Title: Make Me Want to Give into You

Author: November Leaving

Rating: I hate rating these things but I would say heavy T/light M.

Disclaimer: I claim not rights to "Boy Meets World" but I do own this plot particular story.

A/N: I recently rediscovered Boy Meets World which was always a top 5 favorite show of all time. I was the hugest fan when it originally came out. I saw every episode on TGIF. By then end of the series, though glad Shawn had a wonderful relationship with Angela, I just knew Shawn belonged with Cory and vice versa. So, I've decided to come back to writing (stretch a bit before getting into unfinished projects) with this. This will be a story – just hope that I can finish even though I have every intention to do so – so don't let this chappie fool you. I will be using a lot from the series but just not in chronological order. Enjoy!

PS ~ Not proofread.


Gently did the night settle.

Softly did the wind blow.

Delicately did Shawn's green velvet dress brush against his thigh as he climbed the stairs, following behind Cory.

The fabric swirled around him in the most delightful of ways. "Dresses are not that bad." muttered Shawn.

It was close to midnight. The Matthews' household was silent as everyone was asleep. That is to say everyone but the two teen boys who crept up the back staircase.

"Easy for you to say. This polyester thing itches." Corry had long since abandoned the curly brunette wig and was itching to get out of his costume of sorts. "If this doesn't win me the Noble Prize, I think I'll stage a strike." They had reached his room without detection.

"Not that again. Did you learn nothing in seventh grade?" Shawn entered Cory and Eric's room, flipping the light switch on.

"Apparently not." Cory kicked his shoes off before rummaging in his closet for a plain white tee and flannel pajama bottoms. "I'm going to change. Hosiery…no wonder girls are always so grouchy and mysterious." His voice trailed once he shut his bathroom door close.

Shawn smiled to himself. Here he was – dressed up like a girl for his best friend so that he would be able to publish an article worth the time of the student body of John Adams High. He took a seat on the edge of Cory's bed, still dressed in drag. Shawn enjoyed his time as Veronica. It was appealing to have guys chase him ( the "girl") as opposed to him doing the chasing. Hiding beneath make-up, clothes, and high heels allowed Shawn to hear and see how people truly viewed him. His favorite person for him to watch watching him was Cory Matthews.

The first day of "Veronica's" outing, Cory was quick to jump on carrying her books, open doors for her, and ogle over her. He said it was bait to get the guys jumping. Shawn, though not the smartest when it came to books, was smart enough to know body language and emotions and Cory. He understood what those sheepish grins meant. He knew what the brushes of shoulder against shoulder yearned for and desired. He liked what he did to his best friend.

Cory emerged for his bathroom. "Think I could have that interview now while it's still fresh for you?" His eyes stayed to the floor as he shoved the Chubbie's waitress uniform deep into his closet.

"Sure. Can I stay over?"

"After that date you just had – of course! Besides, Eric is out with Jason and his family. They're in Pittsburgh for the weekend." Cory slipped between Shawn's crossed legs and Eric's desk to get to his own. Turning the computer on, the curly haired boy occupied his hands as he snapped a rubber band.

"You alright, Cor?" Shawn said, licking his lips. He had known Cory since he was six years old and he newly seven. He had been with him through all the trials of puberty. He had wanted to tease for years.

"Sure. Why not?"

Shawn simple shrugged as he casually leaned back. The skirt of the dress hiked up his thigh as the shoulder slipped minutely. Even has a girl, Shawn knew how to entice. His breathing slowed. His lips remained slightly parted. After much practice in the mirror, Shawn knew how to pucker his luscious lips just the right way.

Watching Cory squirm shouldn't have been so deliciously evil. Cor was, after all, his best friend. But he had held back for years. Wasn't puberty the time to experiment after all? College was too far away for him to try.

"It's just…well…y-you're still dressed like her – that."

"And? You had a thing for her anyway so who cares if I'm dressed like this now?" He pulled his pumps off. Legs still crossed, Shawn leaned over, perched his elbows atop his knees. "Do you have a problem?"

"No," Cory swallowed thickly.

"Then, it's okay if I say that I know you have a crush on Veronica. I don't mind."

Just then Cory slipped off his chair, quickly stumbling to his feet. "What do you mean?"

Again, Shawn shrugged. He turned his attention to his fake nails. He popped them off nonchalantly. "If you don't want to say, that's fine. I like the attention you gave me."


"Really." It was true. To have someone show him respect and care without the expectation of spending the evening with the infamous Shawn Hunter and his talents was refreshing. It was more than refreshing; it was beautiful.

Shawn stood up. He glided over to his best friend. With each step he took to get closer, Cory took a step to get away.

"Do you always act like this around girls? No wonder you and Topanga have gotten nowhere fast." Shawn tossed his artificially long locks over his shoulder. "You know, you never thanked me for going through all this."

"Oh. Thanks."

Shawn giggled seductively as Cory tittered nervously. "You are very welcome. Why are you so nervous?"

Cory was pressed again the window seat. He dropped down onto it. "I'm not nervous. Do I look nervous? Because I'm not. I'm cool. I'm cooler than cool. I'm frozen. I'm frozenly calm. Yup."

"Oh." Shawn pressed his stocking-covered knees against Cory's. "That's good. It's just me. Shawn. You don't have to be nervous around me."

Cory bowed his head. "Yes I do."


"You're right." Cory sighed. He knitted his fingers together before he placed them at the crown of his head. It was as if he were trying to curl into himself so much that he no longer existed. "I do have a crush but not on Veronica. I like you, Shawn."

Though he had known for a while - though he always suspected…it was still a shock. It still rang in his head.

Shawn stroked Cory's cheek. He traced the outline of his face. He placed his fingers under his chin, lifting it towards him. He smiled the best and brightest and the most sincere smile he could muster.

"I like you too, Cory. I like you a lot."

Grasping Cory's sweaty palms, Shawn tugged, silently begging for him to get up. Once on his feet, Cory stared nervously into Shawn deep blues. Warmth and anticipation spread across his chest as Shawn closed the minute gap between them. Shawn took his hands, placing them at the small of his back. Shawn watched him, waiting for disapproval.

Cory could give him none.

Shawn slid Cory's hands down to his rounded butt. Again, he waited. He did not want to scare him off. Suddenly, Cory crashed his lips into Shawn's making sure not to bump into his or his own teeth. The kiss was heated though closed mouth. Shawn steadied himself, gripping Cory's shirt with all his life.

"I can't do this."

The wind rushed out of Shawn. Not now. Not like this. "I don't…"

"I don't like Veronica." He pushed the wig off. His thumb removed what was left of Shawn's lip gloss. He removed the false eyelash with the utmost care.

Cory stared into Shawn's eyes, hoping to match the intensity he saw in them. "That's better."

As the two boys pressed eager lips together, Cory slid his hand up Shawn's thigh, under the skirt to scratch at his best friend's back. The dress was hiked up as high as it could go making Cory angry. He wrapped his arm tight around Shawn, pressing the two together as if they could meld into one.

"Off now." He demanded.

Shawn nodded, lips fully plump as he licked them. Never had he seen Cory so unreserved, hungry, feral, and down right hot as fuck. He yanked the fabric off, tugged the bra off, leaving him only in his underwear. "Fuck, Cory. What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know. And I don't care."

Shawn grinned. "Good." He proceeded to pull Cory's shirt up and over his head.

Cory groaned as the chilled air hit his chest. He moaned as Shawn began licking his tongue up his neck. Deftly, his tongue swirled and enticed as his teeth scraped and nipped. Soon, Cory's hand had ventured down his back and into his underwear, squeezing his butt.

Cory moaned. Shawn sighed.

Shawn moved on to Cory's ear. His tongue whispered over the curve, slid down it and into his ear. The skin was hot as he barely touched it. Cory instantly thrusted. Their cocks bumped, rubbed and their bodies sparked.

"Fuck," he breathed into the other's ear. "This is enough." Shawn stared into Cory's intense brown eyes. "Get on the fucking bed."

Cory didn't hesitate as he rushed over.

"Lay down." Shaw commanded. He cock was straining against the boxer briefs he had borrowed from Cory. Girl's underwear belonged on the floor, not on him. He walked over to his best friend. He hoped he would soon become more than that.

He traced the waistband of Cory's pajama bottoms. Then, he hooked a finger under the waist, including the underwear. With one expert move, both were down around Cory's ankles which were then unceremoniously kicked off. Seeing, Cory erection tall and hard drove Shawn. He climbed and straddled. He sucked his thumb, watching Cory watch him in anticipation. Sliding his left hand into his own boxer briefs, Shawn traced the head of Cory's cock. His finger circled the erection with gentle pressure.

The pleasure that washed over Cory spurned Shawn to it wrapped around his own prick. With each thrust upwards from Cory, Shawn jerked himself. Soon he had established a rhythm between his own ministrations and jacking Cory off.

"Shawn, I'm gonna soon."

"Wait." He swung his left leg over. Sliding the black fabric over his own erection sent chills through his system. "Do you trust me?"

"With all my heart."

That loyalty spread through his limbs then chest. Getting back on top, Shawn leaned down. Their lips meet in the chastest kiss Shawn had ever experienced.

It was the best ever.

Hot skin was slick with sweat. Cory's arms snaked around Shawn's torso. Shawn's fingers snaked through curls. Their hips ground together, causing much friction. Kisses became more urgent and filled with fervor. Release was bounding towards them.

Shawn took Cory in his hands again. He stroked and kneaded and went faster then slower and did whatever Cory moaned.

Cory's body began to tense and Shawn knew what that meant.

"Shawn. Oh crap. Shawn, I love you." He hand shot towards Shawn's cock. His hands were a bit clumsy but once his let go of all inhibitions, Shawn was soon to climax.

Cory and Shawn continued to please and tease each other. The passion climbed faster and faster. And then it spawned into an orgasm. Cory came first and Shawn followed suit.

Cool air settled against Shawn's back as he lay down on top of Cory. The mess between them didn't bother him in the least. Cory's fingers traced the curve of his spine.

"Did you mean what you said, Cor?"


Shawn chuckled. He pushed himself up and off the other young man. "Got a towel or something?"

"I have a towel stuffed under the mattress." He rolled over and yanked it out. He wiped himself off and handed it to Shawn.

Once he was cleaned off, Shawn looked up at Cory. "Do you really love me?"

"Always have."

"I mean…you know. Like love love."

"Always have." His boyish grin stood proud on his face.

"Good. I love you too."