Reviews for End
looptheloopy chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
Woah... Bakura succeeded. Wow. Poor Ryou though, why is he sitting at Bakura's feet? XD Has he lost all dignity or something? LOL sorry, I was watching The Abridged Series earlier, and I was reminded of Joey's weird dream with Kaiba XD
Affy-Bakura chapter 1 . 6/23/2010
This describes Kura's thought on this so well!

Fire is quite beautiful.

I like how Ryou is there.
scorpioryo chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
bakura's character really came to life in this story. bravo!
Vladimir the Hamster chapter 1 . 8/1/2009
Humans have such fascination for destruction, no? Indulge me for a moment when I say, let's say Ryou and Bakura together represent humankind... one part despairs at the loss, the other holds morbid fascination and even pleasure at death. And you've described the darker side beautifully.
Jenivi7 chapter 1 . 6/11/2009
That was absolutely gorgeous. Love the poetry in the writing and how Bakura is so very, very in character. Even the inclusion of Ryou was perfect. That was just so what I needed right now. Is it wrong to call such a dark story refreshing?
buffy6490 chapter 1 . 5/29/2009
wow. i just have to say that for all your work. i loved the first person perspective here. and how ryou can't help but find the end beautiful as well. very darkly poetic, i love it! true to the characters as well. great job!
Niilan chapter 1 . 5/14/2009
Wow... that's sad. The last line was a fitting, yet still very sad, ending.
Saria Athen chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
O, I like it.
Atomic Lightbulb chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
Good god, that was amazing. I don't like reading first person for fanfics. Most writers can't even get Ryou to sound good in first person but you just blew my mind. To bits. Shattered it. You wrote Yami no Bakura, who has to be one of the most complex characters in the entire show in first person and nailed it. I can't even begin to describe how much I love this. I'm jealous, I'm blown away I would author fav you again but I can't. I just I'm not cohernent. This is especially just vivid because earlier today I was watching old news clips on the twin towers falling. Okay, I think I can explain my feelings for this fic now.

Always a Bookworm chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
Woah, is pretty much what my reaction to this was. I mean... Wow. This is really really great stuff, BGA! It was completely chilling- I was actually scared whilst reading- and so so so SO creepy.

You captured Yami B's perspective perfectly. I mean, it was a joy to read. The way you wrote about his love for the end, and its beauty. The repeated word 'burns' really stood out to me. I could picture him standing above the flaming ruins and just laughing, and drinking in the sight which he actually thinks is beautiful. Everything burning, and accompanied by nothing but the dead... *Shivers* Totally insane!

Ryou was also done very well. I liked how you implied that he too was really quite disturbed, when you mentioned how he thought it was beautiful too. That was powerful. The description of Ryou huddled up and weeping in total despair broke my heart. It really did. Haunting language, so beautiful as well.

In short, this was incredible. I am really impressed- although I don't normally like fics that end in complete despair, this one was worth it becuase it just stood out. Creepy, haunting, powerful... I'm not gonna forget this fic in a hurry, that's for certain!

Well done!

millenniumthief chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
I can't explain why, but this brought me to tears. Perhaps it was knowing how empty Bakura must be now, or that everything that once stood is destroyed...It's haunting.

And yet, at the same time, the way you describe it -is- beautiful. Yami Bakura finally his revenge...and the world up in flames.

This was so powerful. What a brilliant story! I can't do it justice in my review, but it was truly amazing.
Detonare chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
I loved it :D

I think it is awesome that you can write this in 30 minutes at 05.00 in the morning !

I.. love the beginning with the dictionary.. Like a quote. And I like the image of Bakura standing at the top of a building, looking at his work.. :D

Awesome Job :D

~ Detonate ~
Journey Maker chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
WOW! This story is so intense. I loved reading it.