Reviews for Love Never Lost
Morrigan Fiachra chapter 6 . 11/12/2011
Heyy, darlin'! I think it is just about time to dig this story out of the box again :) I miss getting new updates on it, just like I miss you! But always, school comes first, so don't dig it out if you are overwhelmed with the work for home. :) you should talk to me soon haha 3
Mik N'jirnav chapter 6 . 12/6/2010
Great story. It's been over a year since you updated... It would be nice if you finished the story. I was very interested to see what happens next.
Lunjul chapter 6 . 1/30/2010
Edward is a dog for doing what he did to Bella. He needs to feel the pain like Bella did. I love the two of them together but he did move on so this shows that Bella cared for him more then he cared for her. Make him grovel big time.
Janar chapter 6 . 11/11/2009
Awesome! And Clara is getting married? Wow! I love this story! Can't wait to read more. And btw, I totally understand the busy-ness.
chalet chapter 6 . 11/9/2009
I LOVE THIS STORY! It held my attention the whole way through! I could not stop reading until there was no more to read! Im anxiously awaiting for an update! I cant wait to find out what happens! Keep up the awesome work!
CreateAction chapter 6 . 11/8/2009

I just read all the chapters.

I like this story!

Update it when you can.

1dreamkeeper chapter 6 . 11/7/2009
wow . love it. cant wait for more
1dreamkeeper chapter 5 . 11/3/2009
you so need to do a epov. great job
Elena chapter 4 . 8/4/2009
I love love love this story! ive been waiting for your update forever and you did not dissapoint:) i can't wait for your next chapter!
Janar chapter 4 . 8/3/2009
Very enticing. I love it! I just wish I could keep reading, without waiting. Hurry up with the next chapter. I love your idea and the char.
MewMewKachu chapter 3 . 7/10/2009
Flying Pie.


Update soon; I must hear more!
Janar chapter 3 . 6/5/2009
Yay! I'm so glad you finally were able to write again. I really like this fanfic because it is like the actual books, just changed in a way. I really like it. Can't wait for the next chapter. Hopefully you will be able to get on again soon.
Red Reaper88 chapter 3 . 6/4/2009
love it so far, update soon
purpleknitter chapter 2 . 5/25/2009
I enjoyed reading this, and I can't wait to see where you take this story!
TheBitchisBackk2 chapter 2 . 4/20/2009
OMG! Are Edward and Tanya together?
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