"End: Termination of existence; A cause of death, destruction, and ruin; to bring to a conclusion." ~Dictionary

The world is burning.

Ash falls from the sky like snow, dusting everything in a fine black layer of destruction. Buildings burn, fires dot the entire city, and beyond it the world. The sky is a hazy red, filled with black smoke, reflecting the fires. The moon glows, a blood-drenched glowing disk seen through the haze, low on the horizon. In the distance a black smudge, blending with the smoke, circles. Every once in a while it shoots a mass of fire at some unseen object. Something that has yet to fall. Crumbling skeletons of what were once buildings stand erect, yet hunched, miserable, as though mourning the end of the world.

I stand upon the tallest building in what was once Domino. The city's legacy, its world famous gaming headquarters…now an empty ghost of its primer glory. I stand atop it and gaze around at the beauty of what I've created. This is my new world.

And it is beautiful.

There's something captivating about watching something come to its end, whether it be a perfectly thought out plan reaching its conclusion, a dwindling mortal life blown out like a wavering candle...Or even the end of the world.

Everything is still…silent… All screaming has long since faded. An entire city, quietly and submissively awaiting its final death. I smile in satisfaction.

A quickly fading memory sits at my feet, his arms wrapped tightly around himself. I can feel his terror, his misery. Like the forgotten buildings, the memory mourns the loss of this world. Silent tears streak down his face, all but invisible as he drifts farther and farther from reality. He cries because everything he knows is gone. He cries because this was never what he wanted. And perhaps he cries because he sees this new world through my eyes, and he finds it beautiful as well.

And it burns and burns and burns.

Flames—bright orange like an Egyptian sunset, red like fresh blood—lick the ground; scour decrepit buildings, devouring everything they can get their white-hot, ever-hungry fingers on. Beautiful.

This. This end is what I have waited hundreds of years, millennia, for. I've imagined it a million times over in my mind, drawing it out, planning (and planning and planning, until the perfect plan was set), visualizing, but for all of my fantasies, they pale in comparison to this reality. My dying world.

My one, single regret is that it took me so long to bring about this fate. I've waited so long to see this sight…but it may be worth it. After all, anticipation makes the prize that much sweeter. And if it had been sooner then I wouldn't be able to witness my triumph with the lesser half of my soul. It would've been a shame if he had to miss such beauty at its finest.

He buries his head in his hands at my feet, not able to look upon the city any longer. His shoulders shake. I ignore him. Even as a part of me, he is still just another part of this dimension, and like it he will soon die as well. My Hikari, beautiful in his own way, will die with this world. And it will fade, and fade, and fade, till the sun is extinguished, till life is gone, and the fires finally die and the world falls and everything will be black. Everything dies in the end.

But now the world is burning. It burns and burns and burns, and no matter how you look at it, the end is beautiful.

This is super short, I wrote it on a whim at 5:00 in the morning. It only took me like...30 minutes? Anyways.

PLEASE REVIEW!!!!! (Flames will be used to aid in the end of the world, hehe)