By: Tenchi Knight

WARNING: This is a rated M KIGO fic. If you know what this means, and you're offended by it, leave. If you

don't know, it's where Kim and Shego are involved. If you're offended now, leave. If you're offended by foul

language, get the hell out. If you're still here, enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible or any related properties. They are copyright the Disney Corporation and are

used without permission.

Author's Notes: I've taken some liberties with the characters. Please bear with me. Thank you.

Chapter 1: Trading Places

"Hahaha! This time I will succeed in my plan!" Drakken gloats as Shego idly files her nails, rolling her eyes at her

employer's foolhardiness.

"You realize that Kim's going to break this one just like she's broken every other one." Shego says.

"Not with this new plan!" He throws his arms in the air. "I will finally defeat Kim Possible!"

"Think again, Drakken!" Kim declares, standing atop one of his machines.

"What? Kim Possible! Where did you come from?" Drakken demands.

"Probably through one of the air vents, just like normal." Shego says. "All right, Kimmie, let's go..."

She stands and smiles broadly while squaring off against her teen nemesis, Kim Possible, and she in response

readies herself. Unbeknownst to them, Drakken is off powering up the device he had stolen from Jack Hench. He

watches silently as they fight, then fires the weapon. He's surprised when a massive blast of energy shoots out and

strikes both Shego and Kim, knocking them to the ground.

"Uh oh..." He says, realizing he's a dead man once Shego recovers.

Leaving everything behind, he beats a hasty retreat to his escape hovercraft because he knows that the harm that will

come to him is far more lasting than his financial losses.


Kim slowly opens her eyes and looks around feeling as if she had been mercilessly beaten with a hammer.

Struggling to stand up and feeling very unsteady, she slowly staggers over to a table before hearing a soft moan off

to the side. She looks over and then screams as she sees herself slowly moving on the floor. This horrifying sight is

overshadowed as she realizes the scream she had just uttered was in Shego's voice. She looks down and discovers

that she's Shego. Kim's body then slowly rises and they shake their head.

"Damn... what the hell hit me?" They ask in unison.

"Drakken..." Kim replies, causing the woman to jerk her head and look over. "Hi, Shego..."

"Kimmie..?" Shego asks, unbelieving, as she looks over at herself standing there.

"I don't know what the hell hit us, but now you're in my body and I'm in yours..." She says, holding out her arms to

the side. Shego looks at Kim, then down at herself, and then grins as she looks up once more.

"What are you thinking..?" Kim asks. All of a sudden her eyes go wide. "No!"

"Oh, yeah..." Shego says and runs her hands up and down her sides before cupping her breasts and grinning lewdly

at a wide eyed Kim.

"Shego, stop..."

"Why should I, Kimmie? I'm in you, you're in me, I figure we've both got to get used to our new bodies so why

not?" Shego asks.

"Shego..." She says and walks over to her, making to stop her.

"Kimmie, first things first, be careful with those hands. They're lethal weapons. Second, until we get back to our

original bodies, these are our bodies." Shego says. "That means you can't really tell me what I can or can't do to this


"I... you're right..." Kim slumps Shego's shoulders in defeat. Then she asks, "Shego, could you train me on how to

use your powers?"

"I don't know, Kimmie, you could use them against me in the future." Shego teases and smiles, a look which is very

unnatural on Kim's face. "All right... it's like this..."


Kim tears through the lab. Using the plasma to strengthen her hands; she punches through plate steel, cuts through

thick walls, and firing it from her hands in blasts while Shego watches with a satisfied smile.

"You pick it up quickly, Kimmie. Now, for the time being, is there anything that I should know about your body

before I take over as you? Or can I just jump in head-long?"

"Take over? What are you talking about?" Kim asks.

"You look like me, I look like you. We're now each other. That means I've got to go to school and do what you do,

and you've got to lounge around and do next to nothing. Wow... you've got it good. If you want, you can even

sabotage Drakken's little toys before he's done so I don't have to come break them."

"Oh, no... I'm gonna make you break them, and I'm gonna fight you too." Kim says and Shego grins.

"Ooh, feeling feisty, Kimmie?"

"No more than usual." Kim says. "Anything else I need to know?"

"Only little things such as the locations of Drakken's lairs, the layouts, and what not."

Kim nods silently.

"I've got a list inside my suit..."

Kim starts patting around, but then looks up, confused. Shego rolls her eyes and walks over, putting one hand on

Kim's back and the other on her breast before sliding her hand into the uniform, her hand moving across Kim's cloth

covered chest, making her shiver as she does. Shego smiles, teasingly massaging Kim's breast while at the same

time working her hand further into the uniform to find the hidden list. After what seems to be an eternity to Kim, but

which is just over a minute to the rest of the world, Shego's hand withdraws and she's standing there holding a

folded paper. She then, with a smile, holds it up for the blushing Kim.

"This is my cheat sheet. Don't lose it. It's got all the lairs and their doomsday weapons listed on it." Shego says.

"And he usually moves from lair to lair in that order."

"Don't you think it's dangerous to have a list like this?" Kim asks, confused.

"None of them ever work, so why would I have to worry?" Shego answers flippantly.

"Anything else?"

"Nope..." She grins. "I think that you'll figure everything out really quick..."

Kim looks at the villainess wearing her body for a long moment then sighs.

"Are you good with numbers?" Kim asks.

"Don't worry, I'll do fine." Shego says.

"What do you mean?" Kim asks.

"Your math test, I'll do fine." Shego says. "And I won't even cheat."

"Thank you." Kim says. "Now is there anything else we need to discuss before we go our separate ways?"

"There's one thing." She says, reaching into Kim's outfit once more and withdrawing a key on a chain that was

nestled between her breasts. "This stays with me."

"Oh." Kim says. "So do you need anything else that's tucked away in here?"

"Nope, I think that's it." Shego says. "See you around, good looking." She kisses her body square on the lips while

massaging her right breast. Kim moans softly, and then pulls away with a shocked expression. "Sorry, Kimmie, I've

always wanted to maul myself and see just how good I felt... and damn I feel good..."

She walks out with a swagger in her step while Kim walks to the hangar and climbs into a hovercraft. She takes off

for the next lair, not knowing that particular hovercraft has been suffering mechanical malfunctions lately.


As Shego exits the lair, she hears the kimmunicator. She presses a button and looks at the screen at Wade's face.

"Go, Wade." She says, fighting back a chuckle at using the teen heroine's body and voice.

"Kim, I've been trying to get in contact with you for the past four hours. I was just about to call Global Justice to

come see if you were okay."

"No big. Drakken hit me with some ray that knocked me out. You know how it is. Have you heard from Ron?"

Shego asks.

"Don't you remember, Kim? Ron's got the flu and couldn't go with you."

"Oh. Guess my brain got a little scrambled from the ray. Well, whatever. Could I get a ride home?" Shego says.

"Sure. I've already got something lined up and ready to go..."

"Spanking..." Shego says with a grin.


Shego walks into the Possible home and looks around for a long moment before speaking.

"I'm home..." She says, and is immediately assaulted by two pre-teen tornadoes.

"Where were you?" Jim asks.

"What happened?" Tim asks.

"Did you see anything cool?" Jim asks.

"Anything blow up?" Tim asks.

"What took you so long getting home?" Jim and Tim ask in unison.

"I was in Brazil fighting Drakken where he was trying to use a sonic disruptor to destabilize the earth's crust. I

didn't really see anything cool since I was there to fight him, and nothing blew up this time. The reason I got home

late was he hit me with a ray that knocked me out for a couple hours, then it took six hours to get back here to


"Oh." The brothers say in unison.

"Either of you have any more questions?"

They shake their heads.

"Good. Then I'm gonna go up to my room and relax."

She walks upstairs and closes the door after herself. She looks around the room for a long moment and then sighs.

"Damn... I've fallen into my own worst nightmare." She says before walking over to the bed and leaping onto it,

landing on her back and staring up at the ceiling. "At least she doesn't have any pictures of that stupid band, 'The O-

Boys' or whatever they're called..."

She sits up and looks around the room before smiling devilishly. She slowly stands and stalks over to her closet,

feeling as if she were invading someone else's room, which she is, though it doesn't look that way. She opens the

doors and smiles as she looks at the clothing before her.

"Well, well... first things first... a little dress-up..."

She begins picking out clothes and laying them out on the bed, choosing the clothing almost at random. She then

walks over to the door, locks it, and then goes over to a radio and pops she sees nearby before pressing play and

listening to the music with a smile. She then swaggers over to a full-length mirror before grinning and slowly lifting

her shirt suggestively. Next thing she knows, she's dancing and grinning at her reflection. After fifteen minutes of

stripping, she's standing there, looking at herself naked, the only adornment being a key hanging from a chain about

her neck, feeling more aroused than she had in a long while. She slowly begins to work her hands up and down her

body, exploring the nuances and sensitive zones that are scattered about her form.


"Damn... I love this body..." She pants, a half smile on her lips.

She steps into Kim's attached bathroom and turns on the shower to hot before stepping under the stream of water,

indulging in the feeling of the steaming hot water beating down on her skin. After about fifteen minutes, she makes

the water a bit cooler and scrubs down from head to toe. She then reaches for the shampoo before lifting the bottle

and reading the brand. She quirks her eyebrow and sniffs derisively.

"This shit will do for today... but I'll be damned if I use this any more than I have to." She shakes her head slowly.

"Damn it, Kimmie, why don't you have better taste in hair care products?"

She sighs and then pours the solution onto her hand before massaging it into her hair and scrubbing her scalp.

Twenty minutes later, she steps out of the shower and towels off. Then she dries her hair and wraps it in a towel as

well. She walks out of her bathroom and over to her bed where she picks up an outfit consisting of a pink tank top

emblazoned with a big red heart, red panties, and a pair of low-riding blue-jeans that she puts on and ties off with a

golden cord. She then removes the towel from her hair, and tousles it for a moment before looking at the mirror and


"Damn... even like this I look good..." She says as she turns and inspects her ass in the jeans, smiling broadly. She

saunters out of her room, coming up short as she sees Ann Possible walking up the stairs. Ann looks at her and


"Oh, Hi Kimmie, I was wondering if you were home. I haven't heard much from you."

"Oh, sorry, I was in my room." Shego says. "Well, I'm heading out... later."

She makes to pass Ann but is stopped by Ann's voice.

"Will you be home for dinner?"

Shego glances at the clock. It's five in the evening. "No, I probably won't be. I'll be home sometime. Later." She

leaps downstairs, grabs a set of keys with a pink heart keychain attached to them and walks out the front door

without another word. As she walks out to the street, she looks at the keys in her hand. In addition to the heart, there

is a small string with letter beads on it spelling out KIMMIE CUB in heart-enclosed letters. Shego sighs and shoves

the keys into her pocket before sauntering down the street. Fifteen minutes later, she arrives at Middleton Bank and

walks inside. She walks up to the teller who looks up and smiles.

"Oh, Hi, Kim..."

Shego stares at the woman for a long moment, then turns and walks back to the door only to stop once more and turn

back around. She walks up to the teller once more who's watching her, confused. "I need to get into a safe deposit


"But you don't have one here, Kim." The teller says. "At least, you don't have one that I know of, anyway."

"Oh, I do. It's box thirteen. I need to get into it." Shego says. "It's really important."

The teller nods, then motions to a man who walks over to where they are standing. "Kim needs to get into box


"Box thirteen, really? Now, I didn't know that you