Reviews for Make Me Want to Give Into You
seobii chapter 2 . 8/28/2013
i really wish you could continue this
TidusGT chapter 2 . 3/6/2011
it was very you make another chapter
wuteva4eva456 chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
Strange characterization of Cory. He's always loved Topanga, and for Cory to say she doesn't matter to him is ridiculous. I could see Shawn saying that about Angela, although he legitimately cares about her, but Cory? No.

Other than that, I do like the story. Cory/Shawn slash grows on me the more I read it. Please update soon!
oncethrown chapter 2 . 7/21/2009
I like this continuation of the first chapter- Shawn's life going in a different direction than Cory's, Shawn's life going into his writing was well done- especially because of the changes that it brings up- his schooling, his future. i also liked that he couldn't tell Cory about it but He was able to talk to Angela about it- the concrit I would offer it that sexually-aggressive-in-drag-Shawn is a really sharp split from worried-about-the-consequences-Shawn and I'm not totally sure that was explained. I like Cory's characterization in this- jealous of Shawn, not willing to part from his nice familiar cocoa. I like the physicality between them... but I wish that I'd seen a little more of the awkwardness and hurt between them in the coffee place. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
xxignoredxx chapter 1 . 7/19/2009
Very good
