This is my first twilight fanfiction but not my first fic in general. Hope you like it.

Read before fic: I altered the events of new moon quite a lot. To have a better understanding of this story it is good to have read all of the books but it is not necessary. Some of the stuff is the same and some of it is different so its easier to just follow it after the first book.

Disclaimer- I don't own anything unfortunatly.


I watched from the top of a hill as the town below me continued to exist. Even though there had been so many technological advances, the town below me remained the same. A hundred years had passed but the town seemed to be trapped in time. The diner I had gone to with Charlie so many times was still up and running. The school was rebuilt but still consisted of a bunch of tiny buildings. I could even see my old house in the distance, now occupied by a new family.

My memories came back from the hidden depths I had thought been lost to me. I remember coming back to live with my dad all those years ago. I remember Jacob who had been one of my best friends and had helped me through my hardest time. Sadly, a group of people stood in my mind and only one face I could really see. Edward. At that time I remembered the Cullen's, and how the left.

My birthday. I remember it so clearly. Edward had come over to get me before going over to his house. One thing led to another and we were wrapped together in a lovers embrace. We were surprised at how well he maintained control and only destroyed my pillow. We came to the conclusion that it was because of how strongly he felt about me. Love. He had said that he loved me before I was ruined from any other man but him. He was my everything. He had always been. I saw their house in the distance and remembered my mistake. Opening a present I had cut my finger, causing Jasper to lose control and attack. Everything after that went all wrong.

A few days later I felt an unexpected bump in my stomach. We had been so caught up in everything that birth control never crossed our minds. So a vampire male could still impregnate a human female. I remember having an inner battle about how to tell him and when he drove over and asked to take a walk I thought that it would be the perfect opportunity. I couldn't have been more wrong. As soon as we entered the woods he stopped and told me he was leaving, his whole family was. I asked to accompany him but he rejected the idea quickly. I wasn't expecting what came next. He said that he had lied to me. That he only pretended to love me for unknown reasons. I started to cry. How could I have possibly told him that I was carrying his child when he didn't want me? I remember how he walked out of the woods that day, out of my life and of our child's.

The baby inside me grew at an abnormal rate, causing me to show much sooner then expected. I had made a promise but some promises were meant to be broken. I told Charlie everything, I needed help from family and I could trust him not to tell. I remember how furious he was and how he was going to kill Edward the first chance he could. Next, I told Jacob. I didn't feel as bad since he already knew of the Cullen's and vampires. Some nights I could hear Jacob and Charlie plan different ways to attack if the opportunity ever came.

Three months and the baby was pushing to come out. We determined the hospital would be the best because of how violent my contractions were. There ended up being no worry because she was born perfectly... human. It was weird how rapidly she grew inside me but grew normally as soon as she was out. My baby, Clara. She was the cutest thing and as soon as she opened her emerald eyes she had you wrapped around her little finger. Especially Jacob. Turns out that my daughter was his singer, his soul mate.

Two months after Clara was born I had gone out for a hike in the woods. Jacob had been extremely ill for a few days before so Charlie was stuck babysitting. I was wondering aimlessly when I came across the meadow, our meadow. I was sitting and basking in the rare sunlight when Laurent appeared and tried to kill me. He only got one bite before overly large wolves came out and chased after him. But unfortunately, one bite was all that was needed. I remember the pain that raked through my body and it felt like an eternity before it faded away. I remember hesitantly opening my eyes and I could see everything. I could see the spectrum of light coming through the window to the dust floating in the air. As my eyes scanned the room I realized where I was and found Jacob sitting beside me.

He told me what had happened. That Laurent bit me and then they chased him away. He explained that while he was sick he went through some kind of transformation. He was what we call a werewolf. He told me that normally I wouldn't be able to be on the reservation, but since they saw it happen and it was unwilling they made an exception.

Through Jacob's whole talk a burning sensation appeared in my throat. I was surprised that I hadn't attacked him but found it to be because he smelled disgusting. When I told him he laughed and told me the same as he led me out into the woods. There, I had my first meal as a vampire.

I had called Charlie a little while later to make sure everything was okay. There was no need to explain about what happened because he was already informed. After a week we decided to see how well I was with humans. A girl named Emily gladly volunteered and I surprisingly passed with flying colors. I found the scent of humans captivating but not in an appetizing way. The thought of drinking human blood then wasn't all that repulsing but it wasn't a need most vampires craved.

As we watched Clara grow up, I noticed how hard it was for Jacob to not be able to have her. I decided to leave Forks with her and periodically visited until the day Charlie died. That was the day I told Jacob that I wasn't going to be back for a long time. He understood and we promised to keep in touch during the following years.

As the years went Clara started to show talents that resembled her father. We discovered that when she touched people she could show them what she was thinking. She took quick interest in the piano and by the age of twelve she was composing her own music. I noticed that the older she got, the more the taste of blood grew on her. She acquired a taste for it one day when she fell down and cut her finger. She started sucking on it and found it good. On her eighteenth birthday I gave her a choice. I told her if she wanted, I would convert her. I told her of the pain that she would endure but told her that I found it worth it. She pounced on the idea but quickly started questioning it when the thought of Jacob approached her mind. I told her that if he really loved her then he would let her do this if she really wanted to. He of course went along with it considering he was aging very slowly, wanting the extra time to spend with her when I finally decided to bring her back.

I was proud of her decision. She decided against it, figuring that if she ever wanted to have a family of her own that it would be impossible if she fully turned. It worked out well on her part because after a few years we figured out that she wasn't aging. That her body stopped growing when she turned eighteen. Now I had an eternity with my daughter and she didn't have to change any part of her.

Her powers seemed to evolve the more she used them and the older she became. Now she could insert thoughts into heads without physical touch, she could also see through another's eyes and alter what they see if she pleased. It was extraordinary. She was extraordinary. I looked at the woman beside me and realized that over the years we had become more like friends then mother daughter. She looked so much like me that we posed as sisters when we would enroll in school. I still felt overly motherly at times and I had no idea how I was going to let her go.

"Izzy, you're starting to scare me. You're looking at me like you want to throw me over your shoulder and head for the hills."

I glared at her. "First off, my name is not Izzy. Secondly, I just don't like the idea how my little girl has grown up and about to start a new life."

Her eyes narrowed annoyingly. "I've been grown up now for over eighty years, you would think that it would be enough time for you to consider the fact. Plus I'll finally get a chance with Jacob. I'm sure you'll find a man for yourself soon too."

I smiled at her effort and tried to think positive. Maybe I would find the love of my life in the place of my past. I starred at the night sky and wished upon a falling star that it could happen.

"So where is our new home now?" Clara asked, searching our surroundings. I pointed to the woods at the log cabin with smoke coming out of the chimney.

"Seth and Jake moved everything in and it's all set up. Now all we have to do is last minute touches, go to school tomorrow and then we will be official citizens of Forks."

Clara turned her head towards me with a mischievous grin. "Race you." Was all she said before zooming off. As I followed after her I thought about the new beginning and what it might bring. This place had once held the stories of vampires and werewolves, but would it now bring tales of love? For once, I was determined to make the best out of this and follow our newest adventure.

I hope that you liked it. Ideas and comments are always welcomed. Please review!