Reviews for Trust
RedSkyLove chapter 15 . 4/20
Why would you do this to us?
merlin tardis chapter 10 . 11/14/2014
I loved the kissing scene I could see it
Guest chapter 5 . 4/7/2014
Good story so far, but I'm only reading because I looked at the end. :). I think the people are in character. Thanks!
Sakae Doragon chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
This story looked promising but I just feel Merlin isn't depicted right. He hesitates too much. While in your story he's frozen and Arthur did most of the fighting in the show he reacts even too instinctually, doing before thinking about it. Not to mention how in the end of the chapter he collapsed after doing magic described as powerful and the mention of how he had never done magic that powerful was made where I can think of plenty of times where he did, in fact, use magic as and even MORE powerful than this and he did not faint because of it. This deeply discourage me from the Merlin you are portraying so I don't think I will continue this story.
Loulou2a chapter 15 . 12/1/2013
This fic was so great.
I love the beginning when Arthur caught Merlin doing magic. I've never tought that he can tell to Uther but I was not mad at Arthur because I knows that Arthur always acts before thinking and after regrets what he did. So I knew that he would change his mind and save merlin.
The day of the excusion was difficult and poor merlin he suffered a lot but finally everything was fine and he and Arthur declared each other. It's so obvious that they are for each other that even Uther saw things.
The epilogue was good. We all know that Arthur must marry gwen but that he loves merlin and Gwen loves lancelot. So things are just like they have to be.
TheFifthCharmedOne chapter 15 . 10/16/2013
I really enjoyed this rapid rollercoaster of a story! Nicely done!

contest4jen chapter 15 . 8/17/2013
I was crying in the beginning, I couldn't bare for Merlin to die. Glad you saved him :) I was hoping for a happier ending though, but oh well.
grayember13 chapter 15 . 2/4/2013
This was so amazing and adorable and heart-wrenching! Thank you for a great read!
SkyWolf25 chapter 7 . 1/14/2013
This teared me up... :'(
SpangleyPony chapter 15 . 12/9/2012
Liked it. The epilogue was well thought out but for me they will always be brothers.
Journey Hates chapter 15 . 6/29/2012
One pet peeve. Its bear not bare! So many people use the freakin wrong one! Bare is like the tree was bare, the early frost had caused it to loose it's once emerald leaves too soon. You needed to use bear. As in, I couldnt bear the wieght of the silence any longer, I spoke, "Please dont leave." That is my only problem with this story, the WHOLE thing. other than that great job!
DF-chan chapter 15 . 3/7/2012
For CRYING OUT LOAD! That was amazing! *sob*

So full of emotions, actions, feelings, people and ARGH!

I just can't help it, I feel so frustrated and happy in the same moment! How could you so perfectly make up this, THIS? It's just so right - right about feelings, people, time, situation and - and THE END! It isn't just the end, it is The End. I can't write anything more. Too little vocabulary to describe my emotions (english isn't my language) and yet such a strong urge to write something - so i'll wright: THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME.
arwa chapter 9 . 2/14/2012
i love the emerald met sapphire thing. love it.
amber chapter 7 . 2/14/2012
a nice punch of emotion
dragoness simplicity chapter 3 . 1/27/2012
Chapter 4

his eyes wide and his hands chained behind me. - him

great story _
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