Trust: Chapter One

This is my first Merlin fic! :D

In this chapter, it is only emotional slash, meaning that Merlin and Arthur haven't yet admitted their feelings and haven't yet acted on them.

It's awfully long! :D Good luck!

Arthur stepped, silently, around the gnarled roots of the mighty oak. He gracefully danced behind the cover of a bush. His eyes never left the prey, his ear almost pricked up for any sign of his presence becoming known. He wasn't even breathing. Bringing his cross-bow into aim, he fired into the open.

There was the echoing sound of panic as the deer scattered and ran in fear, yet Arthur just watched carefully. When the dust settled and the sound of hooves was only a subtle musical rhythm in the background, the lifeless form of a collapsed stag was visible in the centre of the opening, an arrow directly in its heart.

Arthur grinned triumphantly and with his weapon hanging idly at his side, he walked, shoulder's back and head high into the opening to collect his prize.

Merlin watched all of this from his position behind a pair on entwined trees, hidden by nature. He was astounded by the prince's hunting skills as he was every time he watched Arthur, yet, he was equally annoyed by his choice of hobby that he found so amusing.

Arthur crouched down beside the dead creature and checked over his kill. With another grin, he turned and looked in the direction of Merlin, shouting,

"Come and see this Merlin! Now this is a kill!"

Merlin sighed, climbing through the jungle of the forest to the prince's side. Looking down at the body of the stag, a small pool of blood beginning to form, he felt the same pity as he always felt.

Arthur watched Merlin, unknown to the warlock, carefully analyzing his eyes. Those same sapphires were full of that happiness and bright purity they always held, yet, pain for his kill tinted them. Rolling his own eyes, yet feeling that feeling of shame the manservant always brought with those eyes, he ordered,

"Take it to camp" before turning around and stalking off into the trees.


Merlin dropped the wood beside the fire, and took his seat beside Arthur again. From there he pushed one of the fallen branches into the flames, watching as they immediately began to lick at the wood and tear it of life. He let the warmth of the fire relieve him of the chill of the night and smiled happily.

Arthur sighed contently, letting himself fall back with a heavy thump onto the ground behind him, the back of his knees still on the log beside Merlin and looked up into the clear evening sky. They were in the middle of a clearing, just the two of them. Due to reasons of boredom on Arthur's part, he had decided to spend the next day or two hunting, and of course, Merlin had been dragged along.

The moon was no where to be seen. Her presence was hardly missed though, as Merlin was happy to gaze around by the light of the fire. Its amber glow gave the world around him a soft, honey-like look, as if autumn was paying an early visit.

"You didn't like me killing the stag" stated Arthur, breaking the blissful silence. Merlin turned around, as if he hadn't noticed Arthur had lain down,

"No, well, not really" replied the warlock, taking up another stick and brushing the ambers of the fire around, entranced by the flames. Arthur looked from the blazing suns billions of miles away to the black-haired boy in front of him,

"How come?" he asked, in a tone that was curious yet uninterested, only something Arthur could manage. Merlin dropped his stick and let himself fall back, hitting the hard ground softly, and put his arms behind his head in the same way as Arthur, his feet in front of the fire,

"It's just; I don't like the idea of taking the life of something for sport. I mean, sure, you enjoy it, and I wouldn't stop you" he chuckled slightly, unaware that the prince was looking at him, "As if I could, but, it just seems wrong to me".

Arthur looked back up at the sky, frowning to himself. His manservant never ceased to surprise him.

"You know, I've said this before, but sometimes, I feel like I know you Merlin, then you do something I don't expect" replied Arthur. Merlin chuckled again,

"Is that a good thing sire?" asked the warlock,

"In your case, no" replied Arthur, his voice only streaked with seriousness. Merlin snickered,

"You mean because that way you don't have a way to control me if you don't know what I'm going to do" Merlin teased and Arthur snorted, kicking at Merlin's feet with his own,

"You can't speak to me like that" Arthur replied, joking, "And anyway, I control you no matter what, you forget you're my manservant". Merlin chuckled,

"Yes, my lord" he replied, his voice teasing, and Arthur shook his head in mock pity. Silence enveloped back in around them. Merlin frowned, his gaze still on the fire.

Arthur and Merlin had been master and servant for so long now, but their bond went further then that. Merlin had saved Arthur's life so many times, and Arthur has returned the favour, more then he should have. Yet, despite the fact that Merlin trusted Arthur, and believed in him more than anyone, he lied to Arthur more than anyone.

Merlin was more himself with Arthur than anyone, yet Merlin hid himself with Arthur more than with anyone. Arthur didn't know the warlock's secret, when Merlin felt in his heart he could trust him with it. So why couldn't he bring himself to tell him?

So many people had told him that it was safer for the prince not to know, safer for Merlin and for those who protected him, but Merlin spent more time with Arthur then with anyone. It was such hard work. Sometimes, he thought it would be so much easier if Arthur just knew…

"What's the matter?" asked Arthur and Merlin looked to his side and noticed the prince watching him, anxiety cast across his features. Merlin shrugged, yet some part of him was begging to speak his mind.

"Nothing" replied Merlin, averting the prince's gaze.

Arthur could see frustration and confusion in his servant's eyes, and the fact that Merlin's eyebrows were knitted together did not pay justice to his answer.

"You're right" replied Arthur and Merlin looked at him, blinking in confusion and Arthur finished, "You really are a terrible liar"

Merlin snickered once and the overwhelming feeling to trust Arthur took over him again.

"Arthur?" Merlin asked,

"Hmm?" replied Arthur,

"What-what would you do if…"


"If I-" but Arthur cut Merlin off suddenly sitting up, turning his head towards the trees,

"Shh!" he demanded. Merlin sat up also, following Arthur's gaze,

"What is it?" Merlin whispered,

"Do you hear that?" replied Arthur, ignoring Merlin's question. Straightening up and listening, Merlin froze.

The sound of the forest was deafengly loud when listened too. There was the sound of the fire, crackling and burning, the sound of destruction. Animals could be heard, calling and crying out into the dark night. The trees whispered to each other over the wind, talking of the boys by the fire. Hooves clattered somewhere in the distance.

Then he heard it; voices. Loud, drunk voices. And booming laughter.

"It's probably just some travellers" whispered Merlin, and Arthur nodded, but his gaze still fell on the trees from which the noise was coming from. Merlin untensed, made to lie back down, and Arthur too, finally, tore his eyes away.

A scream echoed through out the forest.

Arthur froze, looking around in alarm to Merlin who mirrored his expression. They stayed there, looking at each other in the middle of lying down for a few seconds before Arthur jumped up, drawing his sword from its sheath beside his bed and dashing between the trees without a second thought.

Moving at a slower speed, Merlin too jumped to his feet and followed Arthur through the trees.


There were five of them. All men. A particularly huge man, with long, black greasy hair and a scar down the length of his jaw, seemed to be in higher status then the others. He was in charge. A flagon of ale was present in each of their hands, and, occasionally, they would throw their heads back and let the alcohol stream down their throats without as much as a hiccup.

Merlin watched the men - pitying them for their mistreatment of themselves – from a crouch behind Arthur, who was also crouched, and followed his gaze, peering through the cover of the forest at the band of men.

"Thieves" muttered Arthur, low enough that it sounded like the wind whispering, but loud enough for Merlin to hear. Arthur was tensed up, his shoulders high and his eyes narrowed.

Both the warlock and the prince watched on in disgust as a sixth man strutted out of a gap in the Earth. It was an underground cave, a break in a stone gathering, that could go on to the core of the world. The place looking like it was staring at you, a black gaping void in its centre, so dark it looked as if it would go on forever.

He had two women, only just come of age – one was older then the other, with deep ginger hair, while the other was a soft blonde, yet, their eyes were almost identical chestnut, as if they were sisters – held by their hair. Half-dragging, half-pushing them into the clearing with his fellow companions.

There was a little girl, with the same eyes again, only matching brunette hair. She was a mere child; sobbing her heart out, her eyes red and puffy as she clung to the leg of the blonde haired woman. All three girls were druids.

He threw them at the ground, the ear-piercing sound of bone cracking broke the neatly made silence between the prince and his manservant as Arthur growled deep in his chest. It was a sound that, for once, showed the true warrior he was.

Merlin reacted instinctively, grabbing Arthur by his shoulders as the blonde-haired noble made to attack.

"Wait!" Merlin hissed, being rewarded by a murderous look from Arthur.

As the child's crying and the injured woman's agonized screams died down, it was replaced by a drunken man's dark taunts,

"Where's Daddy now, huh?" he said, walking with a slight stumble around the three victims, "Why hasn't he come to save you yet, huh? Have his three little babies been all forgotten?"

"Don't touch me!" screamed the fair haired sister as one of the men made to grab her. Hissing with laughter, he picked up the child roughly instead. She screamed louder than before, her eyes wide with fear.

"Shut her up! She's givin' me a head ache!" ordered scar-face. Without another word, the man holding the child grinned and replied,

"Well! If big sissy won't talk, maybe I'll find a way to get little sissy too! Come on! Tell me where Daddy's got too, and we might let you live!" he teased her, carrying her into the underground prison over his shoulder. Hopelessly, the child fought back, wanting freedom from the drunken man's hold.

"No! Clara! Stop!" shrieked the ginger sister as the other blonde haired adult cried,

"Don't! Please, have mercy!" They knew something Merlin and Arthur didn't. Feet hardly touching the ground, both the woman scrambled into the cave.

The leader grabbed the blonde woman by her throat, bringing her up to his level and smelling her hair in an almost sick way. He exhaled happily and brought her inside, followed by the rest of his men who didn't seem to know what was going on, nor did they seem to care. They were too busy drinking.

"Waited long enough now? Or do you want to come back in the morning?" the prince hissed at his manservant,

"Arthur…" Merlin began but the prince merely ignored him and crept from his hiding place, slowly descending into the cave. Merlin closed his eyes and sighed, sometimes Arthur could be so stubborn. Asks a question and doesn't even wait for an answer. And he wondered why Merlin called him a prat.

Arthur stopped just before entering and turned around, expecting Merlin to be at his tail, but the manservant hadn't moved. He cursed and whispered loudly,


The warlock looked up as his name was spoken. Arthur looked angrier than normal. Well, angry when he was with his father, or Morgana, he was usually calmer around Merlin, unless he was hungry. Arthur got very grouchy when he was hungry.

He also looked afraid. More nervous really, but fear still had its place in his eyes. There was also an apologetic look. Never would he admit he was sorry, but his eyes spoke for him. Merlin frowned at the prince.

"Coming!" he whispered in reply, slowly walking around the trees and down to the prince, trying his hardest not to trip over his own feet. Arthur shook his head at the warlock, looking at him in wonder. How Merlin managed to be the biggest idiot Arthur had ever met, yet the only person who had ever managed to change the prince was a wonder in itself.


The cave's outside was deceiving, as inside it was bigger then the halls of Camelot. Every soldier that served king Uther could fit in there with room to spare, yet, the walls twisted and turned at every corner, splitting off at the most unexpected angles, creating a maze.

One of the girls was in the hands of the leader, with him doing what he pleased to her, while the other men laughed and kept asking for her. The same man that held the little girl was now trying to keep her in his arms as she struggled, her cries piercing through everyone. Her red-head sister was cowering at his feet, begging for her sister.

Arthur looked at Merlin, nodded his head and before the warlock could speak; he jumped out of hiding and attacked.

Taking down two of the men, all of whom were clueless and too clumsy drunk to get weapons out, and they landed on the floor with heavy thuds. This gave the rest of the men time to react. Dropping the blonde woman and his flagon of ale that landed on the floor, scar-face stood drawing his sword.

Moving with precise skill, it was a matter of seconds before Arthur had thrown the man into the wall behind him. Scar-face buckled, his head flying forward and his weapon skidding to his right. The wall collapsed under him, sending a shudder through the cave.

The man with the little girl dropped her, and as she hit the ground, she fell silent. It was a deafening silence that echoed louder then any cry. The strangled sob that came from the blonde woman's throat, as she unsuccessfully tried to catch her, made Merlin's heart skip a beat.

Together, the last three men attacked Arthur at once. The battle was fierce; the sound of swords clanging filled the cavern.

Arthur disarmed the first one and forced his blade into the traitor's chest, watching as the man fell back, eyes bulged and mouth open in shock. The second man charged at the prince, his cry of anger and sorrow for the loss of his friend was clear like a bell, but this was man was heavy and slow. Arthur slit his throat before the man's blade could come down.

The third froze horror apparent on his face. Arthur was the greatest of all of Camelot's warriors, and when challenged, he would come through on top. The man caught himself, composing his face into a snarl and threw himself into the fight. He was more skilled then his companions.

Ducking below the thief's blade for not the first time, Arthur moved behind the last of the fighter's. As the man tried to turn around, he too was slow like his friends due to the ale, and Arthur kicked his back, sending the man flying forward, and hearing as his chin hit the ground with another blood-stirring crack.

Arthur straightening, his breath coming quick, and dabbed at the blood coming from his split lip with a grimace.

He turned to Merlin; Arthur found the young warlock was stood frozen. Merlin didn't know what to do. Sure, he had been in many a fight, but he was hardly a warrior. Each one of those men could have beaten him, despite being drunk. He swallowed and smiled weakly.

"Let me guess? You had my back" said Arthur through gasps and Merlin shrugged,

"Something like that" He replied. Merlin had only seen Arthur kill another man on very few occasions, and still it shook him to the soul to see the monster Arthur could be.

Arthur let his sword hang at his side, moving over to the bronze haired woman, and pulling her to her feet without a word,

"Run" he commanded quietly. She looked at him; her eyes were those of fear. Nodding quickly she shuffled to her sister's side, whom was knelt weeping over the body of her youngest sister, rocking herself gently. Putting a hand on her shoulder, she squeezed it gently to get her attention.

"Annie?" she whispered, as the blonde sister looked up. Upon doing this, the pale body of the little girl was visible, cradled in the injured woman's hand.

"She's alright…she's alright…I got her…I got her…" she muttered to her sister, lifting the child up to show the red haired girl, who shook her head, tears rolling down her face and stifling sobs.

"'Course she is. You got her. Come on Annie" she said and took the lifeless body of the child away from the scared woman.

That was when the other two of the thieves recovered from their fall and attacked Arthur by surprise from behind. Arthur was too slow to stop himself being thrown to the floor, but he wasn't too slow enough to stab his first attacker through the chest as he almost fell on top of Arthur.

Shrieking in fear, the bronze haired woman ran without another word out of the cave, the body of her sister still held to her chest. Arthur let the bottom of his blade hit his second opponent in the side of the head and made to follow her, turning around briefly to shout,

"Merlin!" and broke the warlock from his trance. He had been stood frozen, watching in fear as the prince was attacked. He should have reacted. He should have helped. He should have done something.

Blinking, he made to jump forward when something caught his eye. The blonde haired woman was still on the floor, resting on her knees, with her hands over her head. She was sobbing and rocking forward and back,

"Make it stop! Make it stop!" she cried to herself. Merlin doubled back, putting his hands on her shoulders, making her gasp and look up into his eyes.

"Quickly!" Merlin demanded, pulling the girl to her feet. She followed his command like a puppet, letting herself be pulled - by Merlin putting her arm around his neck - away to the mouth of the cave. Arthur had carried on the running and was around the corner. She was slow, due to the fact she was dragging one of her legs behind her.

"And where do you think your going Laddie!" cried scar-face, suddenly materializing from out of the shadows and grabbing Merlin by the scruff of his neck, dragging him back and pulling Merlin's grasp from the ginger girl away.

She fell to the ground with the loss of support. She turned, the same fear in her eyes,

"Emrys!" she cried, her voice so high it almost hurt his ears.

"Run!" Merlin shouted, struggling against the man's hold. She got to her feet, almost falling and limped away slowly before turning back, unsure,

"Go!" Merlin commanded again and faster then before, she ran.

Merlin felt two more pairs of arms struggle to grasp him and he was dragged back into the cave and thrown to the ground. His head colliding with the hard floor made red spots appear momentarily in his vision.

"What do we have here? Who are you then? Pendragon's servant? Certainly not a knight!" teased scar-face, wiping the blood from his forehead.

Merlin blinked away the spots, despite the pain that felt like his head had split in two, he made to stand up but fell back miserably.

"Oh, let me guess, you're his friend" bellowed another of the drunken man, who had blood trickling down the side of his face. Merlin thought Arthur had knocked both these men out. Apparently not.

The same vicious warrior whom had almost beaten Arthur, but who Arthur had thrown forward onto his face shook his head with a groan,

"That's going to hurt in the morning" he murmured as he turned around to reveal that Arthur had mauled his face, one of his eyes swelling so he couldn't see from it and blood smeared like mud across his pale skin.

Merlin too shook his head, feeling a little feeling restoring to his face. Getting on his feet, he swayed slightly,

"I lost three men because of your master! And I lost my guests! You better hope you die quickly!" cursed scar-face. Another of the men sneered,

"Can't I play with him first? I've be needing some practise on my archery"

Merlin scowled at all the men, straightening up and tensing,

"I really wouldn't if I were you" he said darkly, Merlin's tone surprising himself. The men howled with laughter and made a clumsy plod closer to the warlock,

"What you going to do, Merlin? That's your name isn't it?"

Merlin smiled without humour, his eyes closed and on the ground,

"You have no idea" he whispered. Laughing more, the man with the mangled face stretched out his hand to grab Merlin by the throat, but that was his biggest mistake.

Looking up, Merlin stared at the man. The murderer froze, fear and shock present in his eyes.

Feeling the warmth of his magic flowing from deep inside him, Merlin let the image of the men being crushed fill his mind. It was all he wanted. It was all he desired. And, just as he expected, his eyes glowed amber as the magic left him.

All three of the men were thrown through the air by an invisible force, their bodies smashing through several walls before they were dropped and crushed by falling rock. Each one of the men cried in shock. Each one of them had huge beady eyes, the fear of what Merlin had done searing through them, and the realisation of what was happening. They all had their worthless, blood-stained souls ripped from their bodies just like they deserved. The scum were finally punished.

Merlin stumbled back, his head falling forwards. He felt the energy that he used for his magic return to him and the warmth dispersed. He shook his head one last time and looked up to the sound of metal bouncing off the ground.

Arthur was standing a few feet in front of him, his eyes wide with shock. His sword was on the ground beside him. Shoulder's tensed, legs slightly shaking; he stared at Merlin, his expression unreadable. Merlin froze.

Arthur had seen.

Neither moved, just stood looking at each other, when it suddenly came to their attention that the cave was falling down around them. Both looking up at the same time, a huge piece of rock was about to collapse on Arthur.

Jumping forward, Merlin pushed Arthur, positioning himself under the rock. Without meaning to, he felt the magic in him flow, and as his eyes turned amber, the rock froze in mid-air before flying off to the side. But it didn't stop, Merlin stood there and every rock that almost hit them was flown out the way.

He'd never done anything like this before.

Arthur watched, shock rattling his system. This couldn't be true. Merlin wasn't a sorcerer. 'But what's this then, huh?' said a voice at the back of his head.

Merlin was a sorcerer. And a more powerful one then Arthur had ever seen the likes of. He didn't even need to use incarnations. No words.

When the cave stopped shuddering, Arthur watched Merlin's eyes turn back to their normal blue. Merlin inhaled deeply and quickly as if he'd been holding his breath, as he exhaled his chest fell further forward then it should.

Arthur stood, still frozen in shock looking at Merlin. There was a perfect circle around them where Merlin had protected them.

"Merlin?" Arthur finally said. The warlock looked up, his eyes were afraid.

Arthur had seen him. Arthur had seen him. Arthur had seen him. The words kept going around and around Merlin's head. Arthur had seen him! How many times had he wanted Arthur to know, but not like this! What would Arthur do? Merlin felt sick. His stomach was doing summersaults. He'd never done something as powerful as that before. It had drained him of energy.

Arthur knew it would happen before it did and made a step forward, his arms out.

"Merlin!" he exclaimed as the warlock's eyes rolled back into his head, and his legs gave way and he swayed and fell into the prince's arms. He was unconscious. Now Arthur was faced with a question he'd never dream he'd be faced with before. What was he going to do now he knew Merlin was a sorcerer?

A/N: Well done! You got through it!

So the plot's set, now we get past what I've told you in the summary XD

Review please x