaoru. "Perfect... There is no doubt there gonna be watching us alot more closely. So what we need you to do is pretend to be us. Starting tomorrow evening" Yumi said. They nodded. "Shiki and Tsukai... You have to watch them in case they start screwing up" Tsukai and Shiki nodded.

"We're gonna get Mina and Rukia back for certain." Kaoru smiled.

"Yep" Yumi grinned. "This plan is so fool and smartie proof! No one will figure it out"

"The three stooges will be back in action!" Kaoru grinned.

"Kaoru... We're gonna be late for that meeting we ain't even supposed to be at!" Yumi yawned.

Kaoru nodded slowly.

Yumi stood. "We better hurry!" she shunpo'd out the apartment.

Kaoru nodded and followed.

Yumi heard a high pitch scream. " AIZEN-TAICHO!!!!"

"Ai-Ai-taicho..." Yumi frowned as she shunpo'd towards the scream. (A/N: Now if that was me I would wonder to go to the scream because she might be getting raped… Now you must agree… He looked like a nice pedo back then XD)

Kaoru followed, "Hinamori."

"No! No! No! AIZEN-TAICHO!!!" Hinamori cried

"My, my. Who's shouting this early in the morning?" Gin walked up to the scene.

Yumi stared at the bloody corpse of Aizen. "Aizen..."

Hinamori stared at Gin before glowering angrily. "IT WAS YOU!!!!!" she shunpo'd towards him as she unsheathed her zanpaku-to.

Kira blocked her attack with Wabisuke.

"Kira-kun why?" Hinamori choked out.

Yumi scowled and gritted her teeth trying to control the urge not to attack Gin.

"I am the fuku-taicho of the third division! I don't care what your reason is! I cannot allow you to point your sword at my taicho!"

Yumi's ears blocked out the rest of the conversation.

Hinamori scowled. "SNAP!!! TOBIUME!!!"

Izuru skidded back before he could get caught in the flames, "How dare you release your zanpaku-to like that? How shallow!"

Hinamori released another fireball.

"If you insist, I have no choice but to treat you as an enemy. Lift your head, Wabisuke!" Izuru swung his zanpaku-to at Hinamori.

"YUMI!" Rangiku, Hisagi, Iba, and Kaoru shouted, eyes wide as Yumi stood absentmindedly between the two.

Toshiro blocked Izuru zanpaku-to and stepped on Hinamori's, "Don't move."

"Shiro-chan." Hinamori choked out.

Yumi stared, eyes widened. Toshiro..." Yumi held her breath. "Kaoru we should get Aizen down" she said trying desperately to avoid his teal eyes, and get away.

Kaoru nodded and stood on the roof unhooking his body from the wall.

"Restrain them." Toshiro said.

Rangiku and Hisagi grabbed Hinamori and Iba grabbed Izuru.

"I will report this to Yamamoto-sou-taicho. Take them away and lock them up now!"

They nodded and took the two away.

Yumi helped. "Lord what's happened to the Seireitei?" Yumi asked.

"My apologies Jyu-san-ban-tai taicho. My man caused some trouble there" Gin said.

"Ichimaru...were you planning on killing Hinamori or Yumi?"

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"I'm warning you. If you make Hinamori or Yumi shed one drop of blood I'll kill you."

"Yare, yare...what a scary thing to say! If you feel that way you should keep them away from the bad guys!"

Kaoru got the body down and frowned slightly, 'Somethin' ain't right.'

Yumi looked at Aizen's body. "How did he die so easily? This ain't right"

Kaoru nodded, "I don't think Gin did it."

"Sure... Gin cut of Jidanbo's arm and pushed us out the Seireitei remember Kao?'

"I'm not saying I completely trust him. I just don't think it was him this time."

"Maybe you're right" Yumi said as she looked down. "Oi! Hitsugaya-taicho! What do we do with his body? Take it to the Fourth?" she winced.

Toshiro nodded.

Kaoru hopped down.

Yumi nodded and shunpo'd away.

Kaoru sighed, "So much bloodshed in a short amount of time."

"I know. But it's gonna have to stop"

Kaoru nodded.

Yumi sighed. "I can't believe you talked me into dying my hair orange and cutting it" Yumi said.

"I's got black hair~!" Kaoru skipped around like a schoolgirl.

"Imma dye it back to its original color, orange, later... Now come on" she looked at Kisa and Mitsuki. "Make sure her hair is dirty blond and short and Mine is long and black" they nodded as they transformed again.

"No need to worry!" Mitsuki grinned.

Kisa nodded.

Kaoru shunpo'd away.

Yumi followed as she shunpo'd to the nearest sewer system.

Kaoru climbed in, "If we're lucky we'll see Hana-tan~"

"Yeah... I hope..." Yumi said climbing in after. She closed it.

Kaoru shunpo'd forward, "We're comin, Rukia, Mina."

"Kaoru... You do know which way is to the Senzaikyū? Sorry to ruin a moment"

"YUP!" Kaoru grinned, "That's why I'm in the lead."

"Um it's the other way" Yumi sweatdropped.

Kaoru tapped her head, "My's messed up." Kaoru pointed and accusing finger, "Why didn't you say anything!"

"I just tried to" Yumi sweatdropped.

Kaoru stormed in the other direction.

Yumi followed. "Baka-chan"

"I's not..."

"Are too now... How do we break them out?' Kaoru opened the sewer and looked around then hopped out, "Dunno."

"Lord Kaoru... Use that brain fer once"

"I feel Hana-tan."


Kaoru sighed and shunpo'd towards the Senzaikyū.

"Kaoru I'm confused" Yumi followed.



"Lord someone's gonna discover us" Ganju muttered.

Minako sighed, " usual."

Kaoru glomped Minako, "Mina!"

Rukia sweatdropped.

"RUKIA!!!" Yumi glomped Rukia. "What happened to your hair?"Rukia asked.

Yumi pointed at Kaoru.

"You two..." Minako looked at Hanataro then Ganju, "I don't want to go, ne."

"And why not?!" Yumi put her hands on her hip.

Hanataro blinked. "Why not Minako-san?"

"If I'm set free where would I go, ne? Into hiding...and I've got a long life to live in solitude, ne." Minako frowned, "It's not worth it."

"But Mina!"

Hanataro and Yumi's eyes widened.

Rukia gasped. 'That Reiatsu..."

Minako froze, "Kuchiki-taicho..."

Kaoru let go of Minako.

"Not good... There's no way of us winning... With just the two of use... Maybe we could beg for our lives..." Ganju said.

"What are you saying Ganju-san?" Hanataro said. 'Let's just run away with everyone!"

"The bridge is the only way for you to go..." Kaoru said.

"So there's no use in running, ne."

"Do you expect me to risk my life for her?" Ganju pointed at Rukia.

"That's what we are doing! Her and Mina" Yumi said.

Minako sighed.

"I understand" Hanataro said. "I'll stop him myself"

Yumi stared at him.

Minako softened her gaze, ''re shivering.'

"What are you doing Hanataro?"

"I can't run away without doing anything. " Hanataro gulped. "Thank you very much" he bowed as he walked out.

"Hanataro!" Rukia tried to follow after.

Minako grabbed the back of Rukia's shirt, "People are trying to save you, ne. Be quiet and wait."

Kaoru frowned, "He's gonna get himself killed."

Rukia gulped.

Yumi frowned and blinked as she saw Ganju hit his head against the wall with a yell.

Minako sighed, 'Oaf.'

Hanataro blinked. "What was that?"

"Move it" Ganju said kicking Hanataro out his way as he turned to Byakuya. "Come on Noble boy! I'll be your opponent today!"

Byakuya stared at him.

Minako frowned, "This is going to be ugly, ne." she muttered walking out.

Kaoru followed

"I felt a faint reiatsu and thought it was someone strong holding back his reiatsu... But I was wrong. It was nothing but an insect" Byakuya said coolly.

Ganju scowled.

Yumi and Rukia followed.

"Meany." Kaoru mumbled.

Yumi clenched her fist as Rukia fell to her knees. 'Rukia-san!" Hanataro went to her side.

Ganju said nothing as her charged at Byakuya.

"That broken sword?" Yumi sweatdropped.


Minako stepped forward, "That's suicide, damnit."

Ganju raised his arm to throw his mini fireworks.

"Be gone. My sword isn't for exterminating" Byakuya said as a gash appeared on Ganju's arm.

"GANJU!" Kaoru shouted

"Hold it!' Ganju shouted.

"Didn't hear me?" Byakuya said.

"Byakushi is so arrogant." Kaoru frowned.

"No shit"

"This is getting nowhere..." Byakuya said. "Chire..."

"RUN!!!!" Yumi and Rukia shouted.

Minako charged forward. Kaoru grabbed her, "Don't!"

"He's going to die!"


Ganju was cut and slashed nearly everywhere on his body.

Yumi ran forward. "Ganju!"

Minako stood infront of Hanataro and scowled, "Don't you dare Kuchiki Byakuya."

"Move aside Minako" Byakuya said.

Minako shook her head, "I won't do that. If you want to kill him you'll have to kill me first."

Byakuya lifted his zanpaku-to.

Minako winced.

Juushiro grabbed his wrist, "That was scary, I think that's enough hm, Kuchiki-taicho."


"Ukitake-taicho!" Rukia shouted.

"Uki-kun!" Yumi shouted.

Minako opened her eyes, "Ukitake..."

Juushiro smiled, "Hi Kuchiki! Yumi, Mina, Kaoru!"

Yumi smiled thankfully. "Arigatou"

"What's the meaning of this Ukitake?" Byakuya asked.

"That's my line. Releasing a zanpaku-to is konnatakoru is a first class offense. Even if your opponents are drifters. What are you thinking?"

"It's a war time situation. The ban on releasing zanpaku-to was lifted"

"Because a couple of drifters entered Seireitei? Is it all because of the Aizen murder?"

A reiatsu engulfed the area.

Minako's and Kaoru's eyes widened, "That's..."

Rukia's eyes widened. "Can it be..."

"Ichigo" Yumi said quietly.

Sorry for the useless rant but some of you have to agree… Now another thing I wanted to say. Review please! And also for those who read my other story. It's hard for me to update stories back to back every month. Mina-tan had to yell at me to get this one posted… She's my so called editor. And then it's the fact I lost the book I was writing it in and tryna put new OCs in it. It will be out before the end of Spring Break which is April 5th-9th for me… So I gotta just think as I go and bust my ass. Thank you for being patient and please… YELL AT ME TO GET IT POSTED UP… I'm not gonna delete it nor put it on hiatus cause once I put more than one chapter up I cannot delete things…