Disclaimer: Do not own. Only own the idea. Stupid copyright laws. But I love King's works too much ever even want to steal his pieces.

(Author note: I've been on the road since 9:00a.m. and in the process of draining a bottle of Vault and moving on to my second one. I am bored out of my mind. This is the product of my insanity/boredom.)

This is the worst vacation ever. For some reason, my parents had decided that coming to this town was a good idea. Come on, who would come to a place called Derry in the first place? Mom and Dad had gone to check out some stores that I had commented on being boring, so they told me to take a walk and when they were done they'd call. That had been about half an hour ago.

I took my time walking along the side of the street, careful to stay away from the storm sewers. Step in one of those and you could break an ankle or something. Lazily I looked down the little opening and nearly screamed. A clown was looking up at me and smiling. Good God in heaven I hate clowns. Circus, birthday party or any get together at all I had always tried to trip up the clowns. They were just too creepy for words.

"Hello girlie, would you like a balloon?" He said and I saw a red balloon float into view next to his head. "Up yours, freak." I began to walk away but at the next sewer opening there he was, this time holding some cotton candy. "Would you like this instead?" He held it out towards me, but I glared at him and kept walking. "What kind of sicko hangs out in the sewer? Stay away from me ya creep!"

And for a while it seemed that the strange guy had listened to me. I went on undisturbed for about fifteen minutes or so until I saw the clown man standing on the side of the road and smiling like he was enjoying some kind of joke only he knew about. "Hello again girlie! Did ya miss me?"

I flipped him the bird and continued walking, but now the clown was following me. I walked stiffly for a few more feet till I bolted towards the main part of town and where my parents were. "Come on, girlie! Let play! Anyone up for a game of hide-and-go-KILL? That's when I screamed. The people I passed just gave me strange looks, like I was the one that was crazy. There is a guy in a clown suit chasing me down the street talking about murdering me and I'm the strange one.

I tore into the small shop my parents were in and I tackled my mom in a hug. "MOM, help me! There's this crazy guy that's chasing me and-and he's trying to kill me!" I said hysterically, but they didn't seem all that concerned about the weirdo as much as they were glancing from me to each other. "Honey, I know you're scared, but who is trying to kill you?" Who the hell else?! I turned to point him out, but he wasn't behind me anymore. Where'd he go?

"Mom, I swear, there was this freak dressed as a clown. He was trying to get me to take stuff from him and then he started to follow me!" My dad began to rub my back and was looking at me like I was some little kid that had just been frightened by their shadow. "Baby, there's no one there, its okay now. I'm sure if there was anyone following you that you lost them. No one is going to hurt you now." After I stopped hyperventilating, my parents decided not to let me go back out for a walk, just in case I freaked out again.

I was starting to become more comfortable in the shop until I looked over at the men's section. There, standing next to a rack full of men's dress shirts, was the clown. He gave me a wicked grin, and I saw rows of teeth that would've looked at home in a shark's mouth. He brought his index finger to his lips and shushed me, never loosing that evil smile. And the odd part was that the people around him didn't seem to be fazed by his presence at all. Almost as if they couldn't see him. He mouthed out some words, but his voice came clear in my head. "The game has begun. But just remember, I WILL FIND YOU!" And with that he was gone.

May or may not do a second piece for this. Depend on what you think. Please tell me if you'd like me to continue this or let you make up your own ending. Does she get away or will IT win the game?